Dec, 12

{studio sunday} with Emma of The Persian Laundry

It’s the first Sunday of  December and what better way to start off the day than with another {studio sunday} feature!  The Persian Laundry is an online shop that specializes in hand produced and custom-fitted envelope liners and other fine stationery.  Classic Stationery and accessories for the modern heart.  Emma Alimi is the 24-year-old owner, producer and curator of The Persian Laundry.  The first time I saw her glitter envelope liners, you know I was hooked.  So, lets meet her and peek into her space, shall we…

I’ve been interested in creating art since I was young, playing around with stencils, markers and glittery stickers. During high school and junior college I concentrated in Photography/Fine Arts.  After school I took some time to travel, try new things and learn outside of my textbooks. Having that gap period provided me with valuable experiences and lots of insight into what I’m passionate about.  The Persian Laundry started as an evening project. I put my first items up for sale in March 2012 and the name is inspired by my Iranian heritage.

During weekends I started mixing and matching different envelope liners and envelopes. I loved creating unexpected combinations of texture, color and glitter. I felt like envelope liners could be more unexpected and interesting than what I found at most stores around me. I decided to set up a shop on Etsy where I could be a part of a larger hand-crafted community.  I don’t think there was a specific moment when I knew that glitter and fine paper could be a job. I think it was an evolving process of delving into the things that excite me the most and taking chances.

How long have you been creating your stationery? What’s your inspiration? 

For The Persian Laundry, just shy of 11 months!  My inspiration comes from so many things. My hometown, Persian Miniature Art, Punk Music, European Poetry and Palladian Architecture to name a few.  I’m drawn to rebelliousness, elegance and surprise. 

On to your studio, where’s it located?

My studio is located in my parent’s house in Santa Rosa, California. I was originally using my bedroom but quickly outgrew that. 


What’s your favorite part of your current studio space? Why?

More space, the natural lighting and a larger work table.


Approximately how many hours per day/week do you spend in your studio? Is this your only job?

I’m in here 5-7 days a week. However when I’m responding to emails and doing computer work I try to head to my local coffee shop instead.

Do you have any tips or advice on how to maintain an inspiring and functional workspace?

Great lighting, keeping things organized and fresh flowers are always nice. I find that taking midday walks and changing the pace by heading to a coffee shop can be refreshing.

Do you have any future plans for your studio?

I just moved into this space 72 hours ago! It meets my needs right now as a growing shop and allows for more growth within the next year. In the future I’d love to get a big loft-like space.


Thank you so much, Emma, for taking the time to share your super new and fresh studio!  I know that you worked so hard and quickly to provide all of your lovely photos and details.  I think my personal favorite part of your space is definitely your natural lighting!  It’s hard to come by.  I’m so happy to hear that you’re off to a good start in your small business.  Keep doing what you do and thanks again!


Be sure to visit Emma’s  Shop | Blog | FB


Nov, 12

{diy} magical garland

I’ve been wanting to make one of these for a while and I’m so happy that I did.  Not only is it super easy to make this magical garland, but it’s incredibly inexpensive, too.  All I did was buy a string of lights for $2.88 (LED lights work best) and used scrap fabric that I had lying around, that’s it!  It took an evening to make this, so I pre-cut a bundle of three different fabrics, ranging from white to cream – very subtle.  I chose to cut my strips 1.5″W x 6″L, but you can make them longer if you’d like.  I think any shorter may be difficult to tie, unless you cut them thinner.  Say .5″ or 1″ wide. 

Then, I sat down with a few per-recorded shows and got to tying. No double knots, just a simple single knot and that’s it! 

Every string of lights may be slightly different, but to give you an idea of how many strips to cut, I tied about 4-6 strips between each light.  So, count how many spaces are between each bulb and multiply by 5.  I used approximately 500 strips on my 22 ft. strand (with 100 spaces between the bulbs).  I had a few extra strips, so I went ahead and tied them down the little tail that leads to the plug.  I stopped a few inches short of the actual plug, because it makes me nervous to have fabric so close to the outlet.  Also, as with all lights, I highly recommend that you don’t leave these plugged in unattended, just in case. 

It’s so easy and you can make it while watching a movie or two!  I hope you get around to making one of these this year, because if you’re like me and occasionally enjoy a mindless project, while still feeling like you’ve accomplished something, this is for you.  It would also make a really fun and inexpensive gift.  Happy making!

Nov, 12

{studio sunday} with brittni of papernstitch

What a wonderful Sunday.  It’s nearing close to Thanksgiving and I’ve invited Brittni to share a bit of her new studio!  You’ve heard of a little site called papernstitch, right?!  Haha, okay, well, if you have, then you know it’s not so little.  Brittni has created an inviting place to not only exhibit your handmade goodies, but you can also sell them!  She recently moved into a new space and is getting settled, but she’s able to share a peek into where she spends much of her day.

