May, 12

Happy Tuesday!

Hello there and Happy Tuesday to you and you and you!  I just wanted to let you know that I will be updating the shop on Friday!!  There will be new Roblin paintings and new Roblin Tees in Coral, Lime and Black, so I’ll let you know when everything is up.

In other news, my youngest brother will be graduating from High School on Saturday!  Sheesh, I can’t believe that my sibs are all done with high school… I’m so proud of all of them. Then  Mr. Ron’s Birthday is soon approaching, so we have plans that I can’t discuss at this time… wink wink*  Then my mom and I are prepping for our next craft show in July.  We are staying busy, I promise!  Oh, I almost forgot, Ron and I are going on vacation in July, too!  It’s very much needed and I can’t wait!

Anyhoo, I’ll keep you posted on the shop update and I hope you have a lovely day! ♥RobbieLee

P.S. I’m going to co-teach my second claymation class tomorrow!  So exciting!

May, 12

25 Random Facts…About Meeeeeeee

Oh! And look at what the Mr. bought for me this weekend!!!  Pink Giraffe Print Headphones… I’m so in love!  I hope you have an amazing evening, I had better get back to work.  I’ll post photos of the craft show soon. ♥RobbieLee

May, 12

Craft Bazaar

I’ve been so busy lately getting ready for this weekends craft bazaar and there’s still so much to do!  If you happen to be in the area, please stop by and say hello.  The Dolphin Magic Craft Bazaar is Saturday, May 12th, 2012 from 10am-4pm at 3501 S. Colorado Blvd. Cherry Hills Village, CO 80113 (Colorado Blvd. & Hampden Ave.).  There will be FREE admission + FREE parking, plus a bake sale, music and more.  If you’re looking for something to do with mom this Mother’s Day weekend, then this is a great place to find handmade goodies for you and her.

This is a fundraiser for Ocean Conservation and Marine Wildlife, so donations will happily be accepted.  All bake sale proceeds will also go to the cause.  My mom will be selling her lovely handmade goats milk soaps, as well.  We hope to see you there! ♥RobbieLee

May, 12

{studio sunday} with Manzanita

This Sunday we are taking a peek into a very sweet and talented lady that just happens to live a few towns over from me!  If you aren’t familiar with her creations, then take a minute to visit her shop and blog.  I promise you’ll fall in love.  With that said, lets get into it and meet the lady of the day…
1. Who are you and what do you do?
 Hello everyone! My name is Rebecca and I am the lady behind manzanita: a handmade shop and blog. I live in Boulder, CO with my new husband and little dogs. I spend most of my time trying to be as creative as possible and taking photos every step of the way. 
2. Where is your studio located?
 At home, my hubby and I bought a small mobile home a couple of years ago and for now we use the second bedroom as a shared office. It is quite the small space so we have decided that building an extra space for each of us to have our own room is something that will have to happen very soon. For now I mostly use the office as place to keep my materials and I do most of my work in the living room or at the kitchen table.
3. How long have you had your current studio space?
 About two years now.
4. What is your favorite part of your studio?
 My favorite part? I would say it is a toss up between my wall of books and my wall of yarn. Both things make me extremely happy and just looking at them keeps me inspired to always be reading, writing, or crocheting. I really like to see my passions displayed in a pretty way.
5. Approximately how many hours per day do you spend in your studio?
In my actual studio not much. Since I work so many places, I would say I can usually bring my studio with me where ever I go. I spend about 3-5 hours a day crocheting or working on the blog. On top of a full time job! I don’t usually have a lot of free time.
6. Do you have any future plans for your studio space?
Yes! My husband and I plan on building an addition to our home this summer. If it works out the way we plan, my studio will be where our current living area is. One of the biggest and most well lit rooms of the house. I really excited about this!
7. Is there anything else that you’d like to share?
Thank you so much RobbieLee for having me here to chat a little about my process and work space!
You are very welcome, Rebecca!  Thank you for sharing your beautiful and colorful studio!!!  I also really enjoyed looking at all of your lovely crocheted pieces.  I love that there is truly something for everyone in your shop and the colors are so vibrant.  You do such beautiful work and it was nice to peek into your creative world.  I can really see how much love and attention to detail that you put into not only your creations, but your beautiful space, as well.  Thank you again!
So, if you haven’t already, checkout Rebecca’s shop, and if you already have, then go back!  ♥RobbieLee

Apr, 12

{studio sunday} with Sam Wish

Happy Sunday!  Today I’m so excited for you to meet a talented young lady with great style.  She’s a great example of how it is possible to live a busy life, but still be able to fit in your passion!  So, read below to learn a little bit about Sam and her creative Studio.

1. Who are you and what do you do?
Hi! My name is Sam, I’m 21 years old, have a fiancé and a wonderful 2 year old daughter. I run a store on Etsy called Sam Wish where I sell vintage and handmade clothes.

2. Where is your studio located?
My studio is located in a bedroom at my dad’s house. We only live 15 minutes away and since he’s my dad, I don’t have to pay rent or anything!

3. How long have you had your current studio space?
Hmm, well technically I’ve been working out of my dad’s house for two and a half years (since I started). But as for the bedroom I work out of, only about a year. Before our current residency, we actually lived in the bedroom that I work out of. So at that time, I was just working out of a closet!

4. What is your favorite part of your studio?
When we lived there, my dad had busted out a wall to make an attached bedroom for my daughter.  Now, I use it as my little “photography studio” where I built a little set and take all my pictures. It’s so convenient and also provides for a lot more storage.  

