Jul, 11

Happy Saturday

Happy Saturday everyone!  I hope that you are out and about doing wonderful things 🙂  Be sure to stop by tomorrow for {studio sunday} with Olivia Mew!!!  She’s such a sweetheart and her creative space is lovely.  Welp, enjoy and I’ll see you soon!

Jul, 11

{photo friday} vol. 5 Close-up Edition

As I was going through my photos this week, I realized that I take a lot of close-ups.  I thought it would be fun to share a few of them in this”close-up edition” of {photo friday}.  As you might have already noticed, all of these photos were taken from Instagram.  I just love that Application so much!  If you’d like to, find me on Instagram @robbielee .  Enjoy and have a happy Friday!

Jul, 11

Happy Thursday

I have been busy busy making all sorts of new goodies for the shop.  August is fast approaching, so I am trying to keep on schedule as much as possible to meet my goal that I set.  I’m sorry that this weeks posts have been pretty weak, but I just want to keep you in the loop and let you know that I’m still here and working hard (smile).  I’m excited to announce that {studio sunday} will come full force, beginning this week!  I have a line-up of some very amazing and talented creatives, many of them whom you already know.  So be sure to stop by this Sunday to peek into the first studio space!!

Happy Thursday and I’ll be sure to keep you posted.

Jul, 11

rainy day

If you don’t know already, Colorado is known for its unpredictable weather.  Today was a great example, because it was 95°F about an hour ago and now it’s down-pouring!!  I’m not complaining though, we need the moisture and I love the cool down.  I’m making great use of this time and I’m back in the studio working hard to get all of the new products ready for the new shop updates coming in August.  Oh, there will be a SALE this August too, so be sure to watch out for that. (smile)

I’ll probably head to the store later for a few more supplies, and then I’ll get my tail back to work.  Enjoy the rest of your evening and I’ll chat with you soon.

Jul, 11
Jul, 11

Harry Potter…

Happy Sunday!  So, I went to see the last Harry Potter movie today with my family, and we all loved it!  I will not give anything away, so you must see it if you havn’t already.  I literally got goosebumps at parts, because it was so well written and acted out.  Brilliant! 

Welp, I’m going to start sewing and working on my current projects.  I’ll keep you posted.

Jul, 11

Sneak Peek: Latest Robblins Piece

Here is a sneak peek of my latest project with block printed Robblins!!!  I printed and cut them yesterday, as well as attached them to a quilt top.  All I have to do is add the back side and this one of a kind lap quilt will be up for sale in the shop!  I plan on getting the fabric in over the weekend, so hopefully it will be ready by early to mid of next week.  I can’t wait to share the final piece (smile).  Enjoy your Friday and I’ll see you back here on Sunday.

Jul, 11

magazines coming out of my ears

I love to read magazines like I love to read picture-books.  I’m a creative, so naturally I’m very visual and that’s why I think I enjoy reading magazines so much.  I know getting magazines is not a “green” habit, but I’ve tried to read subscriptions online and it’s just not the same.  Page layout is an art-form and that paired with the smooth texture of the pages, really get me excited!  Not to worry though, just because I get magazines via mail, doesn’t mean that I just toss them into the garbage.  No no!  After reading these beauties, I go back through and tear out all of the recipes I want and all of the beautifully inspirational images and stories.  In addition, I also use some of the pages for crafty projects.  Once I’m through with them completely, I recycle them.

What started this post was when I looked over and saw my growing pile of un-read magazines!  I’m so behind, and if I don’t catch up, I’ll for sure be reading this summers editions in the Fall.  What I need is to take a small break with some tea and just read.  That’s not going to happen today, but maybe this weekend… (smile).

If you Google something along the lines of “Making Crafts out of Magazines” you can find some pretty nice projects.

Jul, 11

{humpday tutorial} DIY Envelope Liners

Um… yes please!!  I found these lovely printable + DIY Envelope Liners over at ellinee.com and I’m in love!  How nice of them to share with all of us, huh?!  Visit their site to print and create your own and let’s make the world a lovelier place one envelope at a time.

Jul, 11

In The Mountains

This past weekend I was up in the mountains, just north of Boulder at my dad’s house.  It was a much needed time off.  I was just able to focus on family, fun and food!  We all did a bit of fishing (I must confess that I pretend to fish, because I don’t want to hurt the fishies), light hiking, and riding on the ATV’s/Mule.  We had nearly 700 acres at our fingertips, and man did we run all over that place!  The dogs loved it up there too.  Down in the city, there are so many distractions that completely throw them off, but up there they are free.  No leashes there, just open-range.  We decided to leave Brutus home; to give him a break from the pups.  As he basked in the A/C, we were enjoying the great outdoors.  We also ate way too much.  Both of my parents have always cooked for an army and they do a great job at that!  One of the highlights was making homemade french fries with my pops.  Great time spent and yummy too.

The above image of that large fishing box belonged to my grandpa.  Both my great-grandpa and grandpa have always been amazing fishermen and they took such great care of all of their fishing supplies.  I think it’s pretty cool that my dad has them to share with us too.  Family is the most important thing to me.  I cherish every moment with each and every one of my family members.  I’m truly blessed.

I hope you enjoyed the above photos and a peek into my weekend.  If you can, please go camping or hiking this summer — it’s worth it, I promise!