Jan, 11a few of my favorite things…
I love to surround myself with things that inspire creativity on all levels. Here are a few of my favorite things…
1-Silver Pigeon! I L.O.V.E Pigeons to pieces, so when I saw this piece, I just had to have it!!! 2-My odd-and-end fabric collection (I also love the photo that my friends gave me from Santa Barbara!). 3-My Mac… it would be difficult to live without it… 4-My Sharpies and pens always an arms length away. 5-The sand from our sand ceremony at our wedding. 6-My sewing machine. 7-The Pigeon photo that my friend gave me for one of my birthdays. 8-My Peacock feathers. I buy on each year from a woman at the Indian Market in Denver. She has her own Peacocks and she collects the fallen feathers. So, no plucking! 🙂
Thanks for stopping by today! RobbieLee
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