Jun, 12Parody of a Cover of Gotye
These are too good and too funny not to share! I love Gotye’s hit song “Someone I Used To Know” so naturally I would love these!
This is the Cover version by Walk Off The Earth. It’s amazing how they all play the same instrument at the same time! Such talented voices too!
These guys are so talented too, and oh so funny! I’m still laughing… hahahaha!
Jun, 12{a list of…} my favorite inspirational quotes
{This one is my latest favorite, but I don’t know who said it. If you know, please share with me so I can give credit where credit is due. Thanks!}
As a creative, I find that I’m easily inspired by visual things, like photographs, paintings, sculptures, etc. But, once in a while something written will truly inspire me in the same way. I love when that happens! These are a few of my favorite inspirational quotes, what are your favorites?
This was a fun little project, it actually would make for a great {diy}. All you need is some pretty pretty magazine pages (I used some from Harper’s Bazaar), some markers and your favorite quotes. They came out so pretty that they are almost frame-able, eh? Note: For a few of the quotes, I was unable to find who said them, so if you know, please let me know! Thanks! ♥rl
Jun, 12Roblin Hoop Art
Roblin Hoop Art is here! These three beauties are now in the shop and they’re one-of-a-kind, so get them while they are here. I also accept custom orders, so feel free to email me if you’re interested at robbielee at chickiedee dot com.
Jun, 12A Peek At The Newest Roblins
I’m so excited to add these little guys to the shop this week! It’s a style/technique that I haven’t done in a while, and it’s the first time I’ve ever done it with Roblins! So exciting! Well, I had better get back to laundry, but I will have these in the shop by this evening, so I’ll see you then! ♥rl
Jun, 12a mother + daughter outing
Holy cow! I just found this cute little post in my “drafts” folder!!! Sheesh! Well, the photos are fun and the day was magical, so enjoy…
Saturday, April 21st, my mom and I went to the 2nd annual Firefly Handmade Market in beautiful Boulder, CO. This craft fair was so sweet and magical, because it was set up at the base of the Flatiron Mountains in the Chautauqua Community House. There were about 60+ handmade vendors there all sharing what they do best, and it was nice to be a customer for a day. In addition to the lovely creatives and their crafts, they also had a photo booth, which as you can see, we spent a lot of time in… haha!
Oh, and we did end the day with some light shopping in Boulder and coffee. Perfect!
Spending the day up there with my momma was a lot of fun, now we have to get back to work and prep for our two upcoming craft shows! Yikes! One in May (past), and one in July. I hope you enjoyed peeking at our photos. Have a great day! ♥RobbieLee
Jun, 121,000th Instagram Photo
Holy Smokes! I’m coming up on my 1,000th Instagram photo! I’m actually super excited about it and to celebrate, I thought I’d do a “photo an hour” today! It will start from the hour I wake up to the hour I decide to go to bed. If you want to follow along, please feel free to on Instagram (@robbielee).
Here are a few of my favorite Instagram photos thus far…
Also, Father’s Day is fast approaching, any big plans? ♥rl
Jun, 12Giraffe Print
Happy Friday! I just had to share a peek at my new giraffe print top… I love it! hahaha Anyhoo, I’ll be back later with another post (hint: Instagram). Have a lovely day and I’ll see you soon! ♥rl
Jun, 12let the fur fly
Oh boy has it been hot here in Colorado! I can’t imagine what it must be like to have fur. This year we decided to shave our Heeler-pups, but were told by the groomers that they highly recommend NOT shaving Blue Heelers (and some other breeds, so ask your groomers), because there is a 50% chance that their hair will NEVER grow back!!! I’ve never heard such crazy talk. We were also told that if their hair does grow back, it won’t be the same as before and they can get alopecia. Yikes! Who knew a shave could be so risky. I didn’t believe it at first, but the Mr. Googled it and what she said was confirmed. So, we decided not to shave them and we went the de-shedding route. They look the same, but when I saw how much hair they pulled from their under-coat, I was more convinced that they’d be cool for the summer. It’s just so hot for them right now. Then, with our outrageously cold winters here, I didn’t want to risk them being bald forever, so I think we made the right choice. In the end, they got a bath, blow dry, ear and eye wash, nail trim, de-shedding brush-out and bows. They are shiny and new. How about your pets, do they get any special summer groom?
Jun, 12staying on track
Yesterday was a rough day, but my hubby and mom managed to talk me through it. They both know me so well and always know what to say. My mom sent me home with a fresh avocado and lime salad to snack on and the hubby surprised me with an impromptu date-night. I’m truly blessed. I’m surrounded by sweet people who care about me and what I’m doing. I was reminded of this last night and I feel back on track this morning.
I have a lot to do and a lot to keep me busy this week. I have so many lovely new products in my idea book, just waiting to be made, but first I have to finish a few custom and freelance pieces. I’ll keep you updated and I hope that you can take a moment today to think of what/who you are thankful for. ♥rl
Jun, 12{diy} scrappy hangers
If you have a hubby like mine who works in the finance world, then you know a thing or two about dry cleaning and all that comes with it. The wire hangers are out of control! They’re great to bring his crisp clothes home, but once they get there, they just end up in a big box and forgotten.
The sad part is that you can’t recycle wire hangers and you shouldn’t throw them away, because they don’t break down and they pose a threat to local wildlife. So, there are two things you can do with them… either use them at home, or return them to your dry cleaners for them to reuse. My problem is that I don’t like uncoated wire hangers, because they can leave rust marks on your clothes, and I never remember to take them back to the dry cleaners. Sheesh!
Well, the other day I realized that we didn’t have enough hangers in the house! How could this be?! We actually haven’t been shopping in a while. I saw the box of dreadful, uncoated, hangers and thought, “I sure wish I knew how to crochet around the hangers like grandma used to.” Then the light bulb… why don’t I use all of those fabric scraps and wrap them?!?! To my amazement, they came out scrappy and lovely, so I thought I’d share just how easy it was with just a few supplies.
• Wire hangers
• Fabric scraps (cut about 1 in wide and however long you want)
• Scissors
• Hot Glue gun and glue sticks
Once you have all of your supplies, simply cut your scraps into roughly 1 inch thick strips. You can use your rotor blade and cut mat to cut them evenly, but I cut mine by hand. I didn’t see a need for them to be perfectly straight and it adds character.
Then place a strip of hot glue along the tip of the hook and attach the end of your first strip of fabric.
Then you begin to wrap the fabric around the hanger, applying glue every 5-7 inches. Keep the fabric tight, but not too tight.
Secure the tail end with some glue and you’re done!
Some of my scraps were shorter than others, so I just added then on where the last one left off and so on. Then, if I didn’t have enough of one pattern to complete a full hanger, I just mixed and matched! I found that the smaller your print or pattern, the better they look.
Bonus: The fabric is great for your little strappy dresses and tanks that never stay on the smooth hangers (the ones without the hooks, anyway). So, not only are you reusing and saving the environment, you get to pretty up your closet with very functional style!
I hope you get a chance to try this, and if you do, let me know how it all turns out! ♥rl