Mar, 11{inspiration} vol.1
I’m inspired by soooooooooooooooo many things out there, it’s unreal. Here are a few things that inspired me this week…
{lissy elle}
She is an amazingly talented photographer with a one-of-a-kind mind… just stunning!
I’m in love with banners of all kinds, and this one really pulls the room together.
This just reminds me how precious our water here on Earth really is. It’s not just ours, we share it with all of the lil creatures on this Planet.
Gotta love those bold colors together!
{by lila jang}
This would look amazing in my studio! Another great quality of this couch, is that it’s a space-saver… ahahaha
{antropologie on designtripper}
Anthropologie is a company after my own heart! I actually hate to call them a compnay, because they are so much more… they are a lifestyle.
{martha stewart}
I’d love to sip these Pear Fizzes by DM Cuisine in the room above. Geez, talk about relaxing! Since I don’t drink though, I substitute the champagne for sparkling pear juice or ever club soda.
Mar, 11{humpday tutorial} Easter Pastry Toppers
I just love how quick and easy these Pastry Toppers are to make. They are just foamy-glittery Easter Egg Stickers stuck together with a tooth pick wedged between them! Not to mention, it only costs a dollar or two! Woo-hoo, now, that’s my sort of last minute party spunk.
Mar, 11{photo friday} vol.1
Happy Friday! I love photography and all that goes with it. I’m always snapping new shots of whatever throughout the week and thought to myself, why not share them?! So, I decided to create {photo friday} to share what I’ve captured. I’m so excited to see everything compiled in one place. Let’s see where it goes. Well, enough chit chat, enjoy…
Clockwise: sweet little fox that I saw in my mom’s neighborhood; Starbucks sign while visiting with a gal pal; My lil bro assisting in making fresh mozzarella at Johnson & Wales; My newest haircut – I love it!; Frankie and Tucker at the dog park for Frankie, Angel and Dimitri’s 3rd Birthday; a butterfly bouquet that my hubby, Ron, surprised me with.
Mar, 11{humpday tutorial} Vintage-Style Headband for St. Patrick’s Day
This adorable little headband is super simple to make, which is great because St. Patrick’s Day is right around the corner. Find the complete tutorial here at Craft.
Mar, 11coming soon!
I’m so excited to finally share these with you! Here are a few little paintings that will be added to the shop very soon. They are my original designs and each are hand-painted by yours truly.
{Peg Leg}
{True Love}
{Me & My Pup}
Mar, 11Happy 3rd Birthday Pups!
Today is Frankie, Angel and Dimitri’s 3rd birthday! I can’t believe how big they have all gotten. I love them so much!
images clockwise: Angel, Dimitri, Frankie, all three of them when they were a couple months old.
Mar, 11{humpday tutorial} lil shamrock
How sweet is this lil shamrock?! I think it’s a great way to avoid being pinched this St. Patrick’s Day. The great thing is that you can skip the iron-on fusing, and just stitch it on for the day. Then you can snip it right off come the 18th. Easy-peasy! Find the complete tutorial over at momtastic.
Mar, 11{new to the shop} bib & burp sets
Check out what’s new in the shop! These bib & burp sets are just in time for Spring. Cute and absorbent?! Who could ask for more?
Green & White Hounds tooth bib and burp set
Pink & White Whimsy bib and burp set