May, 13

So Much To Do


Oh boy, we only have two weeks to pack and move out of our house.  I can’t believe it!  Thankfully when we staged our home to sell, we packed a lot of little things.  This should make moving seem a bit easier, right?  When we packed the first half, we bought a ton of totes, which makes moving so easy.  We need to go buy more totes and possibly gather up a few freebie-boxes, too.  I haven’t been able to find any free boxes online, so it must be moving season.  Any good tips on where to look?  The thing that I’m most worried about is our furniture.  I like HUGE furniture, and it’s going to be difficult to move… and store.

It’s estimated that it will take anywhere from 4-6 months to complete the build of our new home.  This means that we will be between homes for a short time.  It’s going to be a change, that’s for sure, but it’s an adventure!  It’s really the best time to do this, because we don’t have kids in-tow… just three squirrely animals.  Ha!

Needless to say, I have a lot to do right now.  It will all get done – I just have to hold strong to that thought.  What new is going on in your life?

May, 13

Mother’s Day Weekend


How was your Mother’s Day Weekend?  Mine was wonderful!  My momma and I started it off strong with the Spring Horseshoe Market in Denver on Saturday.  It was so busy and wonderful to see so many of you there.  We didn’t get to take as many photos as we wanted to, but we were able to snap a few iPhone ones.  We got caught in a strong 30-second wind and dust storm, but came out okay.  Then the rain held off until 10 minutes after closing, then it was a down-pour.  We came out okay with little damage to our things, but not all of the vendors can say the same.  My mom was so smart and brought plastic sheets and shower curtains, and we moved everything to the center of the canopy, covered it with plastic and dropped the top of the canopy down to the ground and waited it out.  Once the rain passed, we loaded up and headed home.

Then Sunday morning I called my momma to wish her a Happy Mother’s Day, then Ron and I drove down to Parker, CO to see the model of what our new home will look like.  Then we met my mom and brother for some fabulous vegan food and Froyo.  It was a lovely day!  Such great company and lots of laughs.  My mother is the strongest and most caring woman who I’ve ever known.  I hope to be that strong and loving one day.  There is never a day that goes by that she doesn’t tell us that she loves us.  It means the world to me to have her as my mother.  Mom, thank you for all that you are and all that you do.  You are a blessing in my life and I wouldn’t be where I am without you.  I love you to the moon and back.  xoxo Reebies

May, 13

We’re Here!

SpringMarket poster
Hey Colorado, my momma and I are here at the Spring Horseshoe Market in Denver today.  Come visit our booth #51 for some Mother’s Day Specials and to say hello!  We’d love to see you.  Click here for a map and directions.

May, 13

Time To Load The Jeep

The Mini Roblins are all sewn up and today I’ll be loading the Jeep.  I’ve made a serious checklist to be sure that I pack everything that I need – or may need for tomorrow.  Our set up time is 6:30am, so I have to make myself go to bed by 9pm.  This is easier said than done, but I’ll try.  In addition to these little fellas, I’ll have my Roblin Tees and onesies, Roblin Paintings, quilts, and headbands.  My momma will have her lovely jewelry, soaps and dream catchers.  I’m so excited!

May, 13

More Roblin’s for the Market

I’ve stayed up late last night tagging and sewing up the mini Roblin’s for the Market this Saturday.  Tonight I plan to stuff them and add the price tags.  I just love making these little guys.  Oh, did I mention that they will be a very Special Mother’s Day price?!  heeheehee

May, 13

Make, Make, Make


These past couple of weeks have been super busy with getting my braces on, wisdom teeth pulled, selling our home and buying a new one, as well as prepping for this year’s Spring Horseshoe Market!  Phew.  I’ve been squeezing my craft time into every minute possible.  I’ve been making up a storm, actually.  I’m so excited to share my latest product – mini stuffed Roblins!  They’re different from the larger ones that I’ve been making and I think they’re perfect for your young ones.  They’re smaller for kids to hold and super soft.  This is just a sneak peek, but I’ll be selling them at the Market this Saturday and then add them to the shop later next week.  I can’t wait!

