May, 11

2-Ingredient Fruit Rolls!

Oh my, the Mr. would go ape-wild over these super simple 2-ingredient fruit rolls!  You won’t believe how easy they are to make until you check it out for yourself over at Just A Taste.

May, 11

{humpday tutorial} Make a Tassel

Over at gomakeme.com, you will find a super easy tassel tutorial!  These little tassels would be great for household embellishments or gift wrap embellishments too!

May, 11

Thanks Kate!

Oh geez, am I one lucky girl! As you already know, I joined The Crafty Peep Swap and received my craft today!!!  I was paired up with Kate from Scientific Culture, and I think it was a perfect match.  We chatted back and forth a bit before creating the perfect items, so that we could get to know each other better.  We found out that we have tons in common, and now I’ve gained a new pen-pal.  This is what I received from her… super cute, right!  If you love these as much as I do, check out her Etsy shop here.

May, 11

Upcycled Bugs!

Check out what Scott over at What I Made creates!  That’s not a real wasp, it’s made out of upcylced pencil pieces and paper clips.  Check out more of these amazing creatures and learn how to make your own here!

May, 11

Pinhole Press

I stumbled upon Pinhole Press a few weeks ago and really want to get one of these printed up!  I love the idea of having a personal note pad handy.  The best part is that they are not too pricey at all and they would make great gifts.  These nifty notepads are not all they do, so be sure to check them out here.

Apr, 11

Last Minute Easter Garland

I found this today and thought that it would be a perfect last minute way to decorate for Easter!  It would be a cute little gift for the hostess of your Easter celebration… perhaps you can hang it on the dessert table!  Find the complete how-to over at The Hostess With The Mostess®!

Apr, 11

{inspiration} vol.4

Happy Thursday all!  Here are some lovely and very inspiring images and crafts to carry you through the rest of the day.  Enjoy!

Learn how to make these Crepe Paper Flowers over at How About Orange!

Learn how to make these Tiny Polaroid Magnets over at Ambrosia Girl!

Learn how to make this fancy (and easy) signage over at Family Chic!

See other ways that Doilies can be used over at Grace and Ivy!

Bacon Toffee… ‘nough said.  Find the recipe over at Cherry Tea Cakes!

Apr, 11

{humpday tutorial} T-Shirt Dress

When I saw this I was like, “Wowzah!  I want to make one out of my husbands t-shirts!”  It wouldn’t be the first time that I raided his closet to re-purpose his clothing!  Last time my mom and I took all of his favorite shirts and put them into a quilt.   Sometimes I think he wishes he could still wear those shirts, but he can wrap up in his quilt a cry about it! hahahahahahaha

No, really though, I want to make one of these t-shirt dresses and you can too!  Kim from Yellow Songbird gives you the full tutorial on her site, so be sure to check it out!  Thanks Kim!

Apr, 11

DIY: Bird Wings

I’m in love with these precious handmade bird wings!  Oh my goodness are they cute!  I found the tutorial over at llevoelinvierno! and Eri gives you the full how-to here.  The best thing about this project, is that your little one will love running around in it all year around and you can make it out of the fabric scraps that you already have lying around.  Each set can by completely different!  I have to make a pair of these!

Apr, 11

DIY: Button Monogram

What a cute little idea for all of those extra little buttons lying around!  This would be a great Spring project or gift, wouldn’t it?  It is so easy to make, see for yourself over at Spearmint Baby!