Mar, 13

Snow Day


The other day we took a break and had a snow day with the pups.  The park closest to our house is being remodeled so we decided to check it out.  Even when covered in snow you can tell that the park is going to be amazing.  They’re building a paddle boat lodge, a huge playground, an amphitheatre, water fountains, and an outdoor carousel!  I can’t wait for Spring.  Until then, we will enjoy the snow.


The pups just love to run and jump in the snow, especially when their Kong Disk is in the picture.  Tucker will bark at you if you don’t throw it and Frankie likes to let him fetch it and then she’ll steal it from him and bring it back.  That was a fun day.  Well, back to work for me.  I hope your Monday is going well.

Mar, 13

Our Cozy Little Nook


Wow, it’s been cold here in Colorado, and because of that I’ve been keeping busy with home projects.  I recently transformed our bedroom nook into a cozy and peaceful reading and work area.  This space was meant for something like this, because it’s tucked away in the corner – the perfect escape.  I used to use this space as my sewing area, but decided to switch things up a bit so that my husband can enjoy the space, too.  I’ve been planning this for some time now and the cold snap just gave me the boost I needed to follow through.


For Christmas, Ron gave me a giant bean bag and it fits perfectly in our new space.  Then I purchased 4 sets of sheer curtains, white sheets, two tension rods and some sparkly lights to finish it off.  With the bean bag and everything here, it cost about $200 to complete.  I plan on making tiny pillowcases, for the tiny pillows, out of scrap fabric that I have lying around.  I’ll post a little {diy} soon.  Oooo… and maybe a scrap quilt, too!


Oh!  A couple of weekends ago the hubby and I found that little green suitcase at an antique shop near Denver for $14!  It’s in excellent condition and just needed a quick wipe down.  Well, it actually didn’t even need to be wiped down, but I’m a bit of a germ and dirt freak, so I did it anyway.  It holds all of my current idea books, sketchbooks and pens perfectly.  The blue case below is full to the brim with magazines that I need to catchup on, sheesh!


I’m really happy how this space turned out and it was so easy!  If you’ve been in the mood to create a fun fort or magical corner in your home, I highly recommend it!

Mar, 13

Chickiedee Has A New Look


Welcome to the new look of Chickiedee!  As you may know by now, I love to reinvent myself once in a while, so I’m thrilled to share this with you.  It’s been a whole year since I’ve made any changes.  My husband isn’t the biggest fan of my reinventions, because he’s the one that has to build my websites.  Eeek!  I design them, and he codes them. (heeheehee)  He’s such a sweet sweet man to support me.  I wanted something clean and simple with large-and-in-charge images.  This is the happiest that I’ve been with my site in a really long time.  I want to give a very big thank you to my dear husband, Ron, for making this possible.  Without him, my site would be a mess.

Everything should be pretty easy to find, but if you have any questions at all, please let me know.  I’m in the process of updating the shop’s inventory, but everything else is good to go.  Also, if you’re interested in Sponsoring for March, click here, I have some special rates for the re-launch of the site.  I also want to thank my current Sponsors for their continued support, you truly are the best.

Oh, and in addition to this re-launch, my new-to-you blog, A Beautiful Brand, will be up very soon.  I’ll keep you posted.  For the past 7 years, it’s been more of a “secret site” for my clients.  That’s right, I brand creative small businesses and help them get started.  I’ve recently decided to start sharing my experiences as both a creative small business owner, as well as a graphic designer.  I want you to succeed and the best starting point is to have a beautiful brand as your backbone.  So, whether you’re in need of some branding or just looking for some creative small business tips, I think you’ll enjoy it.  I can’t wait to share!  Happy Friday!

Feb, 13

Blog Issues

Hey all!  I just wanted to drop in and let you know that I’m working on the website and my sidebars are currently disabled.  I’m working quickly to get everything back up, especially for my dear Sponsors.  Thank you for your patience.


Jan, 13

{life lately} a crazy month

Wow, it’s been really busy.  To be totally honest, I think I bit off more than I could chew.  I’ve started too many projects at once and it’s made for a very crazy month.  I’m revamping BOTH of my websites, mocking up new products, re-organizing my studio, and tending to a sick kitty.  I had set my goal to have everything done by February 1st, but I’m now thinking it may be a bit longer.  I should have taken it one thing at a time, but I was feeling ambitious.  I can’t believe that I thought I was going to finish all of this in one month… hahahaha.  I’m still working hard to get as close to my goal as possible, and I can’t wait to share the updates!

