Baby Tip 1: I understand that diaper bags are meant to carry baby’s junk around, but is baby carrying it, or mom & dad? There are indeed tons of diaper bags out there that are designed with mom and dad in mind, but they can be expensive. After baby grows up, you either hand it down or donate it, so why spend a ton? Instead, moms you can use your fashionable oversized-purses that already go great with most of your outfits to tote baby’s junk around. Dads, you can use that messenger bag or backpack that’s been hanging in the closet since college. You save money and the bags already fit your style, so it’s a win-win situation. Trust me, baby won’t mind one bit. Just another way to save a buck.
If you have any tips to make mommy and daddy’s life easier or less expensive (especially in this economy), email them to us atcustomersupport (at) chickiedee (dot) com with the subject as: “Baby Tip.” Provide your first name and last initial, along with your state of residence. We’d love to post them! Thanks!