Apr, 12

Now Excepting May Sponsors

Hello lovelies!  Chickiedee is now excepting May Sponsors.  You can find all of the info here, including rates.  I offer one size ad space (180×180 pixel) with one, two and three month options.  I hope your Tuesday is a great one! ♥RobbieLee

Apr, 12

{a list of…} pretty patterns

I love patterns of all kinds, these are just a few of my recent favorites.  Bold patterns can be great alone, but I think they are best when paired together.  What are your favorite patterns these days? ♥RobbieLee

1. Chevron is very popular these days and for good reason, too.  It’s bold and can be worn in many colors to offer that “look at me” affect.  {image via pacific atlantic}
2. Floral prints are oh-so-girly and perfect for Spring!  I love big and bold floral prints best these days. {image via tumbler}
3. Stripes are so super sweet, because they can also be worn in any color, thickness and angle (yes, even horizontally) {image via the pretty haze}
4. Gingham is very prim and proper and perfect for a wedding, baby shower or brunch with the girls.  It’s so classic. {image via pacific atlantic}
5. Spots!  Big or small, this pattern can be worn anytime, anywhere, because they’re so fun! {image via pinterest …original source not known}

Apr, 12

{studio sunday} with Charlie at Polka Dots Are Love

Meet Charlie at Polka Dots Are Love!  She’s a wife, crafter and vintage lover who has an amazingly beautiful studio space to share with us on this fine Sunday.  I really enjoyed peeking into her studio because its green and big!  She has so much space to create… see for yourself!

1. Who are you and what do you do?
Hi! My name is Charlie and I am the girl behind Polka Dots are Love.  I spend my days creating fun and colorful things for the shop and my nights adventuring through thrift stores in search of awesome finds (or just reading a book). I share these adventures and a little more on my blog!

2. Where is your studio located?
My studio is an extra bedroom in my home.

3. How long have you had your current studio space?
I have had this space for about 2 years. I have really grown into it and made it something I love.

4. What is your favorite part of your studio?
My favorite part would have to be the kitchen table I use as my work table.  It was my grandmother’s and I love having a piece of her in my space.

5. Approximately how many hours per day do you spend in your studio?
It all depends on what I have going on that day, but I do know that more often than not I spend an entire day in there without even realizing it.

6. Do you have any future plans for your studio space?
My studio space is always changing. I would like to maybe paint it, but I can never decide on a color… so green it stays!

7. Is there anything else that you’d like to share?

Thank you for taking the time to check out my studio, and thank you RobbieLee for having me!


You are very welcome, Charlie!  Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful and inspiring studio.  I love how much open space you have and the green walls are the perfect color, in my opinion!  I also really love how you used the door-hanging shoe rack to store all of your little supplies – clever.  Keep creating your lovely items and thank you again.
Be sure to visit Charlie’s shop + blog for some great gifts, projects and daily updates! ♥RobbieLee

Apr, 12

Photography Wishlist

Photography has become a bigger part of my life than I could have ever imagined.  I’ve always enjoyed taking photos of family and friends to capture those special moments, but I never thought it would become part of my daily life and small business.  I take photos every single day now, both for Chickiedee and for fun.  It really all started a couple of years ago when the Mr. surprised me with my very own iPhone4!!!  The camera was as good as our little Kodak, and I always had it on me, so why not snap photos all day long!  Then he bought us a Nikon D80 and that opened up a whole new world for me.  Now my product photos and blog photos are gaining strength as I learn how to properly use it.

Being an art major has really helped me understand photography quickly, because the most important thing in both is lighting.  Without good lighting, your photos won’t be strong as they could be.  I feel that I have a pretty good grasp on using the Nikon, but I know I have so much more to learn, and I’m excited to do so!

With that said, there are other photography goodies that I have on my wishlist… some are gadgets for the Nikon and others are just for fun.  I’m slowly growing my collection of photography goods.  As you already know, I just received my Teal Rose Camera Bag from Jo Totes just a couple of weeks ago, and I couldn’t be more happy with it.  Below are the things that I would like to add to this collection.  Do you have any of these fun items?  If so, tell me what you think of them! ♥RobbieLee

1. Instax Wide Instant Camera
2. Photojojo! The Book
3. Ruffle Camera Strap
4. Ring Flash Adapter
5. Instax Mini 7s + Mini 25 Instant Cameras
6. White Balance Lens Cap