So, the reason why I’m revamping both of my sites is because I’m feeling a bit stale and there’s a lack of inspiration on my part.  I need something new and fresh to make me fall in love with blogging again.  It’s been really busy with my day job and I found myself letting my blog slip.  I mean, I haven’t even been taking my camera out and about, so i have no new photos to share.  Why on Earth would I do that?!  This is what I love and I can’t lose my passion.  With the revamp I’ve promised myself that I’ll be more consistent in blogging for both you and I.  This is important to me and I need to show that.

Right now you might be asking yourself, what other site is she revamping other than Chickiedee?!  Well, I started another website (before Chickiedee) right out of college when I was looking for work where I started freelancing my graphic design services.  Even though I found a job, I’ve still been accepting clients throughout the years.  It wasn’t until recently that I decided to narrow my focus to my own niche – The Creative Small Business.  The site is appropriately named A Beautiful Brand and there I will share everything that I’ve learned about building my Creative Small Business from the ground up.  I’ll share my experiences of what’s worked and what hasn’t.  I really want the handmade community to grow and stay beautiful.  I’ve owned and run Chickiedee Handmade for nearly 7 years now, so in that time I’ve learned a lot.  A Beautiful Brand is a great resource for anyone either thinking of starting a Creative Small Business or someone who’s already in the thick of it.  I can’t wait to share it with you!

So, I’m working hard to get everything wrapped up and I want to thank you all for reading and for helping me hold myself accountable.  Oh!  I’m super excited to share a home project that I just wrapped up and I’m going to feature my own studio soon!

Dec, 12

{studio sunday} with Chrissy Sparks

Hello!  I’d like for you to meet Chrissy Sparks.  She’s a self-taught painter and a California native who’s settled in beautiful Colorado!  I met Chrissy through another {studio sunday} feature, believe it or not.  See commented on the post and we started chatting and quickly realized that we live in the same state.  The best part is that she recently moved closer, so hopefully after the Holidays, we can meet in person.  Anyhoo, let’s jump in and see where she paints.

1. How long have you been painting?  What got you started?  What’s your inspiration?  Has your style changed at all?
I began painting in 2003. I received my first easel in 2004 as a gift and started learning everything I could about painting techniques. It wasn’t until 2009 that I really became passionate about painting and entertained the idea of selling my work. After much encouragement from friends and family, I decided to put my first painting up for sale and it sold right away! Shortly after, I opened up a shop online and now sell my paintings across the U.S. and internationally. My style has changed a bit since I first started painting; I experiment with a wider range of colors, my paintings are more detailed, and my subjects are more intricate. Most of my inspiration comes from nature, but is heavily influenced by music.

2. I know that you recently had two of you pieces in the Colorado State Fair, how exciting was that?!  Tell us about it.
This was my second year being part of the Colorado State Fair Fine Arts Exhibit. It was a great experience and such a humbling feeling to know that my work was chosen to be shown with art from across the state! This year I had two Nebula paintings from my Cosmos series on display. My paintings were the only Cosmos themed art at the Fine Arts Exhibit and it was great to see the reaction of people when they realized the paintings were based on actual photos from NASA.

3. On to your studio, where’s it located?
My family and I just  relocated to the Greater Denver Area and we are currently living with family. My studio is located in our house and is the largest space I’ve ever had. I love having such an open and well-lit space to work in from home. 

4. What’s your favorite part of your studio space?
My husband and I love going to coffee shops together, so I really wanted to incorporate the “coffee shop/lounge” feel into my workspace at home. It’s turning out to be a fun space not only to be creative in, but also to relax. I also love my hand-made easel (which my husband gave me while we were dating), my paint pallets with colorful paint all over them, and the glass jars full of paint brushes and other art supplies that are throughout the area.

5. Approximately how many hours per day/week do you spend in your studio?  Is it a full-time job, or do you do something else, too?
I  spend several hours a day in my studio. I’m also a stay at home mom, so I don’t usually have the time to be in my studio all day creating, but bursts of creativity work great for me at this point in life.  Aside from my own artwork,  I also work for my husband’s film business, Sparks Bros Media. He currently makes short films, spot light videos, and does commercial work. I do a bit of admin work and a bit of social media for him (mostly Pinterest and Twitter on occasion).

6. Do you have any future plans for your studio?
I’m still getting settled into my new studio space so mostly I’m trying to add touches here and there that make the space feel comfortable and inspirational. I’d like to add a few books to the area and other small items to help in those times that I might need a creative “boost” or inspiration for color.

7. Do you have any tips or advice on how to maintain an inspiring and functional workspace?
I think that surrounding yourself with things that inspire you and are meaningful to you is very important. I have all of my paint brushes displayed in glass jars. I also display my colored pencils and markers this way. I not only love the way they look, but it is also very functional . What’s most important to me is the creating part of it all. Do something. Make something. Be creative. Try new things. Surround yourself with encouraging people. I really feel this is just as, if not more, important as having an inspiring & functional workspace.

