Jan, 11

what a lovely name

I found this site quite awhile ago, and instantly fell in love with it!  It’s a great way to find that special baby name if you’re stumped, and it’s super fun too!

Enjoy! RobbieLee

Jan, 11

Happy Saturday!

Well, happy Saturday to you!  Today I have been a busy bee doing laundry, tidying up my studio and updating the shop.  Over the last week I’ve been sewing up a little storm in here preparing several new quilts and things for the shop.  They will be posted very very soon for you to see.  In the meantime, here are some super cute photos of my pups & kitty…

Have a great day, dearies!!!  RobbieLee

Jan, 11

a few of my favorite things…

I love to surround myself with things that inspire creativity on all levels.  Here are a few of my favorite things…

1-Silver Pigeon!  I L.O.V.E Pigeons to pieces, so when I saw this piece, I just had to have it!!! 2-My odd-and-end fabric collection (I also love the photo that my friends gave me from Santa Barbara!). 3-My Mac… it would be difficult to live without it… 4-My Sharpies and pens always an arms length away.  5-The sand from our sand ceremony at our wedding.  6-My sewing machine.  7-The Pigeon photo that my friend gave me for one of my birthdays.  8-My Peacock feathers.  I buy on each year from a woman at the Indian Market in Denver.  She has her own Peacocks and she collects the fallen feathers.  So, no plucking! 🙂

Thanks for stopping by today! RobbieLee

Jan, 11

{wedding wednesday} vol.4

Today I wanted to chat a bit about wedding photography.  One of my dearest friends is going to be walking down the aisle in just a few months, and I couldn’t be more happy for her.  I believe that having a photographer is very important, but not everyone can afford a professional one.  This is completely okay!  My pal is lucky enough to have a few friends who know a thing or two about photography, so she doesn’t have to skip out on the whole photography session altogether.  Our wedding photos are priceless to us, because a lot of moments where captured, that we didn’t actually experience the day of the wedding.  We have the chance to relive the day again and again.

We did have a professional photographer, and we still didn’t get the shots that we had discussed prior to the wedding with our photographer.  So, having friends and family pitch in to capture your big day wouldn’t be a bad idea at all.  They might have better insight on who to photograph and at what times.  Whether or not you’re thinking of having a professional or your pals do the photography, here are a few things to think about:

• Meet with them prior to the wedding and make a list of what you want shots of.  Be sure to mention everything from the close-ups to the family shots.  (Ron and I did this, and we were still very disappointed in our photographer for not listening, but it’s still a good idea to do.)

• Make sure your photograpgher has back-up batteries, lenses, etc.  Things can go wrong and if they do, your photograpgher should be prepared.

• Be sure that your photographer turns off the sound to the camera.  The beeping can be very distracting, especially in those intimate moments.

• Your photographer must be able to take charge, but not be mean.  Be sure not to pick a pal that is quiet and shy, because you will not get the photos you deserve.  You need someone who can give clear direction, without being rude.  They should also be able to have fun!

• Lighting is key, so be sure that you pal knows this!  I can’t stress this enough.  Your photographer needs to know how to bounce the light off of other surfaces, because your flash is often not enough.  Or it can be too harsh.

• Have your photographer mix up the angles.  Have them shoot from up high, down low, or at an angel to capture the feel of the moment.  This will add depth and character to your album later on.  Continuous shooting mode can also be very useful.  This way every moment is caught.

Thanks!  RobbieLee

Jan, 11

Happy Birthday Mikey!

Today is my little brother’s 17th Birthday!  I can’t believe it, I really do remember when all three of my siblings were babies!  Happy Birthday Mikey, I love you so much!

Dec, 10

big things for the new year

The New Year is going to bring some big things for Chickiedee!  I’ve been super busy prepping new features, products and much more.  I can’t wait to share with all of you.

xo RobbieLee

Dec, 10

5th annual cookie swap

So this years 5th Annual Cookie Swap was a success!  We had 14 ladies bake their hearts out to share with each other.  There were so many different recipes and flavors, it was unreal, and delicious.  Ron and I had them all gone in a week and a half.  Yum yum.

So, I tried this Weight Watchers Pumpkin Chocolate chip recipe that I found on Two Blonde’s Walk Into a Gym, and although they were ugly, they tasted so yummy.  I wasn’t sure how this recipe was going to pan out, but it blew me and my guests away how moist and flavorful they were!  Go Weight Watchers, woohoo!  Not only was this the easiest (by far) cookie recipe that I’ve ever made, but is also probably the healthiest… he hee hee.  Below are step-by-step instructions on how to make these scrumptious little cookies, so enjoy.

Above Images: 1. The ingredients that you see here is all you need, seriously!  No eggs, no milk.  I made 14 dozen cookies, so I needed more than one batch.  One batch makes approx. 48 cookies.  You will need 1 box Spice Cake Mix, 15 oz can pumpkin (not pumpkin pie mix, just straight pumpkin), and 1 cup chocolate chips.  that’s it! 2-4. Mix the ingredients one by one into a small bowl. 5. Scoop mix by the tablespoon onto a non-stick cookie sheet and bake at 350° for 12-14 min.  Let cool foe a few minutes on pan then transfer to cooling rack. 6. Enjoy!

