Nov, 09

27th Annual Christmas Bazaar

Happy Monday everyone!

I would just like to remind you all of the 27th Annual Country Christmas Bazaar that’s coming up this weekend in Colorado!  As you might know, I’ve been doing this show with my mom for 26 years!  That’s right, my mom is a dedicated crafter and 26 years ago, when I was just 1 month old, she started taking me to work the show with her… that’s where it all began…

The holidays are fast approaching and what better way to spend a day with a shopping buddy and supporting handmade!  Please join us and all of the other amazing crafters!  Chickiedee will be in the large building in the middle!

Saturday and Sunday
November 14th & 15th, 2009
9am to 4pm

Adams County Regional Park & Fairgrounds
9755 Henderson Rd. Henderson, CO
(1-25 to 104th Ave. E. to Riverdale Rd. North to Henderson Rd. and East on Henderson until you see the entrance on your Left)
Call 303-659-7103 for more info

Free Parking
400 Booths in Four Buildings
$3 Admission – 14 and under are Free
Food by 4-H Clubs


Oct, 09

Halloween bibs…

Blogpost_HalloweenBibsVisit our shop to snatch up these super abrobant bibs with our unique design!

Oct, 09

5 Questions with GoGoMamaGo.com

I’m featured on GoGoMamaGo.com and answer 5 Questions about being an entrepreneur!  How exciting is that?!

Sep, 09

Halloween 2009 Collection Sneak-Peek | Baby Alex

Halloween2009-AlexCarnesAs you know, Halloween is fast approaching, and there’s no better way to start this week off than by showing a sneak-peek of our Fall/Halloween 2009 Collection!  Chickiedee is proud to have Baby Alex model a few of our spooky items this year with out missing a beat! Stay tuned for the official launch of this collection.

Sep, 09

Willow Blanket | by Chickiedee

Blanket_Willow-webI call this blanket Willow.  The colorful top is 100% cotton and the soft minky back is 100% polyester.  It measures apox 34″ x 34″ and is great to cuddle up with.  The fabric was pre-washed in perfume free and dye free detergent so there will be no funky shrinkage here!  The best part of this blanket is that it’s light weight, yet super warm for those chilly months ahead.  You can find it here at Chickiedee!  Enjoy!

Jul, 09

Mesh Laundry Bags to the Rescue

mesh_laundry_bagOkay, so you know when you put your baby’s laundry in the washing machine in tact, but when you remove it, it looks like some sort of monster devoured it? Well it happens to the best of us.  There are many things that destroy perfectly good baby clothing; there are two main things in my opinion.  The first being the Heavy Duty Cycle.  Baby clothing needs to be washed on the Heavy Duty Cycle more often than not, so how do you keep it from stretching? The second being that retched VELCRO!!!  I mean, I love the stuff when it holds up pants or keeps shoes on, but I don’t like what it has to offer in the washing machine!  It latches onto everything and when you pull your laundry out, everything looks fuzzy and basically ruined.  Well, I’m sure your parents will remember those precious little Mesh Laundry Bags used to wash their “unmentionables,” and guess what,  Chickiedee has brought them back to save your baby clothing!  I know, it’s awesome!

Jun, 09

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Hello all!  Feel free to follow Chickiedee on Twitter too!  http://twitter.com/chickiedeebaby