Oct, 12sneak peek at my next {diy}
Happy Monday! This past weekend was full of rest and a bit of Halloween shopping. What did you do? I wanted to let you know that I’ll have the {diy} that I’ve been talking about up tomorrow. I’m waiting for a few things to dry so that I can add the finishing touches. I really can’t wait to share it! Until then, have a great evening.
Oct, 12{life lately} at a slower pace
This past week hasn’t exactly gone as planned, but I’ve tried to make the best of it. I hurt my back… again, and its left me able to do very little. I don’t like the idea of wasted time, but I have to remind myself that it was time needed to rest. Although I’m a bit off on my goals for the week, I set new ones to help me complete the things that I wanted to, so that I stay on track for the Holidays. I wanted to have the shop updated by Friday, but with my little set back, I plan to have the shop updated by the middle of next week. Everything will get done and who knows, maybe it’ll all turn out better than it would have!
Today I’ll be working on a few small projects and working towards the shop update. I may take a few small breaks to watch the mister play football and I heard there’s a little outdoor market close by… so if my back is up to it, I may check it out. Then, tomorrow Meghan and I are having another craft day and we’ll be working on our Halloween Costumes!!! I can’t wait!
How has your week been? Did you do anything exciting?
Oct, 12{inspired} woodlands
This week I’ve been gathering inspiration from all over to prep for my Halloween Costume. I’m really excited to see how it all comes together. Last year I was a red fox and this year I seem to be continuing the “woodland animal” theme… can you guess what it is? I’ve never made a costume like this before, so I really hope that it turns out the way I picture it in my head… heeheehee. I’ll start making it this Sunday, and I’ll post more next week so that you can see my progress. Until then, guess!
Oct, 12It’s A Pain In My…
As you already know, I took a few hard falls in roller derby earlier this year, as well as one snowboarding accident that really played a toll on my back. Well, with consistent care and doctor appointments, things were starting to look up and I was actually going to start up roller derby again, in full force… until “the stretch.” Monday morning I woke up and stretched, as I usually do, and felt a pop in my lower back – ouch! It was a bit sore, but I carried on with my day noticing that it was getting more sore as time went on. I actually had a chiropractic appointment already scheduled for that afternoon, so I thought that was perfect timing. Boy was I wrong. I hurt worse after the adjustment and when I woke up Tuesday morning, I couldn’t get out of bed! I called the doc and got in right away. He took more x-rays and poked around a bit saying that I may need to get an MRI in a couple of weeks. We’ll see how it all goes.
Since my lower back hurts so much, I’m on meds and bed rest. I have a cute {diy} that I need to finish up, so as soon as I’m mobile, I’ll share it with you. I’m so excited, because I think you’ll love it! Have a great Wednesday! ♥R
Oct, 12Sweet Finds
Yesterday the mister and I drove down south to our old college stomping grounds where we took a stroll on Old S. Gaylord St. and dropped into a few shops. We found a new little candy shop called Gnome’s Nook. It was so cute! Outside they had a little gnome garden and when we went in we were welcomed by two sweet girls who gave us the rundown. They explained how we could navigate through the two-story shop and they reminded us that all gnome’s are for adoption. When we went upstairs, we were greeted by a young man who gave us even more candy knowledge. We didn’t plan on buying anything, but the staff were all so kind giving us samples and explanations, that we just had to. Then, we walked down the street and had lunch at one of our favorite restaurants. If you’ve never been to the Wash Park Grill, you have to go. Their french fries and lobster club are our fave!
After lunch we dropped by the Cherry Creek Mall and did a little window shopping. The mall was crazy-busy, as it usually is, so we ducked into Urban Outfitters for a few laughs. We just love looking through their books… always a great time. Then, as we ventured further back in the store, we saw the SALE signs… oh boy, that’s my spot! We scored big time, too! We found this sweet little HOLGA camera and fashion sketchbook and got both for under $19, seriously!!! I love when that happens! I forgot the film at the store last night, so I can’t wait to pick some 35mm up and start shootin’. This is going to be fun.
How was your weekend? Any big adventures or good thrift finds? ♥R
Oct, 12sunday recovery
Wow, its been a busy couple of days of here with yesterdays craft show and all. I had a {studio sunday} guest scheduled for today and another for next week, but both fell through for different reasons, so I apologize for this little post instead. I’m taking today off as a recovery day, but will be back with updates, a fun {diy}, and more starting tomorrow. Instead of the {studio sunday} next week, I’ll fill that space with a {sunday best} post instead. Actually, silly me, I can’t remember if I’ve ever mentioned that before, but if there’s no {studio sunday} scheduled, then a {sunday best} post will take its place. Fun, right?!
Anyhoo, I hope that your weekend was a great one and I’ll see you tomorrow.
