Aug, 13

30-Day Self-Portrait Challenge // No.17


It’s day 17 of this 30-day challenge and I’m sharing a photo of my new Nike+ shoes.  I really like them a lot.  They’re light-weight, super soft and squishy, and they’re bright and cheerful!  They actually make me want to walk and jog more than usual.  The Heeler pups are loving it, too, because they get to run more.  If you have Blue Heelers, then you know, walking doesn’t do it for them like a good run.  Because they’re working dogs, they have so much energy to burn.  And since we live in the suburbs with a lack of cattle to chase, a good run or game of Frisbee does the trick.  We need to get as much outdoor exercise in now, because I feel Fall coming here already, then comes the snow…

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