Jun, 114th of July DIY Goodies
The 4th of July is just around the corner and we have decided to though a little shindig at our house this year. Our back yard faces one of the open spaces where they let off the fireworks each year, and it’s less than a 1/4 mile away. Plus, we have an open greenbelt behind out house for everyone to lay on blankets and watch the festivities without the big crowds. It’s perfect! Now that all of the wedding stuff is finished (for my pal Jessica) and I’m back from Puerto Rico, I have time to sit down and get inspired. I’ve found so many great DIY ideas for the big day, and I just had to share them with you. Enjoy…
{twig and thistle} I love the idea of providing each guest with a sparkler set to celebrate the big day! It’s simple and fun.
{the sweetest occasion} These straw tags are simply adorable!
{martha stewart} How easy and perfect are these little firework decorations! These are a must.
{kinser event company} One word: Pinwheels!
{twig and thistle} What the…!!! Genius! These would be a great treat and easy to eat.
{my recipes & southern living} blueberry ice cubes and berry splash juice.
Eeeeee… I hope you are as inspired as I am to throw your own little party to celebrate our nations freedom and liberty!
Jun, 11Robblins
My Robblins Series is officially for sale in the shop! Each 5 in. x 5 in. acrylic on canvas piece is hand-painted by me and they are all my original designs. I started doodling these little fellas all over the place and then when a friend invited me to hang in one of his art shows earlier this year, I figured that was the perfect opportunity to showcase these. Now, you can have them too!
Jun, 11to live a creative life…
Isn’t this so true?! I find myself struggling with this sometimes, because I want things to be as close to perfect as possible. But, sometimes great thinks come from imperfection. I totally need a print of this to hang it in my creative space. It will help keep me on track. Here are a few other inspiring quotes from Joseph C. Pearce. What a creative mind he has. I also have to give mad props to the graphic designer, Amanda Cherie for her design, too!
Jun, 11It’s Friday!!
Geez, I’m so happy that it’s finally Friday! This week has been looooooonnnggg. Saturday will be jam-packed full of bridal shower things and lingerie shenanigans for my friend’s wedding and then Sunday will be spent wakeboarding at the lake! Yay!
The Smile Booth Props are all made and ready to go, so I’ll show you those soon. I’m so excited and can’t wait to share everything. I’m even more excited because the Mr. said the props were “cute!” This is huge, he does not throw that word around lightly. (smile)
Anyhoo, sorry for the short post, but I have a few other things to tend to before Saturday. Have a lovely day!
Jun, 11smile booth prep
So, this weekend is my friend’s Bridal Shower, and we have been planning it for over a month now! It’s getting down to the wire and I’m wrapping up the Smile Booth. I can’t share what I’ve made yet, I don’t want Jessica to see the finished product before her big party, but here are a few things from smilebooth.com that inspired me. I’m not making anything like these, but I also thought it would be great to give a shout out to the smilebooth.com!
Jun, 11{humpday tutorial} dress re-vamp
I love a good bargain, but sometimes it can get me into trouble. I bought this cute little summer dress from Target for $3, and didn’t try it on before the purchase. I knew better, but did it anyway. When I got home and tried it on, it fit great everywhere, but in the shoulders. I’ve never had this problem before, so I chalked it up to a manufacturing error (smile). After debating on whether or not to donate it, I decided to try and fix it. Glad I did too! Below is a mini tutorial on how I fixed my mini problem. Maybe it will help you if you find yourself in a similar situation.
Tools: Scrap fabric, thread, sewing machine, scissors, and a straight-edge.
Measure the thickness of your straps and add about 1/2 in. sewing allowance and cut your strap pieces.
Fold your fabric strip in half (wrong side out), and sew along the open edge. Repeat for both straps.
Then flip each strip right-side out. You may have to use tweezers or a safety pin to help, depending on the thickness of your strap.
Cut as close to the sewn joint on each side as possible. Toss the little scrap.
Now you’re ready to sew all of your pieces together. Be sure to sew the seem-side down (where it will be hidden). Sew each end to the ends on your cut strap and repeat on the other side.
Your finished piece should look something like this! Yay!
Thanks for stopping by!
May, 11{studio sunday} with Jenni Medina
Happy Sunday! Today we will be peeking into Jenni Medina’s studio space and I’m super excited! Read on because she has a great plan for a new studio space, too. But first, let’s meet her:
1. Who are you and what do you create?
Hi everyone! My name is Jenni. I am going to be the big 30 this year and I feel this is my best crafting time ever! I have so many ideas I impress my self. For the past 20 years I have lived in Orange County California, living with my husband Jerry for the past two years in a condo that I never want to move out of. We have an awesome daughter and two dogs, Gizmo and Juicy. Yes, two more things I am obsessed with OWLS and I heartyou on instagram.
2. Where is your studio located? (in your home or somewhere else?)
My studio is in my condo. We have a three-bedroom place. My space is shared with my Natalie. She is a busy girl finishing up her last few months of high school and we don’t see her much so I take over her room while she is away. I think this might be news to her as she reads this, love you Natalie. While Natalie and I share a room my husband has a room full of sports memorabilia’s right next door all to himself. But as he would say my studio has barfed all though the house.
3. How long have you had your current studio space?
I have had this location for the 2 years. Natalie might be living here full time with us for college and that would mean I’ve got to pack up my studio and find a new location. Keep reading I have plans for this move!
4. What is your favorite part of your studio?
I don’t have one single favorite part in my studio. Everything is my favorite in a different way. I love my sewing machine. I love my shelf where I display all my projects on. I love my vintage sewing case that holds on my notions. Can you see I love a lot of stuff?