Oct, 12{life lately} a new series
Welcome to my newest weekly series, {life lately}! In hopes of connecting with you even more, I’ve decided to share snippets of my daily life on a weekly basis – every Saturday, in fact. I live an ordinary life with some extraordinary people (and pets) and tend to see the world through rose-colored glasses, and that’s the truth.
Anyhoo, this past week has been so busy with my Birthday (which was celebrated over a whole weekend – thanks everyone!), work and craft show prep for today. It’s been a real whirlwind of making new totes, scarves and quilts for the show and shop. Next week looks to be pretty busy as well. I plan to update the shop, first and foremost, then work on my “secret” product, due out this Holiday Season. I’m pretty excited about it. Oh, and the mister surprised me with a 50/mm lens for the Nikon for my Birthday! This is just what I needed to inspire me to take the camera everywhere! So get ready for some photo time. This week I also sent out invitations to our annual Halloween party, and I’ve already began to brainstorm what I’ll be making. Can’t wait!
Speaking of Halloween, I haven’t had a free moment to decorate, yet, but plan to squeeze that in late next week. I just love Halloween and all of the creepy treats, decor and costumes that come with it. I already have my costume idea, I just need to make it! What are you planning to be? Not sure yet, well here’s a {diy} to keep you busy in the meantime.
Today you can find me at the Adams County Fall Craft Show with my mom and cousin. We’ll be here all day, so stop by if you’re in the area. ♥R
Saturday Oct. 6th 9am-4pm
$2 Admission (12 + under FREE)
FREE Parking
At the Adams County Fairgrounds in Henderson, CO
Oct, 12{inspired} a craft day
October truly is one of my favorite months of the whole year. It starts off strong with the first day being my birthday and ends with one of the best Holidays, ever! Everything in-between is just the cherry on top. October is also a very busy month for me because I have a couple of craft shows to prepare for and then the Holidays come so fast. I love it though. This week I’ve been filling my days with sewing some new totes, scarves and quilts, that will all be in the shop next week (after Saturday’s craft show). I can’t wait to show you everything in their entirety. I’ve also been poking around and designing a new product and I can’t wait to share. I still need to finalize a few things, but I’m hoping to have it complete for the Holiday Season.
Work work work, huh?! Well, I do manage to squeeze in some me time, of course. I actually just had a wonderful craft day with my sweet friend Meghan of Pleasantly Plump Knits! She came over and we had some Fall-inspired coffee and some yummy lunch, which included this pizza, before we started our project. We had to fuel up first. We decided to try this one hour skirt (which took us about 4 hours, because we like to chit-chat), and it was so easy and super fun! I’ve made skirts before, but nothing this easy, seriously.
This was Meghan’s very first wearable item that she’s made for herself and she nailed it! I’m so impressed and proud that we did it on the first try. We’ve both been super inspired to make more of these skirts to wear year-round. In fact, Meghan has already ordered and received some cute fabric for her next one. I inherited a huge bundle of vintage fabric from my late grandmother and another bundle from my aunt, so I’ll be putting all of that to good use – I promise. We’ve actually already set up our next craft day theme – Halloween Costumes! Are you sooo excited?! I know we are.
Although I have a lot left to do, I feel like I’ve accomplished a lot, both professionally and personally. I had an amazing Birthday weekend, with the help of my amazing family and friends. And that has left me inspired and ready to take on the busy week that lays ahead. The house is clean, my mind is buzzing and my heart is happy. I couldn’t ask for more right now. ♥R
P.S. || My momma, cousin and I will be at the Fall Craft Show at the Adams County Fairgrounds tomorrow, Oct. 6th from 9am-4pm. $2 admission (12 + under are FREE), with FREE parking and food for sale by the 4-H kids. Hope to see you there!
Oct, 12Giraffes and Vintage Buttons
Giraffes and vintage buttons, these are the materials that I’m currently working with. I’m making some extra special totes for this Saturdays craft show and I’ll be sure to add them to the shop afterwards. When I first saw this fabric, I knew it was destined to become a tote. Then I found these amazing vintage buttons at a quilt show a couple of weekends ago and they are just perfect. Their so perfect that I almost don’t want to sell them… almost. Well, I had better get back to work, because I have a busy week of prepping and packing. Wish me luck! ♥R
Sep, 12September Favorites
Wow! I can’t believe that September came and went. What better way to start off a new month than with a birthday… mine to be exact (Oct.1)! October is my favorite month for so many reasons and I have a lot in store for you. There will be more {studio sunday} features, a giveaway, DIYs, and more… just you wait and see.
But first, lets look back on a few of my favorite posts from September, shall we.
Here’s an easy and healthy snack 3 ways!
A super fun {studio sunday} with Becky at Sketch.inc
A bright {studio sunday} with the one and only Twinkie Chan!
A sweet {studio sunday} with Miss Kate Gabrielle!
An easy Pirate Eye Patch {diy} just in time for Halloween
And a super simple way to dress up and tank
I hope you enjoyed these as much as I did and I look forward to sharing more with you in October! ♥R