Apr, 12

{a list of…} a few of my favorite creatives

Today I’m going to share a few of my all-time favorite creatives.  Enjoy!

1. {Tim Burton} – I enjoy his sense of humor and admire his ability to let go and let things be as they are.  The Nightmare Before Christmas and Vincent are what grabbed me at young age.  My brother and I would watch the movie over and over again singing all of the songs.  I’m pretty sure I memorize each of them to this day…
2. {Mark Ryden} – I love how his paintings make you want to look at them for a long time, because there is so much more going on in each painting than you might first think.
3. {Ray Caesar} – The fact that his art is digital and looks like oil paintings is reason enough to enjoy his art.
4. {Lucia Holm} – The lighting in her photography is what captures me every time!
5. {Johnny Depp} – He can transform into any character imaginable, and he does it with grace.  He’s my favorite actor and always will be.
6. {Bosch} – I enjoy the darker thoughts and meaning behind his work.
7. {Jan Van Eyck} – His use of color and reflection is amazing!
8. {Bernini} – He has created sculptures to last a lifetime.  And they hold so much detail!
9. {Shel Silverstein} – Not only do his poems grab onto you, but his simple-lined drawing really tell the story of each poem. I’ll never forget when my mom gave me my very first Shel Silverstein book… Where The Sidewalk Ends… I never got tired of reading it!
10. {Dr. Seuss} – I love the rhymes and colorful imagery.

Apr, 12

{studio sunday} with Laura of Roots + Feathers & Violet Bella

Can you believe that it’s already April?!  The year is flying by.  April is a lovely month and what better way to kick it off than with a {studio sunday} with a very talented lady…

1. Hi, Im Laura Mazurek, jewelry designer and lifestyle blogger.  I have two jewelry lines, Roots & Feathers and Violet Bella.  I run a blog where I talk about my daily life, my business, my animals, and many times my deep down emotions. 

2. My studio is an extra bedroom in my home, along with half of the livingroom.

3. We just bought this house in April of 2011, so it’s still very young!

4. My favorite part of my studio is my wall shelf my dad built that is full of little trinkets that remind me of my parents.

5. It depends on the day to how long I spend in my studio.  If I’m working on a big wholesale order and I am feeling very inspired to create new things, I can be in there for hours straight and not know it.

6. I’ve always dreamt of having a nice big clean studio with lots of windows and light… Maybe one day.

7. I think creating a studio space that you feel at home in and inspired by is truly important for successful creating. 

Thank you so much for sharing your lovely studio, Laura!  I love how you surround yourself with things that remind you of your family and that inspire you.  Oh, and that shelf that your dad built is indeed very beautiful!!!  I agree, your workspace is extremely important when it comes to successful creating – and it shows that you are doing it right for you and your craft.  Beautiful work by a beautiful lady.  Thank you again. ♥RobbieLee

If you’ve enjoyed peeking into Laura’s studio, you might be interested in seeing a few others… here.

Mar, 12

My Lovely New Camera Bag

Hello!  I was so excited to come home and see a package from Jo Totes on our doorstep on Thursday.  It came way sooner that I had expected, so that was a surprise.

I couldn’t wait to tear into the box to see my new camera bag!  It’s even more beautiful than I had thought it was going to be.  I’m clearly so excited that I’m sharing it with you… so it must be important, right?!  heehee  Oh! And I love the cute little Jo Totes bag that it came in… great packaging from a design standpoint.

I haven’t quite figured out how I want to set up all of the inserts, but it looks like I may be able to fit my iPad in there too!  I plan to fit a lot in there, especially when we travel, so this is great.  I just couldn’t resist the teal shell paired with the houndstooth lining… stunning!  This beats a traditional black Velcro camera bag any day!

I couldn’t be happier right now.  I just need to put everything inside now.  Hummm… do I smell another “What’s In My Bag” post?! Does anyone else have a Jo Tote?  If so, tell me about it! ♥RobbieLee

P.S. Happy Birthday sweet Jessica!  I love you, lady!

