Aug, 09School of Art and Design Creativity Test
This is a fantastic way to test your creativity.This “clever advertising campaign for Panamericana School of Art and Design encourages people everywhere to test their creativity.” There are a series of either X’s or O’s and you are supposed to draw as many things as possible out of those letters/symbols. It really gets you mind churning, and it would be fun to do with a friend. The best part is that they didn’t limit it to paper, they also drew on t-shirts, walls, dorrs, etc. For more images and info, check them out here!
Aug, 09Our 1 Year Wedding Anni | August 9
A year ago today my husband and I were married in front of all of our closest family and friends. It truly was the wedding of our dreams! We had a 1940’s inspired wedding complete with the Victory Rolls, Handmade French Net Veil (by me), Zoot Suits with hats and chains, and Cymbidium Orchids. My mother designs silk flower bouquets and arrangements, and she did a fabulous job on our entire wedding! She didn’t miss a beat. She did all of the bouquets, boutonnieres, center pieces, cake topper, and corsages. They were better than I had imagined! I remember how crazy everything was a few weeks before the wedding. We had so many last minute details to carry out with such little time. One of my brother, who was a groomsman, broke his arm skateboarding two weeks before our wedding! I actually had a feeling something like that was going to happen. I wasn’t mad at all actually, I thought, “This is another part to our wedding story.” I was glad that my brother was okay and he was kind enough to get a black cast to match the Zoot Suit Tux! As it got closer to the big day, it seemed like a dream. Everything was moving quickly and none of it seemed real – then BAM it was time! I remember arriving at Stonebrook Manor at 5 pm to meet my wedding party and my hair & makeup artist, Katelyn Simkins. I was completely content and not stressed at all – it surprised me. The 7pm came fast and it was time to meet both of my parents to walk me down the aisle. It meant so much to me to have them both there by my side during that special moment. As I got closer to my husband-to-be, I realized that he was crying! He never cries! That meant so much to me. I just absorbed everything, not to miss a moment. I can remember it like it was yesterday. Our first dance was “At Last” and our friend sang it live for us and she was out of this world! Then we did a little swing dancing, ate some fabulous food and had a grand time! If I had to do it all over again, I wouldn’t change a single thing! Happy Anni Ron, I love you!
Aug, 09Cave of The Winds | Manitou Springs, CO
Yesterday was my brother, Aaron’s, 16th Birthday and we went to The Cave of the Winds in Manitou Springs, Colorado. We had such a blast on the Lantern Tour, because we actually had flame-lit lanterns as we walked through the pitch black caves. It was so dark in fact, that when we blow out all of our lanterns and put all electronic devices away, we couldn’t even see our own hands right in front of our faces! We saw so many great things together, like the endangered cave spider known as the Lampshade Spider, because it builds its web in the shape of a 3-D lampshade! We also saw some Stalagmites (from the ground up), Stalactites (from the ceiling down), and of course some Cave Bacon! Caves aren’t just holes in the Earth, they are living Eco-Systems just like a pond or field. They are very much alive with flowing water, bats, spiders, and other insects.animals depending on the cave. When cave-visiting, it’s important to remember to never touch the cave walls with your palms. The oil on your skin actually stops the cave from growing! So, if you have to hold on or catch yourself from falling, use your fist or arms instead. So, if you’re ever in the Manitou Springs area, stop by The Cave of the Winds and enjoy an experience of a lifetime!
- Cave ceiling with Stalactites
- My mom, brother, and I in the Cave
- Lantern Tour Sign right before we entered the Main Cave
- More Stalactites
- Cave Bacon
- My brother crouching down as we walked through some tight spaces
Aug, 09Humpday Tutorial | Quilted Notecards With Made
This is one of the cutest and easiest DIY for cardmaking! Who says you only have to use paper when making cards! This Quilted Notecard Tutorial is from Made. It’s extremely easy to follow along with and it’s an inexpensive and green project! This is a fabulous way to match the card to the handmade gift by using the same fabric. Here is what you’ll need:
- Note cards or Card stock
- Scrap Fabric and thread
- Sewing machine
- Scissors for trimming
Be sure to visit Made for the complete tutorial!