1. How long have you been managing papernstitch?  What was your inspiration to create it?

It’s been a little over four years now since I started papernstitch. I’ve always had a passion for art and handmade, as an artist myself, so the site evolved from that passion. Overtime, the blog has grown to include other topics like biz tips for creatives and DIY projects, while the exhibition site remains focused on art, handmade, and vintage finds.

2. When did you realize that you were onto something?  Did it grow quickly or take time to build?

Much to my surprise, the site grew very quickly at the beginning, thanks to a lot of great press mentions. But over the years, it has been a mixture of slow and fast growth.

3. Where’s your studio located?

I work from home in Jacksonville, Florida. The hours are long, but I love being able to spend time with my dog while I am working or go for a walk around the park when I need to clear my head.


4. What’s your favorite part of your studio space? Why?

I spend a lot of time at my desk and it was a gift from my husband, so it’s probably my favorite part of my workspace. But it’s also kind of the only part of my workspace right now. We’re still settling into our new place and getting everything set up.

5. Approximately how many hours per day/week do you spend in your studio?

I usually work between nine and twelve hours a day. Some days less. Some days more. It really just depends on my list of to-dos for the week. On the weekends, I try to get out of the house and step back from the computer. It doesn’t always happen, but I make the effort.


6. Do you have any future plans for your studio?

We just moved into our apartment about a month and a half ago, so things are still very much in the ‘work in progress’ phase. Lots of plans for the future, for sure.


7. Do you have any tips or advice on how to maintain an inspiring and functional workspace?

For me, inspiration is all about a clutter-free workspace. If I’m having trouble concentrating, I usually tidy up my desk or move everything off of it completely. When I feel like I have a blank canvas, the ideas flow a lot easier.



Brittni, thank you so much for taking a moment from you hectic schedule to share a peek into your new creative space.  I love how bright and cheery your desk area feels, and your husband has good taste in furniture.  Once you get more settled, please let us know so that we can do a follow-up post!  So fun.  Congrats on your new space and I can’t wait to see what you do next!


Be sure to visit Brittni: Exhibition Site // Blog // Pinterest // Twitter // Facebook // Instagram
— promote your work + shop for handmade www.papernstitch.com get inspired www.papernstitchblog.com


Nov, 12

{life lately} getting excited

Last weekend my mom and I had our last craft show of the year and now it’s time to kick it into high gear as I manage the Holiday rush!  We are going to squeeze in a few visits to some of our favorite handmade markets, though.  No doubt about that.  I love shopping handmade for my friends and family.  It’s so nice to buy something from another creative and share it.

Thanksgiving is right around the corner.  Any big plans?  Ron and I hop around from house to house eating up all of the wonderful food and sharing thanks.  We also have our 7th Annual Cookie Swap coming up in early December, and I’m so excited!  I can’t wait to see what the girls make.  I still need to find time to decorate… eek!  It’ll all fall into place, because this is the most wonderful time of year, isn’t it?!

Other than that, I’ve just been busy filling orders and going through our house finding more things to donate.  This is the perfect time of year to take your old coats, gloves, shoes, etc. down to your local shelter.  It feels so good to help with what you can.

Oh!  I have another special guest for another fun {studio sunday}, so be sure to check that out tomorrow!  I know that you know her and you’ve probably shopped her site once or twice, wink wink.

Nov, 12

{inspired} work on your focus

It’s been a crazy time of year for me with the Holidays right around the corner and trying to stay on top of everything, and if you’re a creative business owner, then you understand.  With the help of my mom, I try to stay focused and think positive.  If I feel myself start to worry more than I should, I quickly redirect my thoughts to something more productive.  I recently stumbled across this post that Kyla Roma wrote on her blog.  I’ve never really listened to podcasts before, but with her recommendations and tips, I’ve officially been introduced. 

I often find myself sitting at my desk, drafting table or sewing machine and I realize that I’m in complete silence.  No radio, no TV, no iPod – nothing.  I actually enjoy the quiet at times, but it’s nice to have something new to listen to as I work.  The podcasts can be quite inspiring and keep me focused on positive and useful topics.  With music, I’m able to tune it out much easier and then my mind goes crazy with all of my to-do lists!  Eek!  The podcasts give me a break, so I appreciate that in the busiest of times.

Now, I’m not saying that I’m anti-TV or music as I work.  I love them!  It’s just that sometimes I feel the need to switch it up a bit and this is a great way to do that.  I appreciate Kyla taking the time to gather some recommendations – very helpful for a podcast newbie.

Kyla’s post isn’t just about podcasts, it’s about pinpointing your passion and living it each and every moment.  Maintain your focus and you will continue to move forward doing what you love.  Now, back to my crazy-busy life!

