Sep, 11

Oct. 1st Craft Show!!!

Hello fine friends!

I just love when the Fall Craft Show falls on my birthday, and this year that’s just what is going to happen.  Yay!  I would love for all of those who will be in area to stop by and check out my mom’s table as well as mine.   Here is the info and I hope to see you there!

When: Saturday October 1st, 2011 9am-4pm
Where: Adams County Regional Park and Fairgrounds – 9755 Henderson Road (Same as 124th Ave.) Brighton, Colorado 80601
What: 250 booths in 2 buildings containing super great homemade goodies and crafts, just in time for the holiday season.
More Info: FREE parking
                     $2 Admission (14 and under – FREE)
                     Food by 4-H Clubs

Sep, 11

{color crave} red berries

These beautiful berries are from our garden.  Obviously reds and greens compliment each other well, and that’s why I love this photo so much!  Sometimes the simplest things really are the most beautiful.  I think these colors could look great in a country-style kitchen.  What do you think?

Sep, 11

Roller Derby

First off, I wanted to say that I am so thankful for all of our troops and their families for sacrificing so much just to keep our country safe.  That’s a beautiful thing to be so selfless for so many people that you don’t even know.  My family and I will forever be thankful.

So I recently decided to take the plunge and join Pick Up Derby here in Denver.  I’ve been wanting to join for about 4 solid years now.  I decided to stop talking about it and just do it already.  I’m at the very first phase of this journey and let me tell you, it’s intimidating.  I have not been to the skating rink in about 13 years, and that was on roller blades… completely different from skates.  So, it’s been even longer since I had on traditional skates.  Yesterday my sister went with me to the skating rink to get back into it and it was blast!  I luckily didn’t fall at all, but I wasn’t really being a daredevil either.  One step at a time.  It felt good to get back on some skates though.

My goal is to tryout for a team on the Denver Roller Dolls in the near future.  For now, I’ll practice at the skating rink and play Pick up Derby until I get the skills to meet that goal.  I just want to have fun with it.  I ordered a pair of R3 Riedell skates yesterday, so hopefully they will fit great once they come in.

Here are a couple of inspiring roller derby images that I found online to share with you on this fine Sunday.  I’ve learned so much already… I can’t wait to learn more.

Okay, so if you have never heard of Rink Rash, it’s a burn that a skater gets when she falls on a rink and scrapes her skin.  I hear is looks pretty crazy when done through fishnets!  I also, hear that tights and leggings are the gear to wear to avoid this… and that’s just what I’ll do.

Yikes!  I didn’t even think about this.  I’m totally going to have to learn how to jump over fallen ladies!!!

Aug, 11

{color crave} Frankie

I’ve always loved color of any kind, especially color that pops!  I’ve always held onto the color values that I learned as a wee-one, and I’ve always understood color.  But it wasn’t until my college Color Theory course that I really started to pay attention to color and all that it has to offer.  I couln’t imagine a life without color.  It inspires me and keeps me focused.  For my love of color, I have decided to start a {color crave} series on my blog, basically breaking down some of my everyday photos.  My first one is of my pup, Frankie Li.  She is a beauty and she knows it.  She loves to pose for the camera, so it’s never hard to find a great shot.  I chose this photo because her baby-blues really pop and I think that is just the bees knees!  By breaking this photo down, i realized just how many colors she is made of.  I only displayed the main 5 though, because this would be a long post otherwise (smile).

Aug, 11

Happy Birthday Mom!

Happy Birthday Mom!!  You truly are the best mother that Aaron and I could ever ask for.  You are always there for us and you always support whatever we choose to do.  Thank you for being so strong and loving, you have taught us so much in life and we will always be thankful. Thank you for being you and know that we love you with all of our hearts!


Oh, and we will get you those toe-shoes!!  We need to look around and I just know that we will find them.  heeheehee

Aug, 11

Pencil-Tip Sculptures

Wow!  I just stumbled upon these and I’m amazed at the level of skill and talent that it would take to create something like this.  Not only is it amazing to me that someone would think of doing this, but it’s also amazing because it’s on such a small scale!  See more over at Bringing Design Home.

Aug, 11

Crazy Monday!

Today has been a crazy-busy day, but very productive.  I’ve been so busy with multiple projects, that I just need to stop and breath for a minute.  It seems to happen like that though, where I can have a slow period with very few projects and then BAM!  they pile up.  There is such a sense of accomplishment though.  I see progress and if feels good in the end.  The image above was taken earlier this year while the Mr. and were in Estes Park, CO.  Cute!

