Apr, 11Introducing…
Happy Friday everyone, and Happy April Fool’s Day!!!!! I’m so lame, I never have any good tricks planned for April Fool’s. I need to work on that. What’s better than tricks you ask? Well, that’s easy, introducing these two lovely ladies and their Blogs, of course. Both of their blogs are super creative and spunky; just what I like! So, without further ado, here are Victoria and Jody.
I love this image and how Victoria, of Garden of Eden Designs, describes herself. She has a great online shop and her Blog is always a great read. Definitely stop by and say “hi.”
Jody, from The Fabric Shoppe, has a great online shop full of fabric that will melt you heart! She also has some really great tutorials for everything you can imagine! Stop by and give her a big “hello.”
Mar, 11Happy Birthday Jessica!
Today is one of my best friend’s birthday and she’s 27! It’s bitter sweet for me because, it will probably be the last one we spend together for a long time. As you may already know, she’s getting married and moving to Memphis. I’m thrilled that she’s getting married and taking the next big step, but I will miss her so much. Jessica and I have been friends since Kindergarten – no joke! We have so much in common and we can talk for hours on end without ever realizing the time. Our favorite place to go and chat is, of course, at Starbucks. We usually sit there for about 4 hours and we never seem to talk about the same thing.
It’s pretty funny because, I’m pretty sure that the Starbucks employees dread the days we come in. We will stay there until they lock the doors! At least they get our $$. I will miss her, but I told her that we can still have our Starbucks dates, just via webcam. It’s the next best thing! I’m so happy for her and her beau!
For her birthday, I framed the Starbucks Sign (below) that I took on one of our dates, and gave it to her. This way she never forgets me. On that note, Happy Birthday Jessica, I love you, dear!
Mar, 11{humpday tutorial} Bow Cuff
Bows are in, there’s no doubt about that. So, this Bow Cuff Tutorial over at IS•LY may be the fix that you’ve been looking for. This one is made of leather, so it’s super durable, but I’m sure that you can use felt or fabric too. I’m so in love with this. Go check it out and let me know if you make one!
Mar, 11{wedding wednesday} vol.7
Oh heavens! Where were these stunning dresses 2.5 years ago???!!! I want to get married all over again just to wear one of these dresses. Oh, that didn’t come out right. I would get married all over again because of love, but I would be wearing one of these. LoL. Now, which one would I choose? So many decisions. These works of art are from Elihav Sasson’s 2011 Bridal Collection.
Mar, 11{inspiration} vol.2
I’m so ready for summer and all that goes with it! I can’t wait to take the boat out. Here are some images that are super pretty and make me yearn for summer…
Have you ever seen such a pastel-colored?! Not me, until now.
This linen ruffle necklace with a bronze chain is so sweet and pretty.
This is just plain beautiful! So vibrant and fluid.
{po impacto}
The colors are what caught my eye here, of course. I love the shoes and the green wall so much!
Mar, 11Monday Spring Clean
So, it is SNOWING here in Denver, which is not a huge surprise for us Coloradoans. March has been our “blizzard” month for the past several years. I have to admit that I thought this year might be a bit different though. The Groundhog actually saw his shadow, so I believed we had a chance for Spring to come early for us. I’m so naive sometimes. LoL. I can’t complain though, because we need the moisture. Especially for all of the fires we’ve been having lately.
I personally love this weather on days that I don’t need to go out for anything. I thought it would be the perfect day to do some Spring Cleaning!!! I hope you have a great day and I’ll see you tomorrow.
Mar, 11Sunday Bliss
Today is going to be a busy day, but a good one. I have family stuff in the morning (Yay!) and then coffee and Kinko’s in the afternoon with my gal pal, Jessica. We are going to print the invitations that I’ve been working on for her! So excited! I hope everything goes smoothly!
Have a wonderful Sunday and I’ll see you tomorrow!
Mar, 11Gotta Make These!
Good morning and happy Saturday! I found these the other day and really wanted to share them with you. I have not made them yet, but really NEED to. That’s right, I NEED to. This recipe marries two of the greatest cookies of all time into one… pure bliss. My husband and I have “cookies ‘n milk” every single night after dinner… No joke. Ron will tell you otherwise, because he is a bit embarrassed that we do it. He’s trying to cut his weight a bit for an upcoming judo competition, so you probably won’t hear him admit this anytime soon. It is our weakness. We usually eat Oreo’s and milk most nights, but when we have others in the house, like mom’s chocolate chip cookies, we will gladly eat those too!
It’s a sick sick addiction that we’ve created, but it’s become a tradtion in our home. We’ve been doing it for years now. Anyhoo, check these tantalizing Oreo Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies out and the full recipe over at Very Culinary right now!
Mar, 11{photo friday} vol.2
Hey all! This weeks {photo friday} is narrowed down to one main day. I had a ya-ya on my chest and had to have a procedure done to fix it. Ouch! I have the best hubby in the world, because he went with me to support me, bought me an early dinner and then surprised me with Pinkberry!!!! Frozen Yogurt really does make everything better!
Mar, 11Taming of the Beasts
Good morning. I’m hoping that 3pm today will change our lives for the better. As you know, we have two spunky and outrageous Blue Heelers, Frankie and Tucker. They are the best, indeed. They are full of love, playfulness, and a giant dash of crazy! I’ve decided to finally call a trainer because they just don’t listen to me. I’m seen as part of the pack, rather than the Alpha. I’m just not stern enough. The trainer will come and do a demo to see if we all mesh, and if we do, we’ll take it from there.
I just love these crazy guys so much, but they are out of control. They both pull on the leash and love to torment other dogs on the other side of the fence when we walk by. We seriously look and sound like a pack of wild banshees coming down the street! No joke! They make this yelling sound when another pup in behind the fence. I’ve tried everything from reading books, tips in magazines, and yes, watched the pros on TV with no luck at all. This is way I know it is something that I’m doing incorrectly.
I’m not sure if you know a ton about Blue Heelers, but they are extremely smart and hyper. That’s just how they are. They are bred to heard cattle and other farm animals, without injury. Their high energy allows them to run fast and maneuver quickly. We knew this when we adopted them, but I thought I would be a better trainer… but, not so much. If you Google Blue Heelers, you will find all sorts of amazing videos showing just how smart they are. One video out there shows a Blue Heeler Praying!!! Another has a Blue Heeler that knows numbers (he doesn’t speak them) and when his human counts, he does different things. So, I know mine are capable of listening to me, but they are too stinkin’ smart and they know I let them get away with it.
Anyhoo, I will let you know how it goes, and wish me luck!