Mar, 10flower & mint cubes
Just in time for Spring! These flower and mint ice cubes are sure to freshen up any baby shower, bridal shower, birthday or any day for that matter. I simply love the idea!
Images and instructions can be found at Brides.com
Mar, 10Rolling in the GREEN
In celebration of St. Patrick’s Day, I gathered up a few GREEN handmade items to share with you. Be sure to wear your green today so you don’t get PINCHED!
1. “All Buttoned Up” from Chickiedee
2. “Green Robots” pencil case from Sewfriendzy on Etsy
3. “Henry” from wiggletiggy on Etsy
4. “Frankie” from Chickiedee
5. “Emerald Polkadot Hand Knit Hat” Deusprovidebit on Etsy
6. “That Did Feel Good” from Monkey Chow on Etsy
7. “Natural Forest Silhouette” from CritterJitters on Etsy
8. “Android Pillow” from Craftsquatch on Ets0
Mar, 10DIY St. Patrick’s Day Carnations
St. Patrick’s Day is right around the corner, what are you and the kids going to do to celebrate? Here’s a suggestion! When I was little I always loved to color my own carnations with food coloring. It was so fun to watch the transformation and they last for a long time! It’s a quick and easy DIY to do with the kids. Here’s the how-to at MarthaStewart.com.
Mar, 10…edible butterflies
Spring is fast approaching and what better way to celebrate that than with butterflies! I found these fabulous edible red butterflies on cupcakes, aren’t they cute?!
image found on Hostess
Mar, 10Limeade Recipes
Here are some refreshing LIMEADE recipes for Spring and Summer… Enjoy!
Sparkling Limeade from Martha Stewart
Sweet-Tart Limeade from Martha Stewart
Limeade with Mint from Martha Stewart
Watermelon Limeade from Martha Stewart
Cucumber Limeade from Martha Stewart
Kiwi Honeydew Limeade from Martha Stewart
Mar, 10When Life Hands You Lemons…
I just love lemonade, because it comes in so many vibrant colors and refreshing flavors! I’m always up for trying new recipes, especially with Spring right around the corner. So, here are a few that I found that I know you will like too!
Sparkling Roasted Vanilla Lemonade from Martha Stewart
Cherry-Blossom Tea and Pink Lemonade from Martha Stewart
Raspberry Lemonade from Martha Stewart
Lemonade with Blueberries from Martha Stewart
Lavender-Infused Lemonade from Martha Stewart
Strawberry Lemonade from Martha Stewart
Strawberry Hibiscus-Tea Lemonade from Martha Stewart
Lavender Lemonade from Martha Stewart
Orange Pekoe Lemonade from Martha Stewart
Watermelon Lemonade from Martha Stewart
Classic Lemonade from Martha Stewart
Mar, 10{studio sunday} Shimelle in London
Good morning Sunday! I just love looking at other people’s studios, because they can be so inspiring! I appreciate that everyone has their own space that works best for them and they are all unique. Some are small and some are big, some are organized and some are chaotic, but all are great. That’s why I decided to start {studio sunday}. I want to have a whole collection of different spaces to inspire others and perhaps give you ideas on making your studio space more exciting! If you would like to take some photos of your studio/workstation, please do and send them to us at info {at} chickiedee.com!
This week for {studio sunday} we’re taking a peek into Shimelle’s workspace. Shimelle lives and works in London for ScrapBook Inspirations Magazine and she also designs for Banana Frog Stamps and Two Peas in a Bucket. Scroll down for a little Q&A with her.
1. What got you into scrapbooking?
I discovered scrapbooking by complete accident in 1998 — a million years ago it seems! I was performing in a play about a family of women who keep an album of news clippings and photos, even when the clippings were tragic things. As a cast, we wanted to make a photo album about the play as a gift for our director, but none of us knew about scrapbooking at all. We went to a discount store to find a cheap photo album we could dress up with Crayola pens and such and instead found one of those kits that has a binder, page protectors, a few pieces of paper and stickers and a template or two. We made that album in our dressing rooms backstage and by the end of the play, I’d discovered the scrapbooking aisle at a nearby craft store and was totally in awe — and totally aware of how I had just broken every rule in making that first album! I’ve been scrapbooking ever since.
2. Where is your studio? (In your home or somewhere else?)
My studio is a room in our home – we live in a postwar flat in London and it has a room that works just perfectly for me.
3. How many hours per week would you say that you spend in your studio?
This is my full-time job so I’m here a great deal. My desk and computer are just out of sight in these pictures, and it varies week to week whether I spend more time at my crafting desk or my computer desk. Between the two I am in this room at least fifty hours a week, so it has to be a space I love!
4. What’s your favorite part of your studio?
This may be very cliched, but it’s the window. We’ve lived here about three years and prior to that we had only very small windows in every room. Everything was very beige-toned from the lack of sunlight. Here the light is relatively light even on a grey London day, and that helps a great deal! The view is very peaceful and quiet as it’s not open to any streets so if I need to pretend I live in the countryside rather than a big city, I can! We built the work desk out of kitchen units to stand alone in the middle of the room so when I am working I am standing up and constantly looking through that window. There is always something I wish I could change about this space but the window is just perfect.
Thanks so much Shimelle, we loved taking a peek inside your studio! {Images via Shimelle}
Mar, 10Twinkie Chan and her CUTE Scarves
I stumbled across Twinkie Chan’s blog a couple of months ago and instantly fell in love with her colorful and quirky style! Her tattoos are so bright and great and I especially love her CUTE scarves! Here are a few of my favorites…