May, 13

Outdoor Craft Market – Don’t Forget!


I hope to see many of you at this years Spring Horseshoe Market!  If you’ve never been, it’s a one day, outdoor craft/antique/food market this Saturday!  It’s the perfect thing to take your mom too or to find a last-minute gift for her.  Click here for a map and more info.  See you there!

May, 13

We Made A Big Decision

Yesterday Ron and I made the decision to buy a new home!  As you know, we’ve toggled back and forth for quite a bit and we finally decided that a new home best fit our current needs.  Now, nothing’s final until it’s final, but we did sign the contract yesterday and everything is contingent on the successful closing with the buyers of our current house, so we just have to wait and see.

This is a photo of where our house will be in about 5-6 months.  It’s a long wait, but it will be worth it.  It’s just a hole in the ground now, but it will be exciting to see the process of it being built.  I can’t wait to share more progress photos along the way.

It’s so crazy how different it was when we bought our first home nearly 7 years ago.  We were still in college and moving from a one-bedroom apartment in south Denver to a three-bedroom home in the suburbs, just north of Denver.  When we first saw our current home, we just knew that this was the place that we wanted to be.  It was perfect!  All of our belongings fit in one medium-sized U-Haul truck and we moved right in.  The last 7 years in this home have been amazing!  I’m really going to miss everything about it, especially being able to view the fireworks from our back yard every 4th of July.  We do plan on growing our family one day, and we’re out-growing this home, so we needed to find something larger.  This time around, finding a new home wasn’t as easy.  We had higher expectations and didn’t want to compromise too much.  We need a certain amount of space to fit our needs.  Our first house was easy – it was larger than our apartment and it had a garage and a yard – perfect!  Now, we expect to have those things, along with other things, like more bedrooms, a third floor, a third garage, a larger backyard for the pups and a formal dining room for entertaining.  It will also be nice to be able to customize this home before we move in.

Again, nothing is set in stone, but it’s an exciting start to this adventure none-the-less!

Apr, 13

Spring 2013 Horseshoe Market


Hey Denver, CO!  Come visit me and so many other talented vendors (including my momma) at this years Spring 2013 Horseshoe Market on Saturday May 11th (Mother’s Day weekend)!  It’s from 9am-4pm and there will be handmade, vintage and food items.  It’s the perfect place to take your mom or to find that special gift for her.  I hope to see you there!

Apr, 13

Old vs. New: House Hunting


As you already know, we went through the process of staging our home to sell, which led us to getting a few offers!  All of our hard work paid off and we are now under contract.  Although we’re under contract, nothing’s final until it’s final in the home selling world.  With that said, we still need to find a new home.  It’s so much more difficult than we had first expected.  It makes me sad to think about moving from our current home, because we have so many wonderful memories here.  But, we have outgrown it and need something larger.

Ron and I are currently toggling between the idea of a new home or an old home – both have such great things to offer.  Here’s a list of pros for each side:

New Home

• You’re the first to live there!
• Fresh start in a new place.
• The possibilities of customizing your home and choosing the lot location is a plus.
• You’re less likely to have large and expensive repairs right away.
• It’s more likely to be in a clean and organized community. Hello HOA fees!
• Young families in the area may be more likely.

Old Home

• Mature Trees and large yards!
• Lots of history and character
• Possibly no HOA fees
• The neighborhood might be more quiet and calm
• The cost might be less than a newer home
• If there’s no HOA, we can remodel
• The houses aren’t placed so close together

There are always going to be pros and cons for each side, so we still have a lot of thinking to do.  But, we don’t have a lot of time.  If the contract goes through and we sell, our closing date is at the end of May… eep!  It’s been a crazy time right now with me getting braces, my wisdom teeth being pulled, celebrating our 10 year anni, selling our home and looking for a new one.  We’re also hoping to squeeze in a much-needed vacation, too.  The dust will settle, but until then, we need to find a home!