Jun, 09

Green Pet Food

If you’re living a green life and eating green, then shouldn’t your pet?  Heck yeah!  You should choose an all-natural food with hormone-free chicken, beef, or fish if you’re going to buy from the store.  If you’re going to cook for your pet, choose organic and free-range ingredients.  You can find recipes on the internet or I’ve seen books at places like Borders, Barnes & Noble, and yes, even the Library (they still exist and they’re still free).  Cats and dogs cannot be vegetarians, so make sure you are giving them their proper nutrients.  Heck, talk to your vet and see what they recommend!

Here are a couple of sites:  www.greatgreenpet.com – Which is a shopping site so you can go green with toys, grooming, food, and even biodegradable poo bags!  and www.aavn.org – The American Acadamey of Veterinary Nutrition.

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