May, 12

busy week…

I have quite the busy week ahead of me with dog training, coffee dates, crafting, photo class, cooking class, girl nights and going to watch the Mr. play football.  Plus, I have to squeeze in cleaning and grocery shopping.  Sheesh, sometimes I feel that there is not enough time in a week.  I’ll get it all done though!  How about you, what do you have planned this week? ♥rl

May, 12

happy memorial day

I just wanted to drop in and say happy memorial day to everyone.  I hope you were able to give thanks and spend it with loved ones.  Sweet dreams and I’ll see you tomorrow! ♥rl

May, 12

{studio sunday} with Jordan Grace Owens

Hello and welcome to another wonderful {studio sunday}!  This week I’m so excited to introduce you to the amazingly talented Jordan Grace Owens.  Jordan’s art and illustrations are sure to capture your eye and your heart the moment you see her work.  Don’t believe me?  See for yourself, here!  I really enjoy her fun and playful style.  My favorite pieces that she offers are her custom paper dolls.  That’s right! You can order your very own paper dolls to resemble whomever you’d like.  Clever girl.  So, now that you know how amazing her work is, let’s take a peek into her studio and see where all of the magic happens, shall we?!

1. Who are you and what do you do?
I’m a twenty-four year old artist and illustrator newly located in Charlottesville, Virginia. I make moveable paper dolls and candy-colored paintings.

2. Where is your studio located?

My studio is at home. I just moved into this A-frame house at the base of the blue-ridge mountains. Sometime in the 70s, the owner added a giant room on the side of the A-frame, and it functions perfectly as an at-home workspace.

3. How long have you had your current studio space?

I moved here from Greensboro, North Carolina at the beginning of May, so I’m just barely settled into the space. I was in my last at-home studio for about two and half year

4. What is your favorite part of your studio?

The huge space! My old studio was a cozy 10 x 10 foot room nestled in the front of my little 1920s apartment. My new studio feels enormous by comparison, and I’m likely to be spoiled by all the space to spread out. The room has really high ceilings, lots of windows, and even a door to the backyard. The scenery is beautiful, too. I can look up from my computer at the mountains, and often catch a few deer hanging out right outside.

5. Approximately how many hours per day do you spend in your studio?

I’m usually working somewhere between 8 and 10 hours a day.

6. Do you have any future plans for your studio space?

Since I’m newly settling in, I’m still growing into the space, and there’s one neglected wall I’m not quite sure what to do with. I’ve been scanning Craigslist hoping I’ll find a nice big flat file to put there.

7. Is there anything else that you’d like to share?

There are usually a couple of cats keeping me company in my studio, although not pictured here. 


Isn’t her new home just the absolute cutest?!  I love how open her studio is and it seems to have some great lighting.  Thank you so much, Jordan, for sharing a peek into your old studio (fourth image down) as well as sharing your new one.  It’s beautiful and I’m sure you’ll be creating lots of beautiful things there.  You are an extremely talented lady and we can’t wait to see what you come up with next!

If you haven’t already, be sure to check out Jordan’s lovely creations here!

May, 12

Thursday Hellos

Hello and happy Thursday!  I hope the day is treating you well.  I’m so excited for this Sunday’s {studio sunday} feature!!!  Should I tell you who the guest is? Of course I should!  It’s the amazing and talented Jordan Grace Owens.  You may know her by her lovely and warm illustrations and fancy paper dolls.  So, be sure to come back here on Sunday to peek into her studio space.  I can’t wait to share!

On that note, I also can’t wait to share with you what I’ve been working on.  It’s a style/technique that I haven’t done in years, and it’s something that I love to do.  Hint: the pieces will be for sale in the shop and they will be original one-of-a-kind pieces!  Yay!  I think you will like them.

So, what’s new with you?  Any new craft projects that you’ve been working on lately? ♥rl

May, 12

Quaint Antique Shop

So, as you know, this past weekend my youngest brother graduated High School (yay!) and after the ceremony we were waiting for the restaurant to open, so we found this quaint little antique shop right across the street.  We couldn’t resist!  My dad, like me, loves antique and vintage hunting, and he has quite the collection to prove it.  From early dentist chairs and wheel chairs to 1970’s knick knacks, you name it, he probably has it!  I can’t believe I don’t remember the name of the shop, but I’ll be back and let you know.  It was just full to the gills with tiny treasures… We could have spent all day in there.

My dad loved this old toaster.

And Ron loved these old golf clubs.

It was such a nice little adventure as we all browsed around, dreaming.  Have you been treasure hunting lately? Night! ♥rl

May, 12

Happy Birthday, Ron!

Happy Birthday, Love! I hope you enjoy the day and I hope it brings nothing but great things!!! Love, RL


May, 12


Last weekend was pretty busy. It started off on Saturday with some graduation celebrations and finished strong on Sunday with some Birthday ones, too! Busy busy. I wasn’t able to get much crafting done, but that’s okay. I’ll get lots in this week!

Then, in two weeks the Mr. and I are going to take a DSLR class so we can get to know our Nikon a bit better. I’m so scared of Manual mode, so I think this will be good for us. I really can’t wait!

I’m also very excited because one of my very best friends is coming to town at the end of the month and we get to have a girls night full of food, movies and looking through pictures! I’ll be sure to post photos shortly after.

What are your plans for this week? Do share! ♥RobbieLee


May, 12

New Tees + Toys

Hello and happy Friday!  I’m so super excited to share the newest colors in the Roblin Boyfriend Tee Collection!  I made them in Lime, Coral and Black.  These tees are so slinky and soft, that you can wear them anywhere!  I also added a couple of cute Roblin Plushies to the shop, too!  You can get them all here.  Also, because I’m so excited to share these with you, every order for the rest of the month will come with a special little gift from me to you!  Exciting!

Oh!  I didn’t share my latest business cards from moo.com… Aren’t they so super cuuuuute?!?!

Enjoy this lovely Friday and I’ll see you in the shop! ♥RobbieLee


May, 12

Glitter Clothes Pins Now In The Shop!

Hello there and happy Thursday!  I couldn’t wait until tomorrow to post these in the shop, so they are in there right now!  There are eight lovely colors to choose from and you can use them to hang photos, clip notes together, or whatever your heart desires!  Check them out here.



May, 12

Picnic In The Park

Today I thought I’d share just a FEW photos that we took yesterday at our little picnic in the park.  Ron and I had a picnic dinner and we finished off with one of the pups’ favorite games — FETCH!!!  They had a blast, as you can see.  They were so tired when they came home and slept hard.

I love how they are carrying the Dogzilla back together.  So sweet!

Look at that little eager tongue that’s sticking out!

Tucker taking a little break…

Frankie is too silly!

Longest tongue in town…

They had so much fun and so did we.  I love days like this.  What is your pups favorite game?

Oh! I took some product photos today for the shop update on Friday, so I’ll share a sneak peek tomorrow! Night! ♥RobbieLee