Nov, 09

Humpday Tutorial | What a pair…

Ginger and Pears seem to make quite the pair in this delicious recipe from Art Esprit.  I came across this recipe yesterday and was thinking that it would be a fabulous new dessert to add to the Thanksgiving table this year.  Click here for the recipe! I just love the fact that she created this recipe to use the over ripe pears… no wasting is great!

Oct, 09

Gone to the dogs…

I was talking on the phone with my mom last night and she was telling me about something she had seen on TV about healthy dog treats.  She had told me that you can give dogs green beans, peas, carrots, and even bananas!  This got me thinking more on the topic of healthy dogs & treats at home.  I found some great sites with recipes and tips to keep your dog fit and healthy.  These recipes would be a great activity to do indoors this winter with the kids!  Enjoy!

**Oh!  Before I forget, it is very very very important to remember to never ever give dogs grapes or raisins because they could be fatal!!!  Chocolate can also be fatal and you should never give dogs real bones, because they can splinter and your dog could choke!  Alcohol and hops are bad for dogs too, so don’t share that beer with them!**

Paw Rescue {A great list of food warnings and kitchen safety for your pets.  This site also has a great list of toxic foods too!!  Please take a moment at read}
*Toxic Foods and items for you dogs and cats (and other animals):

Fatty foods, chocolate, grapes, raisins, real bones (because of splinters), alcohol, bread dough, milk, salt, salty pork products, organ meat, tuna can be bad for cats hearts (I had no idea), avocado, tomatoes, nuts, rhubarb, onions, citrus fruits, too much soy is bad, caffeine, cough medicine, cigarettes (don’t smoke around them or leave your butts on the ground to be eaten, sponges (they like to chew them), self cleaning ovens let off toxic chemicals to any animal and may be very harmful to dogs/cats/birds/etc., and don’t let your dog drink from the toilet because if the germs don’t make your dog sick the chemicals will.

Dog Treat Cookbooks {Recipes for dog treats}
Bull Wrinkle {Recipes for dog treats}
Banana Carrot Muffin Dog Treats {A great recipe good enough for you to eat!  It has carrots and honey in the mix!}
Fruits and Veggies That Are Good For Your Dog {A list of fruits and vegetables that your dog can eat!  Just remember to cut up all fruits and veggies into bite-sized pieces so your dog doesn’t choke!!!}
The Real Owner {Explains the health benefits of veggies for dogs}

If you find any other great sites with animal recipes and/ or safety tips, please share with us in the comments section!  Thanks!

Oct, 09

trick-or-treats on a limb

I saw this in the Women’s Day mag last year and wanted to share it, but couldn’t cuz it was in a magazine.  Well, I was super excited to find it today online!  It’s a mini tree with mini treat bags!  The complete how-to can be found here and it look s super easy!  You just need a variety of scrap fabric, a needle and thread and/or a sewing machine, twine and treat to go inside!  They don’t give the how-to on the tree, but it looks pretty straight forward… get a dead branch, spray paint it black, and stick it in a pot or vase… be creative!  I always love when you find a new way to use those leftover scraps… no wasting here.  Enjoy!

Oct, 09

Earwax Swab Halloween Treats

When I found these Earwax Swab Halloween Treats at Saucy’s Sprinkles this morning, I just had to share them with all of you!  What a creative and fun idea for the kids.  I mean, let’s face it, we all know that they’ve taken a taste of their own earwax before… this will just taste better.  All you do is pop two marshmallows on each end of a lollipop stick and dip them in butterscotch!  Easy, right?  The Q-tips box helps the look too! Enjoy!

Oct, 09

Humpday Tutorial | Mini Gift Boxes

I absolutely LOVE making my own cards and gift boxes for people!  Making your own gift box is a great way to express both your creativity and the personality of the recipient.  Here is a great online tutorial that I found over at the b-line and Amy does a great job of explaining how to create these sweet little gift boxes.


Oct, 09

Chalk it up…

I came across this Blog today called Art-n-Sewl by Emily and she had a great DIY that I just had to share!  You take clean and old jars…

make a template and tape it on…

then use ChalkBoard paint to fill in the template.  Once it drys…

You simply use chalk to write the name of the spice or product that’s in the jar!  Get the full how-to here!  Best of all, it’s a very inexpensive project that takes no time at all and it’s a great way to re-use those old jars!

Oct, 09

20 things to do this Fall…

  1. Dust and vacuum those “forgotten” places like the ceiling, corners, along the baseboards, behind doors, light and fan fixtures, behind your desk and computer, etc.
  2. Re-organize that bookshelf you’ve been meaning to get to.
  3. Paint a room for an instant update!
  4. Pull out those dusty candles and turn off all of those lights for an Eco night in.  It’s relaxing and it saves you money on your electricity bill.
  5. Change your air filter (every three months) to ensure that your air stays clean and your heater won’t short out on you this winter due to getting clogged up with dust bunnies.
  6. Bundle up and take a family walk for some quality time.
  7. Sort through that mail pile and separate into “file and keep” or recycle.
  8. Rearrange a room.
  9. Do you have a fireplace?  If so, call that chimney sweep and prepare for the cold!
  10. Start planning that Thanksgiving menu.
  11. Go through your closets and drawers to donate unwanted items to those who need them.  Coats and jackets would be great for this time of year!
  12. Who says that you can’t mix-n-match your sheet and bedding sets?!  You’ll be spending more time indoors this season, so spice things up!
  13. Buy some flowers that are on discount at you next grocery run and display them on you dining room table to brighten your space up.
  14. Give yourself a mini mani and pedi when the kids are napping.
  15. Dust behind the washer and dryer to prevent fires caused by those little dust bunnies.  This would also be a great time to get all of those loose socks and change that has fallen back there.
  16. Update those picture frames with more recent photos!
  17. Collect all of those wire hangers and return them to your dry cleaners for re-use or recycling.  DID YOU KNOW: “It takes over 100 years for wire hangers to break down in landfills, according to Bob Kantor, CEO of Hanger Network.”
  18. Collect all of that loose change and put it into your child’s piggy bank!
  19. Grow you hair out this Fall and Winter then cut it and donate it to Locks of Love to make wigs for children with cancer.
  20. Make a cup of hot tea, coffee, or coco and site back with you favorite magazine or book.  Relax.

Oct, 09

Humpday Tutorial | Pom Pom Flowers

Here is just one of the ways you can use these cute little Pom poms for decoration.  More ideas and the complete tutorial can be found on the Domestifluff blog.

Here are the tools needed to complete the tutorial.

You simply wrap the yarn around you hand and…

cut.  Easy as pie!

Oct, 09


This is not your typical lingerie, but that’s what makes it so fun!  HOTmilk has made being pregnant even sexier than it already is… I know, I didn’t think it was possible either. HOTmilk offers designer maternity lingerie, sexy nursing bras, camisoles and nightwear.  They have sizing charts to help you find the right fit and they even have a section for men to help them order something special for you.  Who says that you have to wear those white cotton nursing bras all of the time?!  What a fabulous way to keep the new mother-to-be feeling great about herself.  Enjoy!

Oct, 09

Halloween bibs…

Blogpost_HalloweenBibsVisit our shop to snatch up these super abrobant bibs with our unique design!