Aug, 09Jill and Kevin’s Big Day | Amazing Wedding Entrance
Unfortunately I was unable to embed this YouTube Video into this Blog, but please take a minute and visit Jill and Kevin’s Big Day Wedding Entance! It’s so creative, fun, and just plain amazing! I would have loved to have been there in person. Can you imagine how much fun they had practicing this during the Rehersal?! It’s so cool that the entire wedding party gave it their all til the very end! Now, those are great friends! I wish them a long and exciting life together!
{P.S. Gotta love the Chris Brown Song!}
Aug, 09Helpful Tips For You
Next time you’re at the grocery store, take a list and grab a basket instead of a cart. You’ll buy less, avoid impulse buys, spend less, and burn more calories!
- Don’t toss the sterile cotton from the tops of vitamin or pill bottles – save it for cosmetics or first aid, and that’s one less purchase to make.
- Save all of the paper packaging that comes your way that can be used one more time before recycling. Put it all in a central location so you can find what you need later. Bubble wrap, corrugated cardboard, gift bags, cardboard from shirts and tights, tissue paper, etc. can all be used again for gift wrapping or arts and crafts time with the kids!
- Save paper by shrinking your margins to fit more words per page.
All of these tips are from Page-A-Day Calendar: www.pageaday.com and the image is from http://gopalshenoy.files.wordpress.com
Jul, 09“Pop” Top Purse | Evnvironmental A-Wear-Ness
Every year I go to Taos, New Mexico with my family on vacation. I just love the sweet little shops they have in the Taos Plaza. This past weekend was the Fiesta and the Plaza was full of life! While shopping, we came across this store called At Home In Taos. As soon as you walk in you feel so cozy and comfortable. The store has a hodgepodge of everything from handmade ceramic buttons to home decor. While there, I came across this purse made from soda can tabs! Talk about upcycling! At $26.95, I thought it was a little steep, but finally gave in and it’s the “greenest” purse that I own! I just love it and I’m so happy that I bought it. I’m not sure if Two’s Company actually made this or not, but the tag on the purse said Two’s Company. On the back of the tag it says this:
“Keep tabs on the environment while making a statement with this eye-catching conversation piece. Artfully hand crocheted using nylon thread and soda pull-tabs, this stylish ‘eco-chic’ product takes recycling to the next level by raising the awareness of environmental preservation. With the purchase of each bag, we will make a donation to an eco-friendly organization. Spot clean only. Wipe with a cloth.”
Jul, 09One of My Favorite Artists | Mark Ryden
I would like to share one of my all time favorite artists, Mark Ryden. He is so amazingly talented, that it blows my mind! He potrays disterbing, yet beautiful images and symbols with incredible technique. I mean, the man can paint! He seems to be a very personal man; he is mysterious. If you’d like to get to know him a bit more, check out this site. I’ve read a lot about him online and still feel that there is more untuched info on him. His mysterious nature is very appealing to me, I constantly want to know more. Better yet, I want to know the why’s. There is something about his paintings that’s truly captivating. I can look at them for hours and still be amazed at his creativity and skill. Beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder. I think it’s easy to get caught up in all of the reacurring numerology, symbols, and icons, but I like to just let each piece be what it is. Here are his shows/series: The Snow Yak Show, The Tree Show, Bunnies & Bees, The Meat Show, Blood, Gallery One, Gallery Two, Gallery Three, and Wondertoonel. Enjoy!
Jul, 09Apple Pie | Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories
Mac usres will appreciate this one! This has to be the funniest thing I’ve seen all day! The people over at Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories are super clever and you have to appriciate the hard work that went into this awesome pie! I wish I could make an Apple Pie like this one!