Oct, 12sunday recovery
Wow, its been a busy couple of days of here with yesterdays craft show and all. I had a {studio sunday} guest scheduled for today and another for next week, but both fell through for different reasons, so I apologize for this little post instead. I’m taking today off as a recovery day, but will be back with updates, a fun {diy}, and more starting tomorrow. Instead of the {studio sunday} next week, I’ll fill that space with a {sunday best} post instead. Actually, silly me, I can’t remember if I’ve ever mentioned that before, but if there’s no {studio sunday} scheduled, then a {sunday best} post will take its place. Fun, right?!
Anyhoo, I hope that your weekend was a great one and I’ll see you tomorrow.
Oct, 12{inspired} a craft day
October truly is one of my favorite months of the whole year. It starts off strong with the first day being my birthday and ends with one of the best Holidays, ever! Everything in-between is just the cherry on top. October is also a very busy month for me because I have a couple of craft shows to prepare for and then the Holidays come so fast. I love it though. This week I’ve been filling my days with sewing some new totes, scarves and quilts, that will all be in the shop next week (after Saturday’s craft show). I can’t wait to show you everything in their entirety. I’ve also been poking around and designing a new product and I can’t wait to share. I still need to finalize a few things, but I’m hoping to have it complete for the Holiday Season.
Work work work, huh?! Well, I do manage to squeeze in some me time, of course. I actually just had a wonderful craft day with my sweet friend Meghan of Pleasantly Plump Knits! She came over and we had some Fall-inspired coffee and some yummy lunch, which included this pizza, before we started our project. We had to fuel up first. We decided to try this one hour skirt (which took us about 4 hours, because we like to chit-chat), and it was so easy and super fun! I’ve made skirts before, but nothing this easy, seriously.
This was Meghan’s very first wearable item that she’s made for herself and she nailed it! I’m so impressed and proud that we did it on the first try. We’ve both been super inspired to make more of these skirts to wear year-round. In fact, Meghan has already ordered and received some cute fabric for her next one. I inherited a huge bundle of vintage fabric from my late grandmother and another bundle from my aunt, so I’ll be putting all of that to good use – I promise. We’ve actually already set up our next craft day theme – Halloween Costumes! Are you sooo excited?! I know we are.
Although I have a lot left to do, I feel like I’ve accomplished a lot, both professionally and personally. I had an amazing Birthday weekend, with the help of my amazing family and friends. And that has left me inspired and ready to take on the busy week that lays ahead. The house is clean, my mind is buzzing and my heart is happy. I couldn’t ask for more right now. ♥R
P.S. || My momma, cousin and I will be at the Fall Craft Show at the Adams County Fairgrounds tomorrow, Oct. 6th from 9am-4pm. $2 admission (12 + under are FREE), with FREE parking and food for sale by the 4-H kids. Hope to see you there!
Oct, 12Giraffes and Vintage Buttons
Giraffes and vintage buttons, these are the materials that I’m currently working with. I’m making some extra special totes for this Saturdays craft show and I’ll be sure to add them to the shop afterwards. When I first saw this fabric, I knew it was destined to become a tote. Then I found these amazing vintage buttons at a quilt show a couple of weekends ago and they are just perfect. Their so perfect that I almost don’t want to sell them… almost. Well, I had better get back to work, because I have a busy week of prepping and packing. Wish me luck! ♥R
Aug, 12Welcoming Fall
As you already know, I love Fall and all that it has to offer. It’s been really hot here in Colorado so I’m welcoming Fall in a big way! I’ve been up to my ears in fabric, lace, ribbon and paint as I prep for my two (possibly three) Fall/Winter craft shows. I can’t wait to share what I’ve been working on and I also have some fun Fall DIY’s to share with you as well. Oh, and I have a couple of new series to add to the blog, so that’s pretty exciting.
In addition to that, I feel like I have a lot that I want/need to do before Fall actually arrives. I’d like to vacuum out the cars, tidy up the garage and make another donation drop-off. What pre-Fall plans do you have? ♥R
Jun, 121,000th Instagram Photo
Holy Smokes! I’m coming up on my 1,000th Instagram photo! I’m actually super excited about it and to celebrate, I thought I’d do a “photo an hour” today! It will start from the hour I wake up to the hour I decide to go to bed. If you want to follow along, please feel free to on Instagram (@robbielee).
Here are a few of my favorite Instagram photos thus far…
Also, Father’s Day is fast approaching, any big plans? ♥rl
Jun, 12Giraffe Print
Happy Friday! I just had to share a peek at my new giraffe print top… I love it! hahaha Anyhoo, I’ll be back later with another post (hint: Instagram). Have a lovely day and I’ll see you soon! ♥rl
Apr, 12my inspiration boards…
Since today is a gloomy and snowy day here in Central Colorado, I’ve been feeling very creative and easily inspired by many things around me. One of them being my inspiration boards that hang in my studio. I recently updated them and can’t stop glancing over. I love having these boards to pin things like cute outfits, things I want to do, goals, memories, inspiring stories and little gifts from those I love. It’s important that I surround myself with these lovely things to keep me feeling motivated. I constantly want to move forward, but not before enjoying the moment. These boards help me do that. I’m constantly adding things here and there, too!
How about you? Do you have an inspiration board (besides Pinterest… ha)!?
Thanks for stopping by! ♥RobbieLee
p.s. the lovely arrows are from Hello Vanny!
Mar, 12My Lovely New Camera Bag
Hello! I was so excited to come home and see a package from Jo Totes on our doorstep on Thursday. It came way sooner that I had expected, so that was a surprise.
I couldn’t wait to tear into the box to see my new camera bag! It’s even more beautiful than I had thought it was going to be. I’m clearly so excited that I’m sharing it with you… so it must be important, right?! heehee Oh! And I love the cute little Jo Totes bag that it came in… great packaging from a design standpoint.
I haven’t quite figured out how I want to set up all of the inserts, but it looks like I may be able to fit my iPad in there too! I plan to fit a lot in there, especially when we travel, so this is great. I just couldn’t resist the teal shell paired with the houndstooth lining… stunning! This beats a traditional black Velcro camera bag any day!
I couldn’t be happier right now. I just need to put everything inside now. Hummm… do I smell another “What’s In My Bag” post?! Does anyone else have a Jo Tote? If so, tell me about it! ♥RobbieLee
P.S. Happy Birthday sweet Jessica! I love you, lady!
Mar, 12New Shoes!
I had to share my new shoes with you! I’m normally not a heel wearing diva, but I love the way they look. My mom bought me the b+w houndstooth heels and I got the brown ones this past weekend. I’ve always oogled over pretty heels, but I just never feel like I have that many places to wear them… wedges can be dressed down easier that regular heels (in my opinion), so maybe things will change around here? Ha! Anyhoo, I hope you are having a lovely Wednesday! ♥RobbieLee