Mar, 12

What’s In My Bag?

I am so excited to have finally bought a new bag!  I’ve had my old one for about 3 or 4 years now, so it was time.  The handles on my old one were starting to crack and snag my clothes, so that’s when I decided it was okay to move on.  When I first saw this lovely white bag, it was the giant bow that instantly attracted me to it!  It’s so cute and pretty girlie!  My second thought was, “how long is this going to stay clean?!” followed by, “who cares!  It’s stinking cute!” heehee Oh, how cuteness can turn my logic upside-down…

Anyhoo, here’s what’s in my new bag:

1. My cute bag is Red by Marc Ecko: Happy Days Hobo.  It has a lovely red lining with a zipper pocket and two cubby pockets.  Perfect for storing all of my tiny gadgets…
2. I can’t leave home without my wallet (Reaction – Kenneth Cole) and checkbook (Roxy)… yes, I still need to write checks these days.
3. Sunglasses are a must for these sunny and bright days!  Oh, and I love my pink zebra case!!! (glasses – forever 21 + case – unknown)
4. I always carry my planner, sketchbook and a pretty pen.  This way I can keep track of life and jot down my ideas before I forget.
5. Keys + my awesome cat key chain that is for safety purposes.  The Mr. found that for me at the Tanner Gun Show this month… so cute and functional!
6. My trusty iPhone, ear buds and charger… I need them wherever I go to stay connected to you!
7. One of the many little Ninjas that my brother gave me when he was young.  He gave me all of the purple ones since they were my favorite color.  I have one in every bag that I own… they make me feel happy and safe.
8. Clinique Happy perfume… love the fresh Spring scent.
9. Burt’s Bees Lip Balm… no chapped lips on this girl.
10. Gum and a handmade coffee cozy… just incase!

I hope you enjoyed peeking into my bag!  Have a great day! ♥RobbieLee

Mar, 12

Call for {studio sunday} Features

Now that the new shop and blog are up and settled, I’m looking to feature your creative studio spaces again.  If you are not familiar with it, it’s so fun and super easy to do… and did I mention that it’s another way to get more exposure?!  Anyhoo, all you have to do is answer a few questions about yourself and your space, then send a few images along with them.  Easy, right?!  If you are interested, leave a comment below with a way to contact you or email me at robbielee {at} chickiedee {dot} com and I’ll send you the details.

Tidbit: Do you think your workspace is too small, not exciting enough, blah blah blah?  Well, it’s not!  That’s what makes this series so great.  Your space is just as unique as you are and you should never be ashamed of it or afraid to share.  So, what do you say… are you ready to be featured in Chickiedee’s {studio sunday}?  ♥RobbieLee


Mar, 12

New Shoes!

I had to share my new shoes with you!  I’m normally not a heel wearing diva, but I love the way they look.  My mom bought me the b+w houndstooth heels and I got the brown ones this past weekend.  I’ve always oogled over pretty heels, but I just never feel like I have that many places to wear them… wedges can be dressed down easier that regular heels (in my opinion), so maybe things will change around here?  Ha!  Anyhoo, I hope you are having a lovely Wednesday! ♥RobbieLee

Mar, 12

{a list of…} my current daily reads

Hey friends!  It’s time for me to share another list with you!  I really think you’ll enjoy today’s list because it is full of some lovely blogs.  Don’t believe me?  See for yourself!

These are just a few of my current daily reads (in no particular order), so grab a cup of tea, coffee, lemon water, or whatever floats your boat and stay awhile…

→ {A Beautiful Mess} I’m sure most of you are very familiar with this blog, but let me tell you why it has made this list.  I really enjoy the variety that Elsie and Emma offer.  They have everything from crafts to recipes and so much more.  This is one of my favorite blogs to read while I eats me some breakfast.  It’s a great place to find inspiration.