Aug, 11

{studio sunday} with Alejandra of Doe a Deer


Meet Alejandra of Doe a Deer!  Today we will be peeking into her studio to see where she makes all of her cute dog collars, leashes, bags and zipper pouches.  Yay!  Alejandra and I met not too long ago and what drew me to her blog was her complete honesty.  She writes about what she knows, and she doesn’t try to impress.  Ironic how that becomes impressive and very refreshing, isn’t it?!  She’s a very sweet and creative soul, so let’s see what makes her tick…

1. Who are you and what do you create/do?

My name is Alejandra, and I own a small business; Doe a Deer–I create accessories for women and their dogs, including purses, pouches and clutches; collars, leashes and doggie bandanas! I offer more muted styles, but most of what you’ll find is bright and boisterous–something that will call everyone’s attention.

2. Where is your studio located? (in your home or somewhere else?)

As of right now, I just have a small home studio–about 500 sq ft. We live in an apartment and don’t have much furniture, so I fill up the entire space of what would be the living & dining rooms.

3. How long have you had your current studio space?

As long as we’ve lived here–about nine months. And we’re due to move again. (sigh!)

4. What is your favorite part of your studio?

Tables. You can definitely never have enough. I like to have one for sewing and organizing the queue of things to be sewn, and one for cutting. Storage would have to be my second most favorite, and of course you can never have enough of that, either! When you make a myriad of different things, it’s a lot of fun trying to find items that will fit best–right now I’m using a large coat rack that I got for $3 at Goodwill to hang the bags I make.

5. Approximately how many hours per day do you spend in your studio?

12+. Being the sole mind & creative force behind any small business is harder than you could ever imagine, but so worth it.

6. Do you have any future plans for your studio space? (i.e. revamp, new location, etc.)

New location, please! Right now my significant other is job hunting, so it’s possible we could relocate to the other side of the country! We’ll just have to wait and see. My wish list for a new studio: A dedicated room with beautiful wood floors, large windows (skylights a plus), vaulted ceilings, and built in bookshelves & storage. A girl can dream, no?

7. Is there anything else that you’d like to share?

I hope you’ll visit me at my blog, Doe a Deer. I love making new friends and sharing our adventures!

Thank you so much for sharing your space with us, Alejandra!  I love how you work with what you have.  I feel that our studio spaces are always evolving and growing.  While in college, I too used the dining room, in our one-bedroom apartment, as my complete studio.  Our apartment was small, but the Mr. and I made it work.  I really have to thank him for putting up with that mess for two years!  Your space is great and I hope that you will let me know if you move and get a new space!  Please share!

Aug, 11

3 Year Wedding Anni!

Wow!  I really can’t believe that it has been 3 years, today, since I married the Mr.  Looking back, it truely was our dream wedding!  I have always loved weddings, but nothing compares to your own, really.  I remember a whirlwind of events and people swirling around me, but I was also able to focus on Ron and I joining lives forever.  It was a beautiful feeling.  I remember going into the day thinking to myself, “don’t cry too hard.”  When the time came to walk down the aisle with my mom on one arm and my dad on the other, I was shocked that only smiles came… no tears at all!  I was just so happy and excited to marry Ron, that there was no room for tears.  As I approached the alter, I realized my “tough” hubby-to-be was all teary-eyed.  Awwwww… it meant a lot to see him like that, because he doesn’t cry.  I knew at that moment that he loved me more than ever and I felt the same.  But why wasn’t I crying?!  I thought everyone would think that I was insensitive.  I had to quickly snap out of that mindset and focus, “I’m not crying because I too stinkin’ happy, that’s why!”  haha After that, I made sure to listen to all of the vows and everything around me.  I wanted to absorb that moment and remember it forever.  It was such a magical day and now each year I get to relive a piece of it over and over with him.

I have a surprise for Ron for our wedding anni, but it isn’t until this Sunday.  I’ll be sure to share it with you next week, as not to spoil the big event!

Aug, 11

Happy Monday!

Awww… I was looking through my image bank and found this sweet little photo.  This was taken earlier this summer in Estes Park, CO.  If you have never been there, you should make it a point to visit.  It is such a sweet, natural and innocent town.  It’s full of charm and beautiful wildlife!

As you know, I’m a sucker for animals in general, so I just had to share this sweet little photo.  I hope your Monday is treating you well and I better get back to sewing!