Mar, 13

The Weekend


This past weekend was full of packing and moving things to storage, as well as house hunting.  I forgot how tired this process makes you.  We took breaks to eat and for ice cream, but then back to it.  We plan to have our house on the market in early April, so things are moving quickly.  It’s a strange place to be when you’re selling your current home to move, because we haven’t even found a new one yet.  It’s scary to think about all of the options.  We can sell right away and not have a new home, or we can find a new home and not sell.  It’s a bit stressful, but equally exciting.  We’re on our way to a new adventure.

With that said, this next couple of weeks, I’ll be doing less crafting and more packing.  In our attempt to properly stage our home, I have to thin out my studio space.  Eek!  A lot of my supplies are going into storage, but once we stage the home, I can craft again.  It’s a good thing, too, because inventory is low and I have a Spring craft market in May!

Oh, and I have to squeeze in a couple of visits from out-of-town friends – which I’m so excited about!  As, well as get my braces put on… It’s a busy time, but very exciting and fulfilling.  What does the beginning of Spring look like for you?

2 Responses to “The Weekend”

  1. Jess Cogbill

    I am coming!!!! It is so close 🙂 can’t wait to eat ice cream and eat soup with you and your new braces! 🙂

    • RobbieLee

      Yay! I can’t wait to see you!!! It will be so super fun and you can laugh at me as food sticks to my teeth hahaha

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