Chrissy, thank you so much for your time!  I know you’ve just moved and are still getting settled, so thank you for taking the time to share a peek into your creative space.  I love that you’ve found your passion and that you’re supported by loved ones – it makes it that much better!


Please take a moment and visit Chrissy, and say hello! FB | Twitter | Instagram: @ChrissySparks

Dec, 12

{studio sunday} with Alexz of Bird Trouble // pt.2

The Holidays are here in full force and it’s getting to be a little overwhelming in these parts.  How about for you?  Well, if you’re in need of a little mental break like I am, here’s a very special {studio sunday} for you to escape in.  It’s extra special because, this is a studio update feature.  That’s right, we’ve seen this lovely lady on here before, and you can see her old studio here.  She has since moved and updated her studio, so lets dive into our first studio update, shall we?!


Hey everyone! I’m the designer and one-woman-show behind Bird Trouble. My name is Alexz and this is my second time here on the Chickiedee blog – but things have changed a lot since. I currently finished reinventing my studio space and welcomed Bird Trouble to a new websiteAll of this refreshing is keeping me sane during this busy Holiday ordering season. I’m anticipating 2013 because I have a ton planned for Bird Trouble and I’m working on a new Lookbook – this is just the beginning!


1. Alexz, I’m so excited to have you back for a studio update!  Last time we peeked into your space you made all of your bags in your bedroom, what’s changed since?

I’m excited to be back! It’s fun to see how much better my space is haha. So much has changed! About a year ago, I moved into my apartment that I share with two roommates. We are just walking distance from Lake Michigan here in Chicago. It’s great.


2. Is it still located in your home, or elsewhere?

Now a days, I’m still making bags in my bedroom, but I technically have two bedrooms that I keep separated. They’re connected to each other at the front of the apartment – and once served as the sun room. It’s pretty large too! I’m lucky because it is much, much better.


3. What’s your favorite part of your new space?  Is there anything that you miss from your last studio?

I don’t really miss anything from my old space! Honestly – it was too cramped. I would never go back! My favorite part about my new space is the natural light and the cement floor.


4. What have you taken from your last studio and how did you make it better?

I took all of my furniture from the old place to use it here. I was able to spread everything out more while giving me room to add new pieces. I brought in my drafting table from my parents’ house that I’ve had since I was a child. I love it.


5. I know you spend hours in your studio, so what keeps you inspired and motivated?

Motivation to work is easy for me. I’m a workaholic. It’s being inspired that sometimes ends up sucking. I turn off the movies and put on some music – mostly music that can just linger, or recently a lot of Aerosmith. I read my favorite blogs and small business owners. Beca from Tumbleweeds Sunglasses always inspires me. I also like to go for walks right when I wake up. Having a dog helps with this, but anyone can do it. Your mind is still waking up in the morning and it’s the perfect time to surprise yourself with your own thoughts. An easy thing – I follow artists/artisans who inspire me on Instagram or Tumblr  and I go through it, even for just a minute, each day.


6. Do you have any organizational tips to share?

I write down everything! I’m kind of neurotic about it but I know it works with my jumpy thoughts. I carry around a notebook and a very nice pen with me at all times, in case an idea or a thought to remember comes to me. I also like to make lists of goals for the next day, in life or in Bird Trouble. I use a planner more of less religiously and I keep it on my computer desk so that I look at it every time. I don’t use my phone or computer for planning myself because I find paper & pen easier and way better looking.


7. Lastly, how does your boyfriend, Ty and Detective Bacon Cheeseburger like the new space?!

Oh man! This is the best part. My boyfriend now lives in a different part of Chicago. I’m enjoying my own space and my own time but we’ve talked about moving in with each other in a year or more. Ty loves his new home and loves it this close to the lake. Detective actually found a new home with a friend of ours, and I hear through the grape vine that she’s a happy little chubster now! 😉


Alexz, thank you so much for taking the time to share your new and exciting studio!  I’m so happy that you’ve been able to expand your workspace to create bigger and better things.  I can’t wait to see what you make next.  Thank you for being my first ever studio update, it was so fun!  I just love to see other creatives moving forward with what they love.


Be sure to visit Alexz: Blog | Shop | {studio sunday} pt.1

Dec, 12


I wanted to wish you a very happy 12-12-12!  Did you do anything exciting today?

Dec, 12

{studio sunday} with Isabel of IKNOW

It’s that time again where we get to peek into the studio of a very talented creative.  This week we have the honor of chatting with Isabel, of IKNOW Clothing.  You may or may not have been familiar with her beautiful clothing until now, but once you see her work, you’ll never forget it.  She’s super skilled with a needle and thread.  Lets see where her magic happens in her sweet little studio tucked away in Devon, England.

