Sep, 12

{diy} a simple touch of lace

Here’s a quick and easy way to cutesie up a simple tank with some soft lace.  All you do is line up the blunt edge of the lace with the collar and use your sewing machine to stitch along the edge.  It’s so easy, I didn’t even pin it before, I just held it together as I went along… seriously! Tips: Stretch lace would make this a bit easier, but if you pull the tank neckline tight (stretch it a bit as you feed it through the sewing machine) as you sew with regular lace, it will give you some slack.

This is perfect for a casual date night and it saves some money! Enjoy!  ♥R

Sep, 12

{diy} pirate eye patch

Pirate costumes are always a hit for Halloween and today I’m going to show you how to make an easy pirate eye patch!  It’s so simple that all you’ll need is a thin black stretch headband, black and white felt scraps, black thread, thin cardboard (from a cereal box) and a hot glue gun.

If you’re making this for an adult, the headband should fit nicely, but if your making it for a kiddo, either buy the smaller headbands, or you can snip a bit off and re-sew with a zig-zag stitch until you get the perfect fit. 

First draw an eye patch shape onto your cardboard and cut it out.  Then use that as a template, but be sure to trace it onto the felt a little larger than the cardboard.  Cut out two black felt patches and hot glue the cardboard to the inside of one of these pieces (this is to keep it sturdy and not cave in).  Next, cut out a mini skull and hot glue it to the other black piece and embroider the face.  Finally, glue the inside of the blank black felt piece (the one with the cardboard attached) to the headband, then layer and glue the piece with the skull.  So the headband should be sandwiched in between the two black felt pieces.  That’s it! Happy making. ♥R

Sep, 12

{studio sunday} with Kate Gabrielle

 I can’t believe that it’s Sunday already!  This week really flew by, but I’m glad that it’s Sunday, because I get to share a very sweet and talented young lady’s studio with you!  I’m sure that you’ve seen her drawings and prints, as well as, read her blog once or twice.  So, I know you’ll enjoy this week!  Enough jabber, I’ll let you take a peek.

1. Who are you and what do you do?

My name is Kate Gabrielle, and I’m a full-time illustrator. I run the Etsy shop, Flapper Doodle, where I sell my drawings and things with my drawings printed on them 🙂 I also blog at Scathingly Brilliant and am a proud cat mom to my kitties Hypatia, Chloe and Hubble!

2. Where is your studio located?

My studio is actually located in my bedroom! I have an 11′ x 11′ room, and one wall is devoted to my studio!

3. How long have you had your current studio space?

I’ve had this room since I was six years old, but it only morphed into a bedroom/studio hybrid in 2009, when I started working on Flapper Doodle.

4. What is your favorite part of your studio?

I love the things that I have hanging on my walls… artwork, little souvenirs of fond memories and notes from family and friends. Everything serves as inspiration for drawing, but since this is also my bedroom I like that it creates a warm, cozy, familiar place to unwind and relax as well 🙂

5. Approximately how many hours per day do you spend in your studio?

Oh gosh… except for the times that I’m eating or out of the house basically 24/7! In addition to my studio, I also turned my closet into a small office space with my computer, printer, scanner, etc. so pretty much everything that I do each day takes place in this one little room!

6. Do you have any future plans for your studio space?

Eventually I’m planning on getting my own place and spreading out a bit, but honestly I love my room so much that I’ll probably end up recreating it almost exactly the way it looks now! Except maybe having a separate room to sleep in… that would be nice 🙂
Kate, thank you so much for sharing your special little studio!  I love the colors that you’ve chosen to surround yourself with.  They do give a soft and cozy feel.  I also like the way that you chose to utilize your wall space to the max!  You’ve proven that it’s not necessarily the amount of space that makes a successful studio, but it’s how you use your space – clever girl!  I hope that this has inspired other creatives to use what they have and use it well.  Thank you again for your time, it was so fun featuring you! ♥R
Be sure to visit Kate!  shop | blog | twitter | FB | pinterest

Sep, 12

guess who?

It’s almost that time again for another {studio sunday}!  Can you guess who tomorrow’s guest will be?

Sep, 12

{inspired} vintage suitcases

This week I’ve been inspired by vintage suitcases.  I found this one awhile ago in an antique shop and I’ve inherited a couple from both of my grandmothers.  They’re all a bit dirty and need a good wipe down, but I want to use them for storage in my studio.  I’m not quite sure how I will use them, but they’re much prettier than boxes and totes, don’t you think?!

I just love how these old suitcases were made – sturdy and elegant.  Samsonite knew what they were doing and that’s no lie.  I would love to air-travel with this precious case, but nowadays the airlines are so rough with everything.  Each time I check a bag, its either so smashed that it’s unusable or it’s ripped.  Am I the only one with this problem?  They must have been much gentler back then, or maybe the didn’t pack in as many passengers at once.  Either way, I don’t want to chance it.