5. Approximately how many hours per day do you spend in your studio?
Gosh, Sometimes hours go by before I realize that I haven’t left the room. It’s my happy place where all my worries seem to disappear.
6. Do you have any future plans for your studio space? (i.e. revamp, new location, etc.)
Yes, I always have plans. In my bedroom there is a loft. You get to the loft though the walk-in closet. You pull the stairs down and you walk up to the loft. As of right now there is a lot of junk up there. Some day soon I would like to change that space to my studio, making it my own place to get away and just craft.
7. Is there anything else that you’d like to share?
Yes, I would love to share that I my self just started a blog; this sweet blog is just to show off all my projects. http://jenni-medina.blogspot.com.
Thank you Jenni for letting us peek into your space and I’m so excited to hear if you do end up transforming your loft space into your new studio space!! That would be amazing and quite the little get away (smile). If you do make the switch, please let me know so I can do another post! Also, congrats on your Blog! Have a great rest of your Sunday and I’m off to go see The Hangover Part II…hahahahaha.
May, 11sweet changes for Chickiedee…
So, due to a large number of requests, I’m taking Chickiedee to the next level. It will no longer be Chickiedee | Modern Apparel for Babies. It will soon be Chickiedee | Handmade. I have so many wonderful new products that I’m creating to add to the shop, so stay tuned. Many of them are headbands and other accessories that I just know you’ll love.
Don’t worry though, I’ll still have all of your favorite baby gear… that’s not going away. The new products will be in the shop this summer. Thank you so much for your continued support, I really couldn’t do it without you!!
May, 11{studio sunday} Alexz of Bird Trouble
I’m so excited for today’s {studio sunday} feature!! I’d like you to meet Alexz from Bird Trouble. Today we get to peek into her fabulous studio space and learn a bit more about her. So, read on…
Where did Bird Trouble come from?
The word Bird Trouble came to me from one of my favorite songs in high school from a British band. The word bird is a British slang for girl but after doing a little more research, I learned that it meant ‘Sweetheart’ more than just an ordinary girl. Combining that with trouble just reminded me so much of myself, haha. I feel that my personality and my products give a little “trouble” but still remain sweet. Not that I’m trouble! Well…… that’s not true… haha!
1. Who are you and what do you create?
Hello friends and friends to be! I’m Alexz. I’m 24 years old and I live in a very full apartment in Chicago, Illinois. I’m obsessed with squirrels and I need to be creative 95% of my daily time. That being said, I am the lady behind Bird Trouble handmade shop and blog. I create [mostly one of kind] shoulder bags and accessories out of fabric and leather goods [new material and vintage materials] with my sturdy vintage Kenmore sewing machine. I also like to paint, play with clay, and sketch.
2. Where is your studio located? (in your home or somewhere else?)
Currently, I enjoy being creative in a cramped style. In my apartment. Well, in mine and my boyfriend’s room to be exact, so that my other roommates don’t have to deal with my craft mess all the time. I do leave my fabrics and any other notions around the apartment’s living, though.
3. How long have you had your current studio space?
I moved my desk to our bedroom [from the living room] before this past winter. I’ve been living in this current apartment since last August. Yikes, I’m such a wanderer that I’ve probably had over 7 different craft spaces in a few different homes in the past 2 and half years! I do love it though, for now.
4. What is your favorite part of your studio?
I can’t choose! I mean, I know it’s my bedroom and all… and I love everything in here. If I had to choose a few different things though: 1] my desk from Ikea. My boyfriend, James, drilled a hole in one of the drawers and put this sweet door knob that I purchased from Anthropologie a few years back. I’ve been wanting to use it ever since but wanted to save it for something special. It’s definitely meant for my desk and I think it’s awesome that my boyfriend put it on. 2] my vintage magicians suit case. YES! A magicians suit case! Not only does it look fricken’ awesome but it’s practical for me to stash all the fabric and leather scraps that I’m using constantly. 3] my inspiration cork board. My boyfriend also made this for me. Randomly came home one day and it was on the wall. It’s perfect for hanging my design sketches, inspirational color schemes, and some small drafting patterns.
5. Approximately how many hours per day do you spend in your studio?
HAHA, way too many. I honestly think I’ve sat in the living room 1 time in the past 2 months. I just really like my room and the privacy I have in it. It’s also right next to the kitchen… so that may be why. I don’t watch cable TV so there’s no point in being in the living room unless we have guests. I normally go to my day job, work long hours, and come straight into my room to creative and watch Netflix. When I get my own place, that will change.
6. Do you have any future plans for your studio space? (i.e. revamp, new location, etc.)
When our lease is up in August… myself, James, Ty [our dog], and Detective Bacon Cheeseburger [our cat] plan on finding a vintage space here in Chicago with 1 bedroom and hopefully an outdoor back deck area. We plan on sleeping in the living room with some sort of curtain room divider so that we can utilize the only bedroom for work space to share. It’s so funny how it’s all planned out in my head already.
7. Is there anything else that you’d like to share?
This was fun! I hope everyone enjoyed reading a tad bit about myself and reading about my work space. I want to encourage everyone to check out my blog and if anyone wants to network, please contact me because I’d love to chit chat!
That was fun! Thank you Alexz for allowing us to peek into your creative space! Check her out and spread the love. As always, if you’d like to be featured and share your creative studio space (no matter how big or small) shoot me an email at robbielee {at} chickiedee {dot} com!