Jul, 09

July Fourth Safety Checklist From HWAC | For your Pets

Hey all!  This is a great link:   JULY FOURTH SAFETY CHECKLIST FROM HWAC you should check it out to ensure the safety and happiness of your animal friends this 4th of July!!!

Jul, 09

4th of July Sale | 10% off at Chickiedee.com

chickiedee | modern apparel for babiesChickiedee is having a 4th of July Sale now through July 11th!  We want to celebrate this wonderful time with all of you by saving you 10% off of your order by using the Coupon Code: july4th See you there! http://www.chickiedee.com/

Jun, 09

4th of July | Safety and Fun

Hello Chickies!

I just want make sure everyone is safe this 4th of July weekend while having a ton of fun!  Here are a few tips from various sources:

{Hanging your Flag} “Celebrate America!  But be sure to hang Old Glory properly.  According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, the ‘union’ (stars0 should always be to the viewer’s left, and the flag should never touch the ground.” – Woman’s Day Mag July 2009

{Parades/Firework Viewing} Do your research beforehand when you want to attend a parade.  It saves time and stress when arriving… Especially if you have those little ones with you.  See where the street closers will be and parking.  It doesn’t hurt to get there a little early to get a good spot.  Make sure you have sunscreen, hats, sunglasses, etc. for your babes and yourself  Also, take water bottles just incase you can’t purchase any.  It’s always a good idea to pack a travel First Aid Kit for those little boo-boos caused from Sparklers or whatever else comes your way.  You should also bring cash in small bills, because not all places have ATM access.  It never hurts to find the restrooms early either, you don’t want any unnecessary accidents.  Finally, be sure to prepare your little ones for loud noises.  We don’t want them to be afraid of such a grand celebration! – Women’s Day Mag July 2009

{Sparklers} Tell everyone to stand at least 6 feet apart (that’s right, I said 6 feet) when playing with Sparklers so no one gets burned.  Of course, there should always be proper adult supervision, and no, your 12 year old niece doesn’t count as an adult :).  Don’t forget that First Aid Kit… Keep it handy.

{Your Pets} “Each year pets around the country die of heatstroke because their owners are irresponsible. The 4th of July is no different. Many owners forget about the safety of their pets, because they are too caught up in the festivities. Before taking your pet along on a 4th of July excursion, think about the conditions. Is the weather too hot for your pet? Will the fireworks scare your pet? Will you be able to supply your pet with much needed water throughout the day?” – http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/268799/4th_of_july_safety_tips.html?cat=74

{Recipes and crafts} Family Fun has great recipes and craft ideas that the who family can do together!  Get in the spirit and celebrate!  Heck, you can dress up too!  – http://familyfun.go.com/4thofjuly/

So, please be safe and have fun!  Feel free to pass this along to anyone you think might want it.  Happy 4th!


Jun, 09

Taxi Taxi

Just another way to stay green.  When in need of a taxi, search online for a “hybrid taxi” and your city’s name to find a cab company that uses hybrids.  Once you find one, save the number in your cell phone for future reference!  Easy!

Jun, 09

Buy Handmade | I Took The Pledge

Aren’t you so proud of me?!  I just took the Pledge to Buy Handmade and of course sell it too on behalf of Chickiedee! I think it’s pretty cool that people support local artists and designers by buying handmade products.  Mass production can be cool, but handmade is less wasteful and better for the environment.  Plus, things look way cuter when made by hand anyway!  So it’s a win-win situation!  Will you take the Pledge?

Jun, 09

Green Pet Food

If you’re living a green life and eating green, then shouldn’t your pet?  Heck yeah!  You should choose an all-natural food with hormone-free chicken, beef, or fish if you’re going to buy from the store.  If you’re going to cook for your pet, choose organic and free-range ingredients.  You can find recipes on the internet or I’ve seen books at places like Borders, Barnes & Noble, and yes, even the Library (they still exist and they’re still free).  Cats and dogs cannot be vegetarians, so make sure you are giving them their proper nutrients.  Heck, talk to your vet and see what they recommend!

Here are a couple of sites:  www.greatgreenpet.com – Which is a shopping site so you can go green with toys, grooming, food, and even biodegradable poo bags!  and www.aavn.org – The American Acadamey of Veterinary Nutrition.

Jun, 09

Quote | Ralph Waldo Emerson

This quote is great:  “And what is a weed?  A plant whose virtues have not been discovered.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

This is so cool to think about.  I first thought about it literally that we give water, love, and attention to roses, tulips, snapdragons, ect. but we spray, pull, and kill weeds.  Just because weeds grow where we don’t want them to and get a tad unruly sometimes, we yank them from the ground taking their lives!  How awful of us!  We do this with many things in life that we don’t fully understand.  We generally don’t take a moment to step back and try to understand things.  If it doesn’t make sense right away, we want nothing to do with it.  I’m going to try and give things a better chance before writing them off.  What do you think?

Jun, 09

Happy Father’s Day

I hope everyone is enjoying this wonderful day by sharing it with their father or father figure.  Happy Father’s Day dad!!!  I love you!!!

Jun, 09

Baby Tip 3 | Plants vs. Humidifier

Baby Tip 3: We all know that plants are AWESOME and that we can’t live without them because they give us that amazing thing called Oxygen, which keeps us alive! But did you know that if you put enough plants in your baby’s room/nursery, you won’t need a humidifier? Now, the important thing to remember is that you should make sure your baby isn’t allergic to any of the plants that you’re thinking of putting in their room.  We don’t want your baby getting sick for goodness sake! Once you pick safe plants for your baby, be sure to water and feed them as directed, we don’t want them dying.  Oh!  And please remember to put them up high where your baby can’t get to them. The bonus for you is that you save energy by unplugging that humidifier and save some cash too.

Note: Some babies have to have a humidifier, so be sure to check with your doctor before you make any changes :).

Jun, 09

Baby Tip 2 | Burping Baby

Baby Tip 2: I became an auntie for the first time on June 10th at 6:07pm!  My nephew Elijah was born as healthy as could be and we are all so blessed.  While at the hospital, we met a nurse from New York named Bonnie.  She was so full of information and she shared a little burping trick with us and swears that is works!  So, usually when burping a baby, you pat and rub their lower back just behind their belly button to push any air bubbles out.  Sometimes this doesn’t work so try gently rubbing the top of your baby’s head (being sure not to push on the soft spot) and it should relax them enough to make them burp.  It’s supposed to be like a massage – it will loosen your baby up to help release the air.  Many women have come back and told Bonnie that it really works.  So give it try!