Apr, 12

Style Crush | Lana Del Rey

Okay, so I’ve been a dedicated American Idol fan since the beginning… and yes, I vote every week.  This season Lana Del Rey was a guest performer and before then, I had never heard of her.  How could this be?!  Not only does she have amazing style, but the girl can sing!  She is so unique and talented, I can’t believe I hadn’t heard of her earlier.  Her voice is soft and bold all at the same time and I love how her sound is so innocent, with a twist.  She’s beautiful with a hint of a darker side that peeks out just enough to keep you interested.  If you haven’t heard her sing, Google or Pandora her.  I promise you wont regret it.  I personally love “Video Games,” as that was the first song I heard her sing on American Idol.  I’m glad that I found her and I think you will enjoy her style as well. ♥RobbieLee

Images via last.fm

Apr, 12

{a list of…} April Projects

Today I’ve created {a list of…} April Project that I’ll be working on.  Spring is here and I’m ready to get more things rolling forward!

Dolphin Magic Craft Bazaar!  My mom and I will be in this lovely craft show on May 12th from 10am-4pm at Plymouth Hall (3501 S. Colorado Blvd., Cherry Hills Village, Colorado 80113 USA).  This show will help preserve our Oceans and Marine Wildlife, too!  I always love being apart of something that benefits our wildlife, environment and well-being.  So, I’ll be busy sewing and making bunches of goodies for this show.

→ Adding “Series” buttons to the left sidebar of this blog.  This way you have all of my weekly/monthly features at your fingertips!

→ I’m working with some very lovely and talented ladies to bring you some wonderful {studio sunday} features this month, so be sure to check back in every Sunday to read about their workspaces.  I bet you’ll find some amazing inspiration!

Cleaning up my studio… again!  I have to do a huge clean every so often, because I just start pulling out all sorts of things at once and admittedly don’t put it away in a timely manner.

Adding some Spring Products to the shop!  I’m making some new things for Spring to add to the shop and I can’t wait to share them with you!

New weekly Series!  I’ll be starting a new weekly outfit series.  I’ve had a few lovely blog, Instagram and Facebook friends ask me to share more photos of what I’m wearing (I guess they only catch glimpses of my outfits and I’m happy to share more).  I know several lovely ladies and gents in our community that do this and it’s exciting to know that we can share outfit ideas!  I think this will be fun and I can’t wait to get it started.

Paintings!  I’ll be painting a lot more this month, so I’ll be sharing sneak peeks of what I’m working on in the studio.  Then I’ll add them to the shop!  Here’s a little secret… I’ll be offering custom Roblin paintings here very soon, so I’ll keep you updated!

Dog Training!  After lots of calling and interviewing of dog trainers, I’ve happily decided to go with a local woman who just happens to live in our town.  She met with Frankie + Tucker on Friday and they loved her!  She said that they were already very attentive and good listeners, so this should be fun.  Since we adopted them as puppies, I didn’t know the first thing about training a dog, let alone two at the same time.  I read books, watched the shows and googled how-to’s with just a little luck and progress to show for it.  I knew that it was not the dogs that were untrainable, it was me and I didn’t know where or how to begin.  So, the trainer is really for me I suppose, haha!  We will be working with the trainer all this month, into next, so I’m hoping for the best.  Oh, funny side note, Brutus thinks he’s a dog, so as soon as he realized that she had treats, he ran up on her lap and did a few “tricks” of his own to get them.  Maybe I will train him along with the pups?

Spring Cleaning!  I plan to go through closets, cabinets and the garage to donate things that we have not used in a while.  We are out-growing our home so quickly, so we need to stay on top of that.

A new site!  I’ve been working on a side project re-vamp recently, and now I’m ready to take it to the next level.  So, I plan to work on that a lot this month.  As you may or may not know, I’m a graphic designer as well!  In the past and until recently, I’ve kept the two sides of my business separate.  I’ve decided to take my freelance graphic design business in a new direction.  I want to focus on small business, like mine, and help them become the best that they can be.  One of the biggest changes will be the name (which I will share very soon).  I’ll keep you posted as things progress.

What about you, do you have any April projects going on?  ♥RobbieLee

Apr, 12

{studio sunday} with christine at flapper girl

Happy Easter to all who celebrate!  Today I’m so thrilled to have Christine at Flapper Girl share her adorable studio space!!!  I’m sure you have seen her around, as she is quite the talented lady.  She does graphic design and makes these lovely Lady Ties!  Be sure to stop by her shop and sites to learn more about her and what she does.  All right, are you ready to peek into her studio?!  I thought so!