Visit Two Blonde’s Walk Into A Gym for the nutritional values.

What was a bigger hit than the cookies you ask?  Well, that would be my cat Brutus James.  He should have had a red carpet at this event because all of the ladies were swooning over him.  They all asked for photos with him!  He loves the ladies and all of the attention that comes with them.  He was such a hit, even my pal Jessica (top) loved him and she’s not a big fan of animals.  He worked his charm, that’s for sure.  My mom and cousin are in the middle photos and that’s my mom and sis in the bottom ones.  So cute!

Here is a photo of this years ladies!  Can’t wait until next year!

Funny thing, my friend Ben invited me to his cookie swap too, so I participated in two lovely swaps this year!  Crazy, I know, but this one only had us baking 8 dozen…heeheehee.  Oh, that’s my hubby Ron, trying to take the credit for baking all of these goodies.  Don’t be fooled by his charm though. 🙂

Night all!
ox RobbieLee

Dec, 10

touching base…

I apologize for being absent for a few days.  We had a death in the family.  I won’t get into details, but it was a suicide.  I wanted to take a moment to share the importance of letting those around you know that you care about them. It’s important to let family and friends know that you will be there to talk to if needed without judgment.

The beautiful thing about being you is that there is only one you in the entire universe!  This should be celebrated to the fullest, because you are different and unique.  We all get down on ourselves at one point or another and compare ourselves to others.  It’s human nature, however, what we need to remember is that we are who we are, and that’s so special.  If we want to change for whatever reason, it should only be because we want to change, not for anyone else.   I think Katie Perry’s new song “Firework” sends a great message about being yourself and how special that is.

I never realized all of the emotions that encompass you after a suicide.  I instantly felt sadness mixed with disbelief when I first heard the news.   After that I felt confusion and couldn’t stop asking “why.”  Why did this happen?  Why didn’t we see the signs?  Why didn’t they reach out for help?  Then the guilt set in.  Why didn’t I do a better job of letting it be known that I would have been there to talk to?  I felt as though I failed in the worst kind of way.   I should have paid closer attention, and if I had, I probably would have been able to stop it.  I heard that anger is one of the steps to grieving a suicide, but I have not felt that, not yet at least.  I’m not angry at what happened, but I’m still very sad and shocked.  It sometimes doesn’t seem real, but then I quickly realize that it unfortunately is.

I want to say that if you ever feel depressed about anything to the point that you question your worth or even think of ending it all, please reach out.  Your friends an family will be there for you, I promise.  I was told by the Suicide Advocates, that suicide is the permanent solution to a temporary problem.  It’s so true.  No problem should result in suicide, ever.  Your life is too valuable to even think that this is an option.  You are special, we all are.  There is only one you and that is something to be proud of.  I understand that you might feel embarrassed or silly talking to someone, but it’s better to be embarrassed for a minute, than to be gone forever.  Your loved ones would much rather you come to them to chat than to live with the guilt and sadness that suicide brings.

Suicide is not the answer.  Please remember that.  If you suspect someone is depressed and possibly contemplating suicide, please just let them know that you love them and that you are there to talk to.  This way they know that you are a safe person.  I appreciate you allowing me the chance to get a lot off my chest.  I needed that.

Night all,

xo RobbieLee

Dec, 10

{wedding wednesday} vol.3

This week I wanted to feature several handmade bouquets, because I just love what I have found.

These white felt flowers really add that extra touch.  I love the light pinks and greens…

…and you can’t forget the bridesmaids.

I’m in love with this handmade vintage brooch bouquet.  Check it out over at the Wedding Chicks.

These paper bouquets are stunning!  I love the mustard yellow and teal.

This monster flower really makes a statement.  Find out how to make it on 100 Layer Cake.

I never would have thought to use handmade pinwheels as bouquet alternatives.  So clever!

Simple and sweet.

Pine cones make a great and inexpensive winter wedding addition.  See more pine cone decor over at Ruffled®.

Happy Wednesday!

Dec, 10

Holiday Gift Wrap Ideas

I love wrapping gifts for people, because I believe that the outside of the package should be just as exciting as the inside.  It should invite you to want to open the gift.  Here are some inspiring gift wrap ideas to try this year.

I love the simple white paper and the white twine.  They really allow the colorful greenery to pop!

Love the faux wood look… you could even use real oak leaves, as long as they are not too dry.  You don’t want them to get too messy.

oh so natural

I never thought to use doilies.

What a cute little wreath name tag.

I like the look of this, but I dislike the feel of real news paper.  Imitation will have to do.

L.O.V.E these!

Such cute eco-friendly wrap

awww… mini pine cones – oh so cute!

What a great way to wrap a gift with something that they can keep.

Who would have thought, fabric envelopes.

I’m simply smitten with these biodegradable stuffing!

Yay for Yarn!

Anything shiny is a-ok in my book.

These are so adorable!  Click here to make them.

Photos! Photos! Photos!

Mistletoe made of bells and felt.

Monograms make the world go round…

I really want to try and make these handmade glitter boxes.  I just wonder how you keep the extra glitter from falling off.

Lump of coal… so clever!

I hope you enjoyed going through these and let me know if you try any of them.  Later this week, I’ll be wrapping gifts of my own, so I’ll be sure to show you what I’ve come up with.