5. Approximately how many hours per day do you spend in your studio?
I only work about 2-4 hours per day. Our schedules are so busy with both of us in school and work so I fit it in whenever I can but it doesn’t leave me too much time. I think that’s what keeps me motivated though, I never get too burnt out.

6. Do you have any future plans for your studio space?
In a year or two, we plan on moving to Austin, TX and I’ll have to figure something else out. But until then, I’m going to enjoy working for free out of my dad’s house!

7. Is there anything else that you’d like to share?
If you’d like to learn more about me, hop on over to my blog at My Latest Obsession!


I want to thank you, Sam, so much for sharing your lovely space on Chickiedee!  Your photography studio is so lovely and your studio is so warm and inviting.  I also wanted to point out that you and I have the same vintage suitcase!!!  Keep doing what you’re doing and when you move to Austin and get your new studio all set up, please let me know so we can do an update post!  ♥RobbieLee

arrows via {hello vanny}

Apr, 12

Custom Roblin Paintings!

Hey all!  Happy Friday.  Do you have any plans this weekend?  Me, I’ll be painting and sewing to prep for the upcoming Mother’s Day craft show.  Busy busy!  I wanted to let you know that I will be offering Custom Roblin Paintings in this shop and in the Etsy Shop!  Woohoo!  I’ll let you know when they are officially up, and until then have a great day! ♥RobbieLee

Apr, 12

{a list of…} things to do before the craft show

Happy Monday!  The next show that my mom and I are going to be in is fast approaching and I realized that I need to increase my inventory since the last one.  The show is less than a month away (May 12th), so the next couple of weeks will be full of making and planning.  My mom will be selling her lovely handmade soaps and bath products, so she’ll be busy making as well!  Here is a list of things that I need to do before the show… yikes!

→ Order more business cards
→ Order more tags
→ Order stamps
→ Make more Roblin Tees
→ Paint more Roblin Paintings
→ Update the shop (both this one and the Etsy one)

It doesn’t look like a long list, so that’s a good thing!  I have plenty of time to get ready.  Are any of you preparing for any craft shows?  If so, let me know which ones! ♥RobbieLee

Apr, 12

{studio sunday} with Lady Like

Today we have the two lovely ladies of Lady Like sharing their unique studio space.  As you know, my momma and I love to craft together, so it’s always nice to see family working together towards the same dream.  I hope you enjoy this feature as much as I do!


1. Who are you and what do you do?

Hi! Our names are Diana and Kristy and we’re Lady Like.  We’re a mother-daughter duo who create knitted and crocheted headbands, scarves, and cowls for women, children, and infants.  Kristy’s a professional photographer and blog designer; she handles product design and inspiration and the technical side of the business.  I’m the creator of the products in our Etsy shop. We love to brainstorm on colors, fibers, and new ideas.

2. Where is your studio located?

This is the hardest question to answer! Seriously, my studio these days is the couch! Did I just say that out loud? From the time I remember knitting and crocheting, I had my little corner of the couch and there I created.  With the need to have a space to keep most of our yarn, threads, fabric, pre-made headbands and cowl, our spare bedroom became a studio–all our yarn inventory, sewing supplies, shipping items within fingertip reach. We also have a craft room where we stock our inventory and supplies. It’s a sunny room to work in when the couch just won’t do. Another part of our studio is at various locations for photo shoots.  That’s where Kristy’s able to capture such beautiful pictures of our models wearing our products.

3. How long have you had your current “studio” space?

We’ve been using this space for about two years.

4. What is your favorite part of your “studio?”

Although we have a designated craft room, I enjoy the comforts of working on the couch, watching favorite shows On Demand while my needles and hooks are clicking away.  I also like being in the studio space where I sew our fabric bags that we ship all our products in.  The sun shines so brightly through the front window and I get to watch the seasons change before my eyes. 

5. Approx. how many hours do you spend in the “studio?”

Most of my time is spent in my creative spaces working with the yarn fibers. I probably knit and crochet 3 to 4  hours a day.  I probably sew about 3 hours a week when I need to make our gift fabric bags. I really do love being in both places. 

6. Do you have future plans for the space?

I have reworked the craft room space many times and each time it gets better.  I’m sure it’ll be time to revamp it again soon. I have plans to add some photography to the walls that my daughter Kristy has taken from all over the world for inspiration. The craft room is a sunny space with a big window to enjoy the beautiful outdoors here in Oregon. It’s almost as pretty as working outside when you have a view like that. 
Thank you so much for being a part of {studio sunday}, ladies!  I just love your headbands and everything that you make… so much talent.  For more info on Lady Like, visit their shop, twitter and Facebook.  Have a great Sunday! ♥RobbieLee

Apr, 12

Giveaway at New York State of Mind

Hey all!  My Mustard Buds Bow is one of my top sellers (above) and now you have the chance to win one of your own!  All you have to do is visit Daina over at New York State of Mind and enter there.  Easy as that!  Good luck!  ♥RobbieLee

P.S. While you’re over on her blog, take a look around.  She has so many wonderful things to share!

Apr, 12

Impromptu Photoshoot

On Monday I was photographing for another post, when I was distracted by the cuteness overload of these guys!  So, naturally we held an impromptu photoshoot, featuring Frankie Li, Tucker Bean and Brutus James.  I love how they interact with each other, especially when they don’t know that you’re watching. They were just too cute not to share!

Have a great Wednesday! ♥RobbieLee