Mar, 11

Happy Birthday Jessica!

Today is one of my best friend’s birthday and she’s 27!  It’s bitter sweet for me because, it will probably be the last one we spend together for a long time.  As you may already know, she’s getting married and moving to Memphis.  I’m thrilled that she’s getting married and taking the next big step, but I will miss her so much.  Jessica and I have been friends since Kindergarten – no joke!  We have so much in common and we can talk for hours on end without ever realizing the time.  Our favorite place to go and chat is, of course, at Starbucks.  We usually sit there for about 4 hours and we never seem to talk about the same thing.

It’s pretty funny because, I’m pretty sure that the Starbucks employees dread the days we come in.  We will stay there until they lock the doors!  At least they get our $$.  I will miss her, but I told her that we can still have our Starbucks dates, just via webcam.  It’s the next best thing!  I’m so happy for her and her beau!

For her birthday, I framed the Starbucks Sign (below) that I took on one of our dates, and gave it to her.  This way she never forgets me.  On that note, Happy Birthday Jessica, I love you, dear!

Aug, 10

tonight’s craving…

…tonight’s craving is STARBUCKS!  To be more specific, I’m craving a Tall Mocha Frappacino with an extra shot of mocha, topped with whipped cream…please.
{oh, and Starbucks, you can thank me later for the free advertising…hee hee hee}