Aug, 09Birdies & Branches | New Burp Cloth by Chickiedee
Here is Chickiedee’s latest Burp Cloth design, Birdies & Branches! It’s now larger, softer, and wider to catch any mess thrown its way! The print side is 100% Cotton and the back is Bumpy Green Minky. Dimensions: 10″ x 17″ This makes for a great baby shower gift!
Aug, 09Jill and Kevin’s Big Day | Amazing Wedding Entrance
Unfortunately I was unable to embed this YouTube Video into this Blog, but please take a minute and visit Jill and Kevin’s Big Day Wedding Entance! It’s so creative, fun, and just plain amazing! I would have loved to