Jul, 11pet peeves
I thought Monday would be a good day to share a few of my current pet peeves. They are not in any particular order…
• People who are mean to animals (this includes leaving them in a car on a hot day)
• When people call, you don’t answer, so they call 4 more times
• Bicyclists who don’t go the speed limit and refuse to move over to share the road… the sidewalk is good if you can’t keep up
• Jealousy
• Road rage
• Loud people who interrupt
• Unnecessary Drama… which is all drama
• Telemarketers that continue to call even after you’ve asked them not too. I understand it’s a job, but really?
• Those who don’t pick up after their dogs in public areas
• Lack of a sense of humor
• An entitled attitude and bossiness
• Rudeness
• Bottom feeders or moochers
This is my current list, what does your current list look like?
Jul, 11Mini Farmer’s Market
Today started off nicely by the dogs allowing me to sleep in until 8am!!! Oh my goodness, I have not slept past 6:30am in over 3 years now. The dogs are on a schedule, I suppose. Then we got ready and went to a local Farmer’s Market where they had some lovely Colorado products. We first browsed around to scope out what we wanted to buy, then we went for it! We ended up leaving with a bundle of fresh radishes (yummy), a pound of pickling cucumbers (to make my great grandpa proud), apricots, Jalapeno hot sauce, soy-based sauce, an avocado for our sammy’s, and some homemade and freshly-poured Root Beer!!!
I think the best part of it all for me, was when the guy poured the root beer from the barrel it was made in, into brown bottles and topped them off with a cork! How lovely!
Now I’m spending the day updating the blog and shop. I think I’ll take a stab at pickling tomorrow or Wednesday. I’ll let you know how that goes Happy Sunday!
Jul, 11{humpday tutorial} DIY Umbrella
What a great idea! It’s so simple, yet very adorable. It is difficult to find that umbrella that fits your personality, or in this case – sense of humor, so why not make your own?! Visit paperplateandplane.com for the full how-to. All you need is a clear umbrella, images to trace, a sharpie and a paint marker.
Jul, 11off the rim
Oh my goodness, these look beautiful and tasty. I would have never thought to use sprinkles to rim a glass of punch or milk. As most of you know, my hubby and I don’t drink, so we are always looking for great mocktails!
{ohsolovely} I couldn’t find the original source for this image. If anyone knows, please let me know, thanks! — I’m absolutely smitten with this image and idea. The colors are what instantly attracted me, but it looks so yummy too.
{source} Through in some cookies and I’m there!
{penandpaperflowers} …Pink sugar, oh my!
Jul, 11{photo friday} vol. 4 Smile Booth for Jess’ Bridal Shower
Eeeep!!! Jess’ Bridal Shower went off without a hitch. I think she had a fabulous time with the Smile Booth, doncha think?!
Jun, 1129
Jun, 11{humpday tutorial} Ballard Design Bench
Oh my goodness I love this bench! The fabric screams RobbieLee and it would look fabulous in my studio. I found this amazing tutorial over at Two Friends•Two Cities, and just had to share it with you. Once you get all of your tools and supplies, it should only take you a couple of hours to complete. I really want to try this, I just need to find the time to do so. If you try it, please send pics!
Jun, 11{studio sunday} spots open!
Hey all! I have {studio sunday} spots open for July.
If you don’t know how it works, it’s really easy. All you do is snap about 5-10 photos of your lovely studio space or workspace and email them to me along with the answers to a few questions (below). That’s it! There is no catch. Email the requested items to me at robbielee {at} chickiedee {dot} com as soon as possible and I’ll get you posted. It doesn’t matter if you are a quilter or a furniture maker or something in between, I want to see your space.
The idea of {studio sundays} is to showcase each of our creative spaces to inspire others. We all have a space, big or small, where we create lovely things. The beauty is that each space looks, functions and feels very different from everyone else’s. We are always showing off our handmade goodies, but what about giving some credit to the lovely and creative space that you’ve also created!
Along with sending in your 5-10 photos, please tell us about yourself:
1. Who are you and what do you create?
2. Where is your studio located? (in your home or somewhere else?)
3. How long have you had your current studio space?
4. What is your favorite part of your studio?
5. Approximately how many hours per day do you spend in your studio?
6. Do you have any future plans for your studio space? (i.e. revamp, new location, etc.)
7. Is there anything else that you’d like to share?
It’s about time that we put the spotlight on our creative spaces, and I can’t wait to see yours!
Jun, 11Can’t Hardly Wait!
Eeeeeeee… I bought a new planner about a month ago and I can’t hardly wait to use it! I didn’t buy one at the end of 2010 (I know, I know, crazy!) and then realized in May that I really needed one. I use my iPhone Calendar and iCal on my Mac, but I really like to hand write things and check them off as I complete them. I get a real sense of accomplishment. So, I bought one, but they don’t sell them starting at the beginning of 2011 this time of year, they start at July 2011. So, I’m patiently waiting to write in this fella. Isn’t it cute!? I bought it at Target for $8! What a steal.
Well, I hope your Monday is going well. I’m busy working on organizing my studio space and writing Blog Posts for the week… so I better get back to work.