How about you, do you have any vintage suitcases put to good use? ♥R

Sep, 12

Friendly Letters

If you’re like me, you have friends and family spread out all over the place.  Technology has made it so much easier to stay connected, but there’s something special about communicating through a handwritten note.  I love emails and texts as much as the next person, but I really love opening my mailbox to find a lovely handwritten “just because” letter.  It makes me feel so warm and fuzzy inside!  I not only appreciate the content from the heart, but I also love to see what card or paper was chosen and there’s something just so magical about seeing pen on paper… I can’t explain it.  My mom lives about 10 minutes away and she sends me little “just because” letters every so often and it makes me so happy!  She’s been doing this since I moved to College and has since continued the tradition.  So, you don’t even have to be far away to share that experience. 

I inherited my grandma’s vintage greeting cards, and thought that I’d share them with my loved ones.  So, a couple of weeks ago I started writing little notes to family and friends to see how they’re doing and what adventures lay ahead.  It’s nice to surprise someone once in a while, even if it’s with something little.  Have you written a letter recently? ♥R

Sep, 12

The Leaves are Changing

This Saturday will mark the official first day of Fall (even though Starbucks and I have been celebrating since September 1st), haha.  This past weekend Ron and I drove up through Kenosha Pass on our way to a fundraiser in Como, Colorado.  The drive was breathtaking, as usual.  If you’ve never been to the mountains in Colorado while the leaves are changing, you should definitely add it to you Bucket List.  The Aspens change from a bright green to a shimmery-golden color that seems to engulf the hills and mountains.  Lovely.

You have to love the photo that Ron took of me (above)… what a face, huh?!  I’m sharing this photo because I started out smiling, all cute-like, of course (wink), when just as he snapped it, I spotted a hawk!  I was trying to figure out if it was a red-tailed hawk or a brown hawk.  So, I guess that’s what my thinking face looks like… and I think it was a brown hawk.

The little town of Como is so quiet and sweet.  There couldn’t have been more than 20 homes – most are empty.  They did get the road re-paved and they do have a cute little Mountain Man Gallery, so maybe they are growing?  I could see Ron and I with a little cabin there, just for mini vacations. heeheehee

The fundraiser was a lot of fun, too, and we ate way too much!  The strawberry cheesecake was may favorite part… other than all of the money raised of course!  Hahaha

For just being a mini road trip, it turned out to be a great one!  I just love Colorado and all that it has to offer.  Do you have any mini Fall trips scheduled? ♥R


Sep, 12

{studio sunday} with Twinkie Chan

I’m so excited to have the lovely Twinkie Chan as our featured guest today!  I’ve been following her and her work for sometime now and have admired her ability to maintain such success, while staying incredibly sweet!  If you know her, you know this is true.  She’s always so bright and cheery with her pink hair and stellar tattoos – and you’ll see that this carries on into her studio, as well.  Go on, take a peek!

1. How long have you been crocheting your amazing pieces?! What’s your inspiration?

I started crocheting, designing, and selling my food-themed scarves in 2005. I was inspired by the delicious colors and textures of handspun yarn, plus I’ve always had a weird, childhood wonderment with faux food and toy food! It just makes me giggle. But I learned how to crochet when I was about 10 years old and have always turned to crochet throughout the years to make one-of-a-kind handmade gifts for friends and family.
2. When did you decide to start selling your work?
In 2005, I became really obsessed with making scarves for myself but realized I was not actually wearing everything I was making. The scarves looked lonely, so I decided to design a website (www.TwinkieChan.com) for them, and they all found new homes within a few days! That’s when I knew I was onto something. I had no idea beforehand. I didn’t really have a plan to start an online store or anything. I was just having fun!
3. On to your studio, where’s it located? And why?
I finally have a craft room in my house! YAY! When I first started, I just had a shelf in my bedroom for yarn. Then the shelves grew. Then I lived in a loft for a while, so I didn’t really have a separate space for crafting, just miles of bookshelves filled with yarn. I moved 2 years ago to an actual house, with an actual extra bedroom, and I love it! It’s the sunniest room in the house (and sun can be rare since I live by the ocean in San Francisco, and it’s usually overcast, especially during the summer!) and bursting with color and fun. I would actually love to have a separate studio outside of my home one day, so that I can hire interns or assistants without feeling like everyone knows where I live, but I’m not at that point where I can afford that yet!
4. What’s your favorite part of your studio space? Why?
My favorite part has to be the yarn wall. That’s where the magic starts! I also love the yolky yellow walls. They don’t photograph very well, and they make everything else yellow, but when you’re actually inside the room in real life, it’s very warm and cheery.
5. Approximately how many hours per day/week do you spend in your studio?
This really varies. I actually don’t do a lot of crocheting in there since there isn’t a logical place to have a comfy chair or sitting area. I used to have a mini couch under the window, but I needed more table space instead. I do most of my crocheting in my living room, sitting next to a space heater and my dogs, watching TV. In my studio, I do a lot of computer work, product assembly, gluing, yarn-winding, packing and shipping, so some days I’m in there 5 minutes, and some days I’m in there 8+ hours.
6. Do you have any future plans for your studio?
I’m not one of those people who is constantly changing her space. I kind of like to stick everything where it belongs, and then accept the way things are and use my time to create rather than organize, so I don’t really have big plans for any big changes at the moment. I wish it looked neater, but I’m working so much that clean-up time and organization time are really limited. I should really put my computer some place more ergonomic, but that’s where it fit when it arrived (it’s new), and I haven’t taken the time to put it any where better. What I would really love is to have at least one of the tables raised so that I can work at it comfortably while standing – for packing orders and/or gluing pompoms – and then just sit on a tall stool. Other than that, I’d just put more art on the walls!
7. Do you have any tips or advice on how to maintain an inspiring and functional workspace?
I think that people’s work spaces are so personal, that it’s hard to give good advice! I can only think of an obvious tidbit like: constantly keep it picked up and clean, and don’t let dreaded PILES grow in there! You’ll feel a million times better when your work space isn’t cluttered. Also, if you are feeling overwhelmed by a big clean-up or a big re-organization, bring in a friend. My BFF helped me re-organize my closet, which is now dedicated to my packing and shipping supplies, and I seriously don’t think I would have done it without her. I *could* have, but I *wouldn’t* have! Oh! Also, I think your creative space should 100% be you. What I mean is, sometimes the way I decorate my house not only reflects the things I like but also reflects what I think will be pleasing to visitors and not look too crazy. But you should feel free to decorate your creative space as crazily (or un-crazily) as you want. It should be filled with your own personal energy, and you don’t have to please anybody else with it!

