Jan, 11a few of my favorite things…
I love to surround myself with things that inspire creativity on all levels. Here are a few of my favorite things…
1-Silver Pigeon! I L.O.V.E Pigeons to pieces, so when I saw this piece, I just had to have it!!! 2-My odd-and-end fabric collection (I also love the photo that my friends gave me from Santa Barbara!). 3-My Mac… it would be difficult to live without it… 4-My Sharpies and pens always an arms length away. 5-The sand from our sand ceremony at our wedding. 6-My sewing machine. 7-The Pigeon photo that my friend gave me for one of my birthdays. 8-My Peacock feathers. I buy on each year from a woman at the Indian Market in Denver. She has her own Peacocks and she collects the fallen feathers. So, no plucking! 🙂
Thanks for stopping by today! RobbieLee
Dec, 10{wedding wednesday} vol.1
My love for weddings all started about 3 years ago, when I got to plan my very own. I’ve always loved to go to weddings and my mom actually is a silk flower wedding designer, so I’ve always been around them. But, something changed when I got to plan our wedding. I began gathering all sorts of inspirational images from magazines and websites. Then I compiled them into a book with notes (we’re talking in great detail). Now, after being married for a little over 2 years, I still find myself inspired by wedding imagery and all that goes with it.
So, I thought that I could share all things about weddings that inspire me in {wedding wednesday} posts!
What better way than to start the first {wedding wednesday}, than with photos of our wedding…
We are simply in L.O.V.E with the 1920’s-1950’s era, so naturally our wedding would reflect that. We had everything from Zoot Suits to Swing Dancing… it was so magical.
Mar, 10Happy Birthday Jessica!
Dear Jessica,
I am truly blessed to have you in my life. You are indeed a life-long friend and you are always there for support. It’s hard to believe that we’ve been friends since we were in kindergarten and it seems like just yesterday that you stood up in my wedding with full support. You’ve always had my back and I will forever do the same.
I can’t express enough what a beautiful young woman you are and how you hold all of the qualities that would make others jealous! You are unbelievably smart, passionate, loyal, kind, loving and full of faith. I also admire your optimism and sense of humor. I laugh so much when I’m around you and it’s a healthy release. Thank you for being you and not letting anyone take that away.
I love you, my dear! Happy 26th Birthday and I’ll see you for your Birthday dinner!
Feb, 10Tucker Bean’s 1st Birthday!
Oh I am soooooo excited because today is my little Tucker Bean’s 1st Birthday! He is growing so big just like his brother and sisters. Here are a few sweet photos of him and his siblings to celebrate the big day!
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Jan, 10i won. i won.
I’m so happy that I won the Meyer Imports set of Glass Valentine Glitter! I♥Handmade is such a great site, because they share so many wonderful handmade things that inspire. Check them out and maybe you’ll be the winner of their next Giveaway! I just LOVE glitter!
Thanks I ♥ Handmade and Meyer Imports!
Jan, 10{Flashback Friday} Morph
I absolutely love this Morph piece that I did when I was in High School! I went through a phase where I drew and painted nothing but Bumble Bees and this was one of my pride and joys of that time. It’s a Bumble Bee morphing into a plane! So neat and so special!
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Oct, 095 Questions with GoGoMamaGo.com
I’m featured on GoGoMamaGo.com and answer 5 Questions about being an entrepreneur! How exciting is that?!