Jul, 11

Sneak Peek: Latest Robblins Piece

Here is a sneak peek of my latest project with block printed Robblins!!!  I printed and cut them yesterday, as well as attached them to a quilt top.  All I have to do is add the back side and this one of a kind lap quilt will be up for sale in the shop!  I plan on getting the fabric in over the weekend, so hopefully it will be ready by early to mid of next week.  I can’t wait to share the final piece (smile).  Enjoy your Friday and I’ll see you back here on Sunday.

Jul, 11

Mini Farmer’s Market

Today started off nicely by the dogs allowing me to sleep in until 8am!!!  Oh my goodness, I have not slept past 6:30am in over 3 years now.  The dogs are on a schedule, I suppose.  Then we got ready and went to a local Farmer’s Market where they had some lovely Colorado products.  We first browsed around to scope out what we wanted to buy, then we went for it!  We ended up leaving with a bundle of fresh radishes (yummy), a pound of pickling cucumbers (to make my great grandpa proud), apricots, Jalapeno hot sauce, soy-based sauce, an avocado for our sammy’s, and some homemade and freshly-poured Root Beer!!!

I think the best part of it all for me, was when the guy poured the root beer from the barrel it was made in, into brown bottles and topped them off with a cork!  How lovely!

Now I’m spending the day updating the blog and shop.  I think I’ll take a stab at pickling tomorrow or Wednesday.  I’ll let you know how that goes 🙂  Happy Sunday!


Jun, 11


There are new headbands for sale in the shop now!  Check them out!

{shop} Abigail Headband

{shop} Black ‘n Blue Headband

{shop} Crest Headband

{shop} Vintage Silver Sequin Headband

Jun, 11


My Robblins Series is officially for sale in the shop!  Each 5 in. x 5 in. acrylic on canvas piece is hand-painted by me and they are all my original designs.  I started doodling these little fellas all over the place and then when a friend invited me to hang in one of his art shows earlier this year, I figured that was the perfect opportunity to showcase these.  Now, you can have them too!

Jun, 11

to live a creative life…

Isn’t this so true?!  I find myself struggling with this sometimes, because I want things to be as close to perfect as possible.  But, sometimes great thinks come from imperfection.  I totally need a print of this to hang it in my creative space.  It will help keep me on track.  Here are a few other inspiring quotes from Joseph C. Pearce.  What a creative mind he has.  I also have to give mad props to the graphic designer, Amanda Cherie for her design, too!

Jun, 11

smile booth prep

So, this weekend is my friend’s Bridal Shower, and we have been planning it for over a month now!  It’s getting down to the wire and I’m wrapping up the Smile Booth.  I can’t share what I’ve made yet, I don’t want Jessica to see the finished product before her big party, but here are a few things from smilebooth.com that inspired me.  I’m not making anything like these, but I also thought it would be great to give a shout out to the smilebooth.com!

May, 11

sweet changes for Chickiedee…

So, due to a large number of requests, I’m taking Chickiedee to the next level.  It will no longer be Chickiedee | Modern Apparel for Babies.  It will soon be Chickiedee | Handmade.  I have so many wonderful new products that I’m creating to add to the shop, so stay tuned.  Many of them are headbands and other accessories that I just know you’ll love.

Don’t worry though, I’ll still have all of your favorite baby gear… that’s not going away.  The new products will be in the shop this summer.  Thank you so much for your continued support, I really couldn’t do it without you!!

May, 11

Pinhole Press

I stumbled upon Pinhole Press a few weeks ago and really want to get one of these printed up!  I love the idea of having a personal note pad handy.  The best part is that they are not too pricey at all and they would make great gifts.  These nifty notepads are not all they do, so be sure to check them out here.

Apr, 11

{inspiration} vol.4

Happy Thursday all!  Here are some lovely and very inspiring images and crafts to carry you through the rest of the day.  Enjoy!

Learn how to make these Crepe Paper Flowers over at How About Orange!

Learn how to make these Tiny Polaroid Magnets over at Ambrosia Girl!

Learn how to make this fancy (and easy) signage over at Family Chic!

See other ways that Doilies can be used over at Grace and Ivy!

Bacon Toffee… ‘nough said.  Find the recipe over at Cherry Tea Cakes!

Apr, 11


Happy Friday everyone, and Happy April Fool’s Day!!!!!  I’m so lame, I never have any good tricks planned for April Fool’s.  I need to work on that.  What’s better than tricks you ask?  Well, that’s easy, introducing these two lovely ladies and their Blogs, of course.  Both of their blogs are super creative and spunky; just what I like!  So, without further ado, here are Victoria and Jody.

I love this image and how Victoria, of Garden of Eden Designs, describes herself.  She has a great online shop and her Blog is always a great read.  Definitely stop by and say “hi.”

Jody, from The Fabric Shoppe,  has a great online shop full of fabric that will melt you heart!  She also has some really great tutorials for everything you can imagine!  Stop by and give her a big “hello.”