Thank you so much, Twinkie, for sharing your creative studio with us!  It really is the most colorful studio I’ve seen yet.  All of your brightly-colored yarn looks like candy, and bright colors are my absolute favorite!  It’s really inspiring to see where you work and how you keep your space 100% you.  Also, thank you for the wonderful advice!  You’re right, our studio space is just that, OUR space, so it should be whatever we want it to be.  I’ve always been a bit scared of putting too many holes in the walls, thinking that when we move, the new homeowners won’t appreciate it.  My husband said, “so what!”  It’s our house right now, we own it, so we can do whatever we want.  I took that advice and just visited Ikea for the first time, ever!  I bought a couple of wall storage units to utilize my wall space more, over my limited floor space.  So, you too, have inspired me to hang more art on the walls and not be afraid of little holes that can be patched later… heeheehee  You have been an absolute pleasure to work with and your time is much appreciated.  Thank you again!

Didn’t get enough of Twinkie and her amazingly detail and fun crochet items?!  I didn’t think so!  Check her out around the web and keep an eye out for what she decides to make next!
site | shop | twitter: @TwinkieChan | FB

Sep, 12

{inspired} a new weekly series


What’s better than feeling inspired?  Sharing that inspiration, of course!  That’s why I’ve decided to start a new series called {inspired} which will post every Friday.  I find myself roaming the internet, magazines, books, antique shops, boutiques, bakeries and more, where I find tons of inspiration.  I usually write this inspiration in my ideabook, but thought that it would be nice to share what I find with you, too.  Inspiration is everywhere and I think it’s important to share what inspires us to keep our creative community strong.  So join me every Friday and we can be inspired together! 

This week I’ve been super inspired by pumpkin!  You read that right, I said pumpkin.  I feel like everywhere I turn, there it is.  Starbucks rings in the Fall Season with their Pumpkin Spice menu, which I LOVE!  The Pumpkin Spiced Latte and Pumpkin Scone go great together, by the way.  Then I just heard that Einstein’s has a Pumpkin Bagel with Pumpkin Cream Cheese, and Caribou Coffee has Pumpkin Chai!  Sheesh, it is everywhere.  So, this is making me want to grab a pumpkin treat and just craft all day long.  It’s starting to cool down here in Colorado, and Fall is my favorite time to get creative.  Baking isn’t my strong suit, but I love to do it!  I’m thinking of trying to make a pumpkin swirl log, have you seen those cakes?  It’s probably not on any healthy eating list, but it would be a great treat to nibble on at the upcoming October Craft Show with my mom.  I think I found a recipe on Pinterest for it…

Anyhoo, what’s been inspiring you this week? ♥R

Sep, 12

guess who?

Here’s a sneak peek at this Sunday’s {studio sunday} guest and her lovely space, can you guess who it is?!  I’m so excited to share her and her space, that it makes it difficult for me to keep it hush-hush… but I must! bahahahaaha  Just look at those beautiful colors!  Anyhoo, I just wanted to tease you a bit while I go print some more Roblins for a few new upcoming products.  Night! ♥R

P.S. In case you missed last Sunday’s guest, check out Becky and her well-lit space here.