1. Who are you and what do you do?

Hello. My name is Christine, and I spend most of my time either combing through vintage treasures at antique malls, estate sales and thrift stores, or expressing my creativity though sewing and graphic design. I bring these passions together with Flapper Girl, my line of cute, retro, and well-crafted designs that are inspired by fabulous second-hand treasures and life in lovely Portland, Oregon. 

Most of what I make these days for Flapper Girl is retro neckwear for women I lovingly refer to as Lady Ties, but I’m a vintage ephemera addict as well, and make paper garlands with vintage flair. 

2. Where is your studio located?

I carved out a tiny space in my apartment for my studio. 

3. How long have you had your current studio space?

I’ve had my current studio space since I first started Flapper Girl, but it’s gone through so many changes! It looks nothing like it did when I first created it. 

4. What is your favorite part of your studio?

My favorite things about my studio are: 

• My vintage pink Morse sewing machine. It is so cute and is such a workhorse! I sew everything on it.

• My small cabinet of vintage ephemera. I get so much inspiration from old things!

• The totally creepy, awesome, and badass framed art print above my sewing table. It’s called “Still life with skull” and is a reprint from an old daguerrotype from 1850. I am so goth at heart, so I really love this print. It was a birthday present from my husband a few years ago.

• My vintage chipmunk lamp which is stationed at my sewing table.

5. Approximately how many hours per day do you spend in your studio?

It depends on the day and what’s going on. I’m also a graphic designer, and I’m finishing up college, so some days I don’t step into it at all, but other days when I have time to create or I am filling orders, I can be in there all day. I’m looking forward to graduating this summer, so I can have more time to spend creating. 

6. Do you have any future plans for your studio space? 

I dream of having a studio space outside of my home some day. I really like the idea of getting a large space and sharing it with my husband or some of my creative friends.

7. Is there anything else that you’d like to share?

I hope you’ll come visit me over on my blog or on Pinterest

Thank you so much for having me on Studio Sunday RobbieLee 🙂 


Oh, you are so welcome and thank you for sharing your lovely work space.  I really enjoyed having you and you were a true pleasure to work with!  Here are some other places on the web where you can visit and learn more about Christine and her creative talents, be sure to check them out:

Flapper Girl Website: http://flappergirl.org/

My Graphic Design Website: http://christineblystone.com/

Etsy Store: http://www.etsy.com/shop/flappergirl

Blog: http://flappergirlcreations.wordpress.com/

Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/theeflappergirl/


Apr, 12

dream dresses

It’s Friday!  Any big plans for the weekend?  Well, how about a little window shopping?  I’m sucker for a cute, girly, vintage, or playful dress!  They make me feel good and they are great for everyday.  Here are a few of my dream dresses… currently.

Berry On Top {modcloth}

Mythography Dress {anthropologie


The Sewing Kit Dress {Red Velvet}

 I’ll keep these on my list, even though the last one is sold out at the moment.  What do your dream dresses look like?  ♥RobbieLee

Apr, 12

My Creative Process

Today I thought it would be fun to share my creative process with you.  Who knows, it just might inspire you!  Over the years, parts of my creative process have changed slightly, and rightfully so.  As I grow and evolve, so does everything around me.  For the most part, though, the major things have stayed the same.  These key elements are what make up my creative process and keep me moving forward.

 Sketchbook + Idea Book

My sketchbook + idea book are the most important parts of my overall creative process.  Why you ask?  Well, because that’s where all of my ideas, blog posts, thoughts, sketches, projects, dreams and goals live.  Without a place to store all of this info, I would probably go crazy.  Could you imagine, it’s like having a million and three to-do lists mixed with ideas and projects all stored in your head!!!  I don’t like the feeling of having to remember all sorts of important things, it stresses me.  So these allow me to get everything out of my head for the time being, so I can continue working on my current project.  Then, when I’m ready, I simply flip through them and start the next project.