→ {Little Chief Honeybee} I like to stop by to see what Kaelah is up to.  She’s keeping super busy these days with work, moving into a new home and welcoming a sweet little kiddo into her life.  Never a dull moment.  I also love to see what crazy shoes she’ll wear next!

 → {Sincerley, Kinsey} This is one of my recent finds and I really enjoy Kinsey’s natural and earth-inspired style.  She always finds cute ways to pair different pieces together and her photos are just lovely!

 → {Oh So Lovely Vintage} Since I’m a vintage lover, I naturally enjoy stopping in to see what Erin + Stefanie are up to.  They keep busy with their new shop and their 1956 trailer, Olive!  It’s exciting to see where these ladies are headed.

 → {♥elycia} I enjoy Elycia’s blog because she’s so colorful and playful!  It doesn’t hurt that she loves vintage and kitty cats, too!

→ {Skunkboy Creatures} Katie makes some super sweet little plush animals that are great for all ages.  I like to stop by and see what she’s been making!

 → {Lost Artisan} This is Katie Kukuluka’s new blog.  She shares lost arts and antiques… how exciting is that?!

 → {Kyla Roma} It’s fun to stop by and see what Kyla is up to.  She lives a very busy creative life (like most of us), and she like to share!

 → {Promise Tangeman} Promise’s blog is fun to read because she shares a bit of her daily life, projects, and advice.  She is very sweet and you can feel the warmth through her writing.

 → {100 Layer Cake} I know I’m already married, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t still love to look at pretty wedding imagery.

I hope you enjoyed these as much as I do!  Have a great day! ♥RobbieLee


Mar, 12

{a list of…} things about me

I thought it would be fun to share a list of things about myself that you may or may not know.  It’s sort of a meet-and-greet if you will.  So here we go!

→ I love to drink coffee when others make it for me (especially Starbucks!), but I rarely make it at home.  That’s probably because I’m terrible at it!!!  Seriously… ask my mom…
→ Dusting is my least favorite chore, because I feel like as soon as I’m done, I need to start all over again!
→ I L O V E to wrap gifts!
→ I’m taking a break from Roller Derby due to a back + pelvis injury (frown)
→ The Mr. + I are getting ready to celebrate our 9 year anni… of being together.
→ Gloomy days make me the happiest!  I don’t know what it is, but when it’s raining and super gloomy outside, I feel my most creative and at peace.
→ When I read books, I usually read multiples at once.  I don’t know why, but I do.  This makes it difficult to finish one book quickly.  Currently, I’m reading 4 books.
→ I can’t keep my studio clean for more than a week at a time.  I will clean it, then feel crafty and the whole place is a sham again… I’m learning to accept it.
→ I think I’m a mini hoarder.  I don’t collect trash or dead animals or anything like that, I just collect memories and the things associated with them.  With my husband being a minimalist, it makes for tricky times. haha!
→ My iPad is my latest obsession…

I hope you enjoyed getting to know me a little better.  Tell me something about yourself. ♥RobbieLee

Mar, 12

The Roblin Boyfriend Tee

I’m so excited to finally share with you what I’ve been working on!  Please welcome the Roblin Boyfriend Tee It’s soft and slinky cotton that’s cute and comfortable to wear.  I like to pair mine with a brightly colored cardigan, jeans and my Toms.  How would you wear yours?  Each tee is hand-printed by yours truly and is machine washable!!  It can’t get better than that.  Want one?  Get yours here. ♥ RobbieLee

Mar, 12

Welcome to the New Shop

The Mr. and I have been hard at work with the shop and blog updates and are so excited to finally share them with you!  The shop and blog look as though they are one now, and that makes me very happy.  The old shop has been up since 2008, can you believe that?!  It had a good run, but as I’m growing and transforming, so should the look.  I hope you have a minute to poke around and see what’s to be seen.  Oh!  And other than the new look, there are some new products as well.

As always, let me know what you think and have a super day! ♥RobbieLee