Nov, 09

After Thanksgiving Sale!!!

Blogpost_BlackFriday2009SaleVisit our SHOP for these fabulous deals and save this season!  Below is a map of the time zones to make sure you make it in time!  See you there!

Image via theatlantic.com

Nov, 09

One Left!

Hey there!  I just wanted to let you know that we only have one Brown Filigree Bib left!  Visit our shop and snag it before someone else does!


Nov, 09

For Our Feathered Friends…

As you already know, I just love animals and love to make them happy.  Now that it’s getting cold (in most areas), what better way to help out our little feathered friends, and furry ones too, than to set out a healthy snack?  That’s why I thought a handmade bird feeder would make a great Humpday Tutorial!

This is a great GREEN project to do inside with the kids and it’s very inexpensive to make.  Here is what you’ll need:

  • Pine Cones
  • Peanut Butter
  • Bird Seed
  • String/twine
  • A bowl for the seeds; a plate for the Pine Cones; and a spoon for the seeds and a knife for the peanut butter

Visit makeandtakes.com for the complete instructions and a how-to video!

Images via makeandtakes.com

Nov, 09

Pretty in Pink {Hedge Hogs, that is…}


We just LOVE these little Pink Hedge Hogs!  There are two on the front and one on the Bum! Best of all, they are made of Eco-Felt, so they are Eco Hedge Hogs!  If you love them at much as we do, visit our shop!

Nov, 09

Remembering Summer…


{Tucker Bean}


{Frankie Li}

… ahhh… the boat…

Nov, 09

Halloween Sale!

Halloween is over and we still have a few Halloween things that we’d like to push out the door to make room for new items!!!  Visit our shop and grab what you’d like for next year, but you better hurry, because we only have a few items left at great prices!  We’re talking 50% off on most items!!!


Nov, 09

Star Spangled

As you know, it’s Humpday Tutorial time and in honor of Veterans’ Day and the upcoming Holiday Season, I thought a cookie recipe would be great!  Now, this is not just any cookie recipe, it’s a HEALTHY Brown Sugar Almond Star recipe from Heart Healthy Living!!

This recipe makes about 36 (3-inch) cookies and only takes approximately 6 minutes to bake each batch!  Easy-peezy!  You can decorate them however you want and with whatever you want, be creative.  We do a Cookie Swap each year (this will be our 4th Annual) and this would be a great recipe for that too!  So grab your apron and your bakeware and make these great cookies today!

Nov, 09

There’s a new Private in town…

Cpl. Molly, the Marines Mascot of 7 years, is retiring and letting 7 month old Pvt. Belleau Wood step in.

{Molly the mascot of Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego}

{Belleau Wood (left) the new mascot of Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego (Molly Right)}

This is a tradition that goes back to 1939 with an English bulldog named James Jolly Plum Duff.  Belleau, this little “bundle of bounce,” was named after a World War I battle in France, and is already showing signs of that Marine Corps grit. ” ‘She’s really hardheaded on certain stuff,’ said Cpl. Shawn Dickens, her Marine handler.  For instance, ‘sit’ is solid. ‘Stay,’ well, that’s another tale.”  As for Molly, she will live her retirement in Texas with a Marine officer.

Happy Veterans’ Day to everyone and thank you to all of our brave troops for defending our country with pride.  We love you all and hope you all come home soon!  To my great friend, Sgt. Matthew Grogan, please be safe and we’ll see you for the Holidays!

Information gathered from Signon San Diego and The Poodle (and dog) Blog

Nov, 09

27th Annual Christmas Bazaar

Happy Monday everyone!

I would just like to remind you all of the 27th Annual Country Christmas Bazaar that’s coming up this weekend in Colorado!  As you might know, I’ve been doing this show with my mom for 26 years!  That’s right, my mom is a dedicated crafter and 26 years ago, when I was just 1 month old, she started taking me to work the show with her… that’s where it all began…

The holidays are fast approaching and what better way to spend a day with a shopping buddy and supporting handmade!  Please join us and all of the other amazing crafters!  Chickiedee will be in the large building in the middle!

Saturday and Sunday
November 14th & 15th, 2009
9am to 4pm

Adams County Regional Park & Fairgrounds
9755 Henderson Rd. Henderson, CO
(1-25 to 104th Ave. E. to Riverdale Rd. North to Henderson Rd. and East on Henderson until you see the entrance on your Left)
Call 303-659-7103 for more info

Free Parking
400 Booths in Four Buildings
$3 Admission – 14 and under are Free
Food by 4-H Clubs


Nov, 09

Boo Bash 2009…

I just wanted to share a few photos of our Boo Bash this year.  We had creepy treats and ghuolish drinks mixed with great people! Can’t wait for next year!