1. Tell me about yourself.
Oh gosh, I am not very good at describing myself, but I’m sure everyone says that. I’d say I’m pretty normal, I enjoy doing all the homely things like sewing, cooking, eating & watching TV, bonfires, junk shopping & doing nothing with friends. At the moment I am lucky enough to be able to concentrate full-time on making things for a living, be it a very small one! I do a few other bits & bobs throughout the week like volunteering at our local CSA & do other freelance sewing jobs that aren’t to do with my own label.

2. How long have you been making clothing? What’s your inspiration?  When did you decide to start selling your clothing?
I’m not quite sure when exactly I started making clothing, but I’d say it has definitely been a passion of mine for as long as I can remember. When I was little I wanted to be a ‘fashion designer’ but I never thought I’d really do it, not that that is what I’d call myself now, although I suppose I am? In my own funny way. I feel like I never ‘decided’ to sell my clothing, it just sort of happened, & people started buying stuff, I still don’t quite believe it. I went from wanting to be a dress-maker, to an artist, prop maker, cinematographer, then an architect & I think that physiologist was in there at some point too, probably be in a band as well… I still don’t rule any of those out as future jobs…
Last year I bought some gorgeous fabric from my local fabric shop to make myself into a dress, I went home & looked up the designer & found she sold wholesale organic cotton. I bought a few bolts & it just seemed to start from there. I often find I can be inspired by fabric itself, & I am quite an obsessive fabric buyer/hoarder (I hid a lot in the photos). I’m inspired by the past a lot, I also love costume in TV, theatre & film & one day I would like to work in someway in that area.

3. Where’s your studio located? and why?
My studio is in a back upstairs room of my house. I live with my parents (which I never like admitting) but I am very lucky to have such a beautiful space & it is a neat little room with everything I need in it. Before it was just a room which got piled with old junk that nobody wanted to keep or throw away, so it is so nice to give it back a use. It can be difficult working from home, but I try to get out of the house every day to help my sanity & have a little break.

4. What’s your favorite part of your studio space? Why?
The favourite part of my studio is the step up into the window bay. I don’t know why, probably because it is where the heater is. I often find myself sitting on the step doodling or hand sewing whilst listening to the radio, it can be a nice break from machine sewing & it just feels nice to perch there.

5. Approximately how many hours per day/week do you spend in your studio?
This is such a tricky question as it varies a lot! Some days I will not go in at all but be doing computery work or sketching in the kitchen or something, & other times I will go into my studio for days (& nights) on end only emerging for tea & biscuits. I work a lot in the middle of the night, I am definitely not an early bird so I aim to be in my studio by 10am most days, have a break in the middle of the day & then go back to work until 2/3 in the morning.

6. Do you have any future plans for your studio?
I have a few plans in the near future to make the space more manageable, small things like making some curtains to keep out the cold, & making a rail to hang my dresses as I make them. In the long-term I don’t quite know, I often map out the perfect studio in my head & feel anxious for change, but then I think how lovely it is to have a creative space of my own. I eventually would like to have a big shed with everything in it, because I’m pretty obsessed with sheds & I do think it would be nice to be able to work away from home. Who knows, perhaps a little studio/shop one day!

7. Do you have any tips or advice on how to maintain an inspiring and functional workspace?
I really don’t know, I would say the main thing is, don’t force yourself to try & be creative, it never works. If you are feeling bored & uninspired take a walk or go & talk to someone, it often makes things so much clearer. It’s tricky if you are working from home, on your own especially, put the radio on so it feels less lonely, & don’t beat yourself up if you don’t get everything you wanted to finished (I should really try & take my own advice). Also, I find if I have a big list of things that feel like they are looming over me & I really just want to do a creative un-work related job then just do it, it can make you feel so much better & more motivated to work on the real task in hand. But, you know, don’t take my advice, I’m pretty messy & disorganised… 🙂


The lovely dresses photographed below are Isabel’s Poppy dress & the Foxglove dress.  I’m in love with these!


Isabel, thank you so much for taking the time you took to really answer each of my questions with truth and spunk.  I really appreciate your time in taking all of these lovely photos, too!  It’s so exciting that you were able to turn an unused room into a creative wonderland.  Your bay window is to die for.  Your dresses are so lovely and I know that you’ll be able to have your own little shop one day.  You just wait and see!  Skill is learned, but talent and passion have to be in you to create.  You definitely have all three.  Thank you again for your time and for sharing your special space with us.


Be sure to visit Isabel: Shop | Site | Blog | FB

Dec, 12

Stay Tuned

Hey all!  I promise that this weeks {studio sunday} will be up soon!  We’re having a bit of photo issues, but we are working on it.  You’ll love today’s guest, I promise.  She has to be the sweetest and cutest designer ever!