Jul, 11pet peeves
I thought Monday would be a good day to share a few of my current pet peeves. They are not in any particular order…
• People who are mean to animals (this includes leaving them in a car on a hot day)
• When people call, you don’t answer, so they call 4 more times
• Bicyclists who don’t go the speed limit and refuse to move over to share the road… the sidewalk is good if you can’t keep up
• Jealousy
• Road rage
• Loud people who interrupt
• Unnecessary Drama… which is all drama
• Telemarketers that continue to call even after you’ve asked them not too. I understand it’s a job, but really?
• Those who don’t pick up after their dogs in public areas
• Lack of a sense of humor
• An entitled attitude and bossiness
• Rudeness
• Bottom feeders or moochers
This is my current list, what does your current list look like?
July 12, 2011 at 7:21 pm
I don’t like people abusing or neglecting their pets either.
I love our pups!
you need some new pants Chickie babe!
July 12, 2011 at 8:28 pm
I know, I sure do. These ones are just so comfy… I love them! hee hee hee
July 14, 2011 at 10:36 am
I don’t like when people leave their animals outside in extreme hot or cold weather! We need to protect them.