Each of these books serve a very similar purpose, they just live in different places.  My sketchbook stays at home (or sometimes travels on long trips) and allows me to really go into depth on an idea or project.  It’s larger and easier to layout all of my thoughts.  Whereas, my idea book goes everywhere with me!  It’s a mini Moleskine journal that fits snugly in my bag and is readily available when I’m out and about and an idea pops into my head.  If I don’t write it down right away, I can lose that idea for good.  It’s happened before and I’ve kicked myself for not taking the time to jot it down.  By having my idea book along with my sketchbook, it has really helped me maintain my creative process.  It keeps me focused, inspired and motivated to keep doing what I love.

So, these two books are usually the first step in anything that I do creatively… other than thinking it up, I suppose!  ha!

 Being A Perfectionist

I am indeed a perfectionist in everything that I do.  That probably explains why it takes me a bit longer to execute ideas.  In school (especially in college) I would actually scrap an ENTIRE project if it didn’t feel right!!!  Crazy, I know.  In fact, that wasn’t normally like me.  I’m the type of person who will save everything, just in case.  So why did I scrap it all in a few instances?  Your guess is as good as mine.  I truly believe it was because I felt even more pressure than ever to be perfect.  I no longer do this (thank goodness!), but I still struggle with the idea of creating the “perfect” this or that.  I’m trying to learn when to just let it be and call it done.  Being a perfectionist can really hinder a creative person, because it holds you back from what your natural talents are.  They clash!  Sometimes I feel like my best work comes out when I don’t over think it.  Why can’t it always be this way?

I’ve come to realize that being a perfectionist is a part of me.  It has it’s fair share of good, too, because I feel like I’m constantly pushing myself to learn new things or to try new things (and perfect them to the best of my ability).  So, overall, yes, it can hold me back… if I let it, but if I keep tight reins on it, things will continue to move forward.

Staying Motivated + Inspired

Staying inspired is very easy for me because almost everything can inspire me in one way or another.  I’m inspired by other creatives, bloggers, family, color, art, design, typography, food, nature, etc.  Really, the list goes on.  I can read blogs and browse Pinterest all day long and leave feeling very creative.  The weather also plays into this.  If it’s gloomy and rainy outside, all I want to do is sit inside and craft!  It’s my absolute favorite.

Staying motivated is a bit more of a challenge at times.  I can gather all sorts of inspiration, but then when it comes to sitting down and actually doing whatever it is that I want to do… I can go off and play with the dogs or cat or whatever.  I feel motivated when it’s not forced.  If I’m sitting down at the computer and have to write a post, nothing will get done.  Or if I am inspired to create, but don’t have a plan, then it won’t get done.  I have to have the exact details worked out before I start.  Once I do, it’s motivation city!

Since motivation comes in waves, I have to make sure that I stay on track when it’s low.  To do this, I brainstorm and plan, but not in a forced way.  I usually go off and read an inspiring story, let it soak in and then I can regain that feeling of being motivated.  I can’t just sit down and “get to work,” if you will.


Creating itself, is naturally part of my creative process… heeheehee.  When I get to this point, after all of the inspiration, sketching, and motivation to do it, it’s on!  I get so into it and I can’t stop until I’m done.  A huge mess usually follows this step, but it’s worth it.  With that said, I’m a clean freak in certain areas of my life.  So, I don’t mean a mess, as in paint spattered on my clothes or fabric on the floor (heavens no!).  I mean when I pull things out to “create,” I pull out everything that might be needed!  …and it usually stays out until I’m forced to put it back away.  I like to keep it out until the project’s finished. 

Whether it’s sewing or painting or designing, I fully submerge myself into it and make it happen.  This of course is the best part of my creative process, because I get to see the final product.  It’s a beautiful thing to see an idea on paper grow into something real.  Just wonderful.

How about you?!  What’s your creative process?  What keeps you inspired and motivated to keep moving forward?  Do share!  I hope you had fun reading, ♥RobbieLee

Apr, 12

my inspiration boards…

Since today is a gloomy and snowy day here in Central Colorado, I’ve been feeling very creative and easily inspired by many things around me.  One of them being my inspiration boards that hang in my studio.  I recently updated them and can’t stop glancing over.  I love having these boards to pin things like cute outfits, things I want to do, goals, memories, inspiring stories and little gifts from those I love.  It’s important that I surround myself with these lovely things to keep me feeling motivated.  I constantly want to move forward, but not before enjoying the moment.  These boards help me do that.  I’m constantly adding things here and there, too! 

How about you? Do you have an inspiration board (besides Pinterest… ha)!?

Thanks for stopping by! ♥RobbieLee

p.s. the lovely arrows are from Hello Vanny!