Apr, 13Be You.
I found this on Pinterest yesterday and instantly fell in love with the gold on white, the layout and most of all, the message. Happiness can be achieved so simply sometimes if we just be our shiny selves. So I hope you Be Happy. Be Bright. Be You today. | image source
Apr, 1310 Years Ago…
… Ron and I became inseparable. I’ll never forget the moment we met and the moment he asked me to be his girlfriend, on April 10th, 2003. It meant so much that he asked and didn’t just assume. We have always known where we stood with each other.
I’ve always been a romantic and thought it would be amazing to meet my soul mate in high school, marry and live happily ever after. After graduation and no worthy candidate came along, I figured I wasn’t that lucky and I would probably find love later in life. Fast forward a few months to 3rd Quarter at DU and there he was. Handsome, smart, kind, funny and most of all loving. I was lucky enough to marry my college sweetheart 5 years after meeting. We were engaged early on in our relationship, but knew that we had to finish school first. And it all worked out perfectly.
We’ve grown so much together in the past 10 years. We were just kids when we met and have since traveled the world and built a life together. I can honestly say that I fall in love with him more as the years go by. He’s so strong, committed, noble and supportive. He supports my dreams just as much as I support his. He never makes me feel like my goals are out of reach; he encourages me to push harder. He’s an amazing provider as well, and will make a wonderful father someday.
It’s really the little day-to-day things that mean the most. No joke, since the day we met, he has opened all of my doors for me, including the car door – every.single.time. He still continues to do so and it makes me feel so cared for. I also love how he comes home after work as I’m making dinner and he helps finish up. He never sits down as I cook. I love the help, but most of all I love that we do it together.
The past 10 years have been amazing, and I can’t wait to see what the next ten will bring. Happy 10th (dating) anni, Love. I love you!
Mar, 13Brace Face
So, today was the day. Braces are on and the 9 month countdown has begun. I decided to go with hot pink bands… to match my pants and scarf, of course! Overall it was a pretty fast process to put them on, but I still need to get my baby tooth and all of my wisdom teeth pulled. That part is not something that I’m looking forward to. Other than the little cuts that have already begun to form on the inside of my lip, I’ve emBRACED them. Eating and drinking are slow, but I’ll get the hang of this brace face soon. Straws are my new best friend, along with a knife and fork to cut everything. I’m off to take more ibuprofen for my sore teeth and to bed I go. Have a great night!
Mar, 13It’s Gonna Be Busy
This week is going to be so busy. Today and tomorrow I have to wrap up the house and finish staging it. Then Wednesday, I have to take Brutus to his follow-up eye appointment. Yes, he has another eye issue. I don’t know what’s going on with the poor little guy, but I hope to have him fixed in no time. I’ll have some house hunting and home staging tips up on here soon. I just have to wrap up the house and take some photos. I hope your Monday is off to a great start!
Mar, 13Two More Weeks
In two more weeks one of my dearest friends is coming from Memphis to visit. I can’t wait to see her! We have a whole day planned to take photos around Denver. She just got a new camera, so what better place to practice?! Then, she’s lucky enough to have Easter fall on her Birthday this year, so she’s coming along to Sunrise Services in Red Rocks with my family and I. It’s going to be a fun-packed weekend! The only thing I’m not too excited about is that I’ll get my braces on the day before she comes, so our meal plans have changed to soft foods only. Sorry Jess!
We’re still busy prepping the house and getting ready to put it officially on the Market soon, too. So much to do in so little time. How about you, any big plans lately?
Mar, 13The Weekend
This past weekend was full of packing and moving things to storage, as well as house hunting. I forgot how tired this process makes you. We took breaks to eat and for ice cream, but then back to it. We plan to have our house on the market in early April, so things are moving quickly. It’s a strange place to be when you’re selling your current home to move, because we haven’t even found a new one yet. It’s scary to think about all of the options. We can sell right away and not have a new home, or we can find a new home and not sell. It’s a bit stressful, but equally exciting. We’re on our way to a new adventure.
With that said, this next couple of weeks, I’ll be doing less crafting and more packing. In our attempt to properly stage our home, I have to thin out my studio space. Eek! A lot of my supplies are going into storage, but once we stage the home, I can craft again. It’s a good thing, too, because inventory is low and I have a Spring craft market in May!
Oh, and I have to squeeze in a couple of visits from out-of-town friends – which I’m so excited about! As, well as get my braces put on… It’s a busy time, but very exciting and fulfilling. What does the beginning of Spring look like for you?
Mar, 13It’s Official
It’s Official, I’m getting braces to correct one tooth – can you believe it?! I go in on March 28th to get them put on and then in April I’ll have my wisdom teeth pulled (which are still under the gums… hahaha) – Ouch! I thought they had to pull the teeth first, but after confirming with both the Orthodontist and Oral Surgeon, we’re good to go in the opposite order. The sooner I get them on, the sooner I can get them off. I’m naturally nervous, as I’ve never had braces before, but I’m equally excited to get this rolling.
It’s such a busy time for us, so I’m glad that I can check this off of my to-do list very soon. How about you, have you been able to check off some things?
Mar, 13Four Finger Fundraiser
So, the Perrodin family, of Perrodin Supply Co., in Supply Co., needs your help. Jonathan lost his right index finger in a miter saw accident while working in the shop. If you’d like to help support them in this difficult time, visit this Big Cartel shop where you can purchase donated items from people like Moorea Seal, Tumbleweeds HC, Forage Haberdashery and so many more! Or you can just donate any amount that you see fit. Proceeds go to Jonathan, Amber and their family. This is how they make a living, so any help would be appreciated. I just purchased some beautiful earrings that were made and donated by Moorea Seal. So, get over there and check out what they have! Thanks!