Feb, 12

Active for Fashion | Mentoring Monday

Hello!  I meant to post this earlier in the week… I’ve been busy getting everything finalized for the opening of the new and improved shop.  Anyhoo, I’m so excited to share my interview over at Active for Fashion.  Lauren and I “met” on instagram awhile back and have been sharing sweet photos and mini chats ever since.  So, as you can imagine, I was super honored when she asked me to be a part of her Mentoring Monday Feature.  Lauren is a hip lady and her blog always has something wonderful to share, so stop on over and read my interview.  While you’re there, browse around, too!

Thanks for having me, Lauren, it was a real hoot!

Feb, 12

{a list of…} my favorite accessories

Hi there!  Today I wanted to share with you {a list of…} my favorite accessories (inspired by my interview with Tina, over at Be Bold.Be Beautiful).  These are my must haves and go-to’s:

→ Tights – in every color, thickness and style, please!
→ Earrings – because they really brighten you face, even on those days that you aren’t feeling so great.. like now… sniff sniff.
→ Hair Clips and Bows – because they’re so cute and so fun!
→ Flip Flops – Because, even though I live in Colorado, I still wear them year around.  Yes, I do.  So easy.
→ Perfume – Because to smell pretty, is to feel pretty.
→ Bold Belts – Nothing pulls together a nice outfit like a bold and bright belt!
→ My Camera – I have to take it every where, in case something special needs to be captured.
→ Mascara – It’s a girls best friend.
→ Toms – So comfy and for a great cause!
→ Clutch – I like to carry all of my basics in a pretty clutch and keep it in my big bag.  This way if I go out on the town, there is no switching and fussing.  Simply grab your clutch and go!

What are your favorite accessories that you just can’t live without?! ♥RobbieLee

Feb, 12

Interview Over At “Be Bold.Be Beautiful.”

Hey all, things have been so busy on this end, I don’t even know where to begin!  Sheesh.  I’m taking a little break this evening to accompany the Mr. at a Blues Traveler Concert.  He got VIP tickets, so it should make for a comfy night. (smile) I’m still making and building up the shop and can’t wait to share.  I appreciate your patience and support.  In the meantime, stop on over at Be Bold.Be Beautiful and read my interview with Tina, a sweet and lovely up-and-coming fashion and creative blogger.  Thanks, Tina, for having me, it was so much fun!  As always, have a lovely day and come back tomorrow for a new {list of…} feature. ♥RobbieLee

Feb, 12

They’re Coming…

Here is another sneak peek of what’s to come to the new and improved shop!  Late February can’t come soon enough, because I  can’t wait to share.

Feb, 12

coming soon!

Happy Friday!  I just wanted to share a little sneak peek at the fun bow-ties that will be in the new shop very soon.  I’m working so much these days and keeping extremely busy, so check back later this month to see what else is new! ♥RobbieLee

Feb, 12

{diy} {Valentine’s 7 of 7} Felt Coasters

Here’s lucky number 7 of 7!  I’m going to show you how to make these cute little coasters that would be perfect for a Valentine’s brunch or dinner.

Here’s what you’ll need:
• Red and white felt
• Something to trace that is larger than your cups (roughly around 3.5 or 4.5 in.)
• Hot Glue or fabric glue
• Scissors

First, trace your circle template onto your red and white felt pieces (both should be the same size).

Next, take the red felt circle and fold it in half so that you can cut a heart out of the center. 

You can either do this free hand, or draw it on first with a disappearing pen.

Then, glue the red felt circle on top of the white one and be sure to center them.  Let dry and you’re done!  Repeat these steps to reach your desired amount of coasters.

I hope you had fun making all 7 of these {diy} projects.  I know they will brighten up you Valentine’s Day. ♥RobbieLee

Feb, 12

{diy} {Valentine’s 6 of 7} Fabric Heart Bookmark

Today I’m going to show you just how easy it is to make a fabric heart bookmark with two materials!  It would make a great gift for that special bookworm in your life!

All you’ll need are two small fabric scrapes measuring approximately 3.5 in x 3.5 in, embroidery thread, an embroidery needle, and scissors.

Lay your two fabric pieces on top of each other (wrong sides out – right sides kissing) then fold in half and cut “half of a heart, so that once you open it up again, both sides are identical.  Next you flip the cut out hearts around so that the wrong side are in and the right sides are out…

 now stitch them together, only at the bottom point.

Knot both loose ends and you’re done!

If you make one, let me know how it turns out! ♥RobbieLee

Feb, 12

{diy} {Valentine’s 5 of 7} Easy Heart Garland

Today’s {diy} is so simple!  You can make this in 10 minutes, start to finish, once you have all of the supplies.  It’s a perfect last minute way to add some Valentine’s charm to your space.

You will need 4 packs of festive hearts from The Spot at Target (each contain 3 hearts for $1), Red embroidery thread, an embroidery needle (if you don’t have one, you can wrap the very end of the thread in tape and use that as the needle to thread through – snip that end off when finished), and scissors.

1. You thread through from the back to the front.
2. Then you repeat – in through the back and out through the front.
3. Pull semi-tight to ensure that the heart won’t slide side-to-side.

Repeat steps 1-3 for each heart, being sure to evenly space each heart before tightening completely.  Do this until the garland is your desired length.

And there you have it!  The easiest Valentine Garland you can ever make!  The best part is if you want to save the hearts for another project later, you can.  You simply detach each heart.  Happy decorating! ♥RobbieLee

Feb, 12

{diy} {Valentine’s 4 of 7} Polka Dots For Your Nails

Today’s lovely {diy} is so fun and so easy!  All you need is some white nail polish, and red Sharpie, and a clear topcoat.  This is indeed as easy as you think.  All you do is paint the white base and let dry completely.  Then take your red Sharpie and carefully tap the tip to create evenly spaced rows of dots.  I staggered the dots to make the look more uniform.  Then let them dry for about 15 minutes before applying your clear top coat.  That’s it!  Happy painting! ♥RobbieLee

Feb, 12

{diy} {Valentine’s 3 of 7} Paper Fortune Cookies

Welcome to the 3rd {diy} of 7!  Today I will show you just how easy it is to make paper fortune cookies.  Here’s what you’ll need:

• Paper (the thinner the better…card-stock is tricky)
• Something round to trace (any size)
• Glue Gun or Glue Dots
• Paper to write little love fortunes on
• Candy as filler

Here’s what you do:

1. trace and cut out your circles.

2. Then you bend/fold the circle in half – but don’t crease it.  Keep a smooth bend.

3. Then you hold both ends between you thumb and middle finger and pinch.  I sometimes use my index finger to press in the middle to help the pinch go easier.  The paper will naturally fold as it should.

4. Then fill them with sweet love notes and chocolates!  To secure closed, I prefer to use a drop of hot glue (hold for a minute or two to dry) or you can use stronger glue dots.  Once you have folded and pinched the fortune cookie, you will see areas where the paper touches – that’s where you want the glue to secure it.

Voila!  There you have it, simple and fun Valentine’s Fortune Cookies.  These are perfect little treats to sneak in your Loves lunch or briefcase!  I’ll see you tomorrow! ♥RobbieLee