Nov, 11

december sponsors

Now excepting December Sponsors… 125 x 125 spots for $9/month or $13/3 months!  Comment below now thru Nov. 29th for a chance to win 3 free months!!!  I’ll choose a winner on Nov. 30th, so be sure to leave your email in the secure email field.  Good luck! ♥ RobbieLee

Nov, 11

{DIY} Coffee Cozy

Oh boy this was a fun project (and easy too!)!  I got the cozy template from Purl Bee and added some extra flair with embroidery thread.  Here is how Purl Bee explains it and below is what I did.  I can’t wait to use these as stocking stuffers for all of the coffee drinkers in my group.  They will love them!

Supplies: scissors, Purl Bee template, embroidery thread, embroidery needle, pins, pen, and felt (I used eco felt made from recycled bottles).

1. Print out, cut and trace the template onto the felt.  Purl Bee recommends doing this “assembly line” style and I agree.  It makes it a lot easier and faster.

2. Before you sew it closed, I fold the felt in half and stick a pin in the center to mark it.  Then open it up and sew your design or add buttons, applique, etc. between the edge and the center point.  You really can do whatever you want in this step, so make it unique!

3. Then I fold it in half and pin in closed.

4. Then stitch the cozy closed.  you can use a zigzag stitch, straight stitch, blanket stitch or whatever kind you want.  Note: be sure to sew closer to the edge, so you don’t make the cozy too narrow.  you want it to fit the cup properly.  If you don’t own a sewing machine, no worries.  You can easily stitch it closed with embroidery thread.

5. And… voila!  You’re done.  Now you can take your cozy anywhere, and they are washable.

I hope you enjoyed this post and if you make some, be sure to share!  I want to thank Purl Bee for sharing such an easy and wonderful project!

♥ RobbieLee


Nov, 11

Cookie Swap 2011

Welp, it’s that time of year again… that’s right, Cookie Swap time!  A group of us have been doing this cookie swapping for the past 6 years now and it such a wonderful time.  For the most part, it’s been the same group of ladies, but we have had a few drop out and a few join, but on average, we have about 12 to 15 ladies each year.  We have so much fun baking and exchanging.  Everyone does it slightly different, but the main idea remains the same: each person leaves with a variety of cookies!  We have altered it slightly throughout the years, but here’s how we do it…

After we get the RSVP total, we let each participant know how many people will be attending (including themselves) and that’s how many dozen each person bakes of their recipe of choice.  So, for example, if we have 15 participants total, then each person will bake 15 dozen cookies.  By the end, each person will leave with one dozen of each cookie to take home and share with family and friends.  It’s great, because you leave with a variety and you didn’t have to buy all of the different ingredients and bake a variety by yourself.

We used to have each person RSVP with the recipe they wanted to make, so we would be sure that no one made the same kind of cookie.  We changed that last year and decided that no two recipes taste exactly alike, so sometimes we overlap, and that okay!  I love to see what everyone comes up with, because this is a creative bunch.  This year we are venturing into cupcakes and candy too, so it should be fun.

My favorite part of the Cookie Swap is when we all gather and exchange our goodies over some snacks, hot drinks and lots of laughter.  I can’t wait!  I think this year my mom and I are going to make chili and a brie dip.  Then we will have tea, cider and hot coco…nom nom.

We will indeed miss my grandma this year, as she has been a part of it every year.  She will remain in our hearts and we will always remember what a blessing it was to have shared those special moments with her.

I’ll be sure to post about the swap in early December.  Our Swap is on Saturday December 3rd… so we have a bit of time.  How about you, have you ever done a Cookie Swap?  If so, share what you do differently, if anything.  ♥ RobbieLee

Nov, 11

365 Self-Portraits {8-14/365}

Oh boy!  Here are self-portraits 8-14 of 365…

Nov, 11

Robblin Plushies Coming to the Shop!

I am so excited to be adding my Robblin Plushies to the shop later this week.  I’m waiting for some good light to come through so I can photograph them.  Each one is so different and oh-so cute!  Eeek!  I can’t wait.  I’ll also be posting a Coupon Code for some Holiday Shopping too, so stay tuned.

Oct, 11


Okay, so you already know how in love I am with Instagram, so it’s no surprise that I would find Sticky-gram just as fun!  Sticky-gram is a place to turn your favorite Instagram photos into magnets!!!  It seems a bit steep in price ($15 for 9 magnets), but it is a custom job.  I really want to try it, so I need to go through all of my Instagram photos and pick my top 9!  If you have already used them, please tell me what you thought.  Check out there site here.

Oct, 11


Happy Saturday!  These super cute Mustache one-pieces are now in the shop!  They are all hand screen-printed by yours truly (smile).

Oct, 11

Robblins for Baby

Robblins are now for babies!!  All of these are screen printed by hand (by me) with lots and lots of love.  So, check them out in the shop.

Oct, 11

365 Self-Portraits {4-7/365}

Hello there!  Today is a very rainy day here in Central Colorado, and that’s the way I like it.  Gloomy and rainy days are when I feel my most productive, because I can sit down with a quilt and a hot drink while I craft or blog.  I’m off to an early start too, because I have a lot of new pieces to add to the shop!  (smile) I can’t wait to show them to you, so check back later tomorrow.

Before that though, here are self-portraits 4-7/365!!


Oct, 11

Personal Chanllenge: 365 Self-Portraits {1-3/365}

So, as you may know, I just celebrated my 28th Birthday on Saturday!  Yikes!  I can’t believe how each year seems to fly by faster than the next.  Don’t worry though, I’m enjoying every bit of it.

Last Friday I was browsing the Internet and I came across Elsie’s “5 Tips for Better Self Portraits.”  I was able to take so much from that post and I want to thank her for sharing.  In step 4, Elsie briefly touched on how she tried the 365 Self Portrait Challenge and it inspired me to try.  I know it will be hard to continuously think of fresh and creative ways to capture myself and what makes me unique, but I’m up for it.  I think it will only make my image captures that much better in the future.  Plus, it will be fun to see if I change at all in one years time.

I chose to start on my 28th Birthday this year (October 1st)… I thought it was fitting (smile).  So far, I have these three images.  Stay tuned for the next batch and wish me luck!