Nov, 12

Free Shipping + Free Gift Wrapping

Holiday shopping is in full swing and to help out, I’m now offering free shipping + free gift wrapping in my Etsy shop (only), now through Dec. 1st.  Use promo code: freeship to receive this discount.

Nov, 12

{studio sunday} with Beth of Deer Little Fawn

The weather is very cold and snowy here in Central Colorado, and to me, that means perfect timing to grab your morning coffee and read about another inspirational studio!  Beth and I met a bit ago on the web, through Twitter I think, and I just love to check in on her once in a while to see what she’s painting.  Today Beth is sharing where she illustrates her adorable works, and I know you’ll love the cozy feel of her space.  So, let’s get to know her and her space, shall we!


1. Tell me about yourself.

Hi! My name is Bethan, but on the internet I appear more often as Deer Little Fawn, which is the name of my lifestyle/craft/illustration blog. I can also be found on my website Forest Lodge Illustration(named after my childhood home). I live by the sea in the South of England, UK. When I’m not drawing or crafting in some capacity I work part-time at a large flea market, selling antiques, vintage items and furniture.


2. How long have you been illustrating?  What’s the inspiration behind your work?

I’ve always kept sketchbooks my whole life and drawn on an almost daily basis, but I’ve had many full-time non creative jobs along the way that I’ve had to work around. It’s taken quite a long time to build my confidence up and start putting things out there and at the moment I’m still finding my feet. I worked in a tattoo studio for a few years and that influenced my work quite a lot – style wise, but after leaving there it definitely took on a more cutesy aesthetic.


3. Where’s your studio located?

I’m lucky enough to currently have a room at home to use as a dedicated craft/studio space, this is a first for me and I’m very appreciative of it.

4. What’s your favorite part of your studio space? Why?
After living in quite small places for much of the last few years it’s just really nice to have enough room to spread my things out and have an actual desk to work from. Also it gets quite a lot of natural light which is lovely!


5. Approximately how many hours per day/week do you spend in your studio?

I tend to duck in and out of there throughout the day, it depends on what I’m doing that week really, the convenience is one of the blessings of having it at home.


6. Do you have any future plans for your studio?

I’m just enjoying the space as it is for now. There is a fair chance I will be moving house again next year, so I’m making the most of it while it lasts!

7. Do you have any tips or advice on how to maintain an inspiring and functional workspace?

I think however small your work space is, even if you are just working from a bedroom as I have in the past, it’s good to surround yourself with things you find inspiring to look at, even if all you can do is put up a few pictures or postcards around you, I find every little helps when keeping inspired and creating a place where you feel happy. Storage wise, I love suitcases and vintage vanity cases and have collected quite a few over the years and I find them so useful for storing sketchbooks, yarn and craft supplies.




Beth, thank you so much for allowing us to peek into your creative world.  I just love the cozy feel of your studio – the natural light really makes it.  I personally love having my studio in my home, because, just as you said, it’s convenient.  And now that you’ve mentioned it, I can see the influence that the tattoo shop has had on your work.  Your work is beautiful and so is your space.  Thank you again for sharing!




Be sure to visit Beth’s Blog | Site | Twitter | FB


Nov, 12

{life lately} at the craft show

This week I’ve been busy printing Roblins on fabric and sewing them into infinity scarves!  I’ll be adding them to the shop as I make each color.  So get ready for the shop update (coming soon)!  I’ll be at the craft show both today and tomorrow, wish me luck!  Be sure to stop by the blog tomorrow for a super cute {studio sunday} with a very sweet lady.  Have a wonderful day!

Nov, 12

{inspired} cookie swap

{image source}

I can’t believe that it’s that time of year for another cookie swap!  It’ll be our 7th Annual Swap, in fact.  I’ve been looking through my recipe books, Pinterest, and the internet for a yummy cookie recipe to share this year… and I’m feeling so inspired!  Last year I made soft pumpkin cookies and they were heavenly.  I’m thinking either pinwheels of some kind or a gooey chocolatey one for this years party.  Any suggestions on a good recipe?

Yesterday, I bought bags with labels to package each dozen in, as well as some super-cute elf invitations from Target.  I’m so excited to get the invites in the mail, but I have to focus on this weekends’ craft show, at the moment.  What’s inspiring you this week?!

Nov, 12

November Sponsor Giveaway Over At New York State of Mind

I’m so happy to be a Sponsor for the New York State of Mind Blog!  Daina is so sweet and I love to view the Big Apple through her photos, stories and blog.  I’m excited about her November Giveaway, because you have a chance at winning some sponsor spots, jewelry and one of my bows (the teal one above)!!!  The Giveaway runs now through November 14th, so don’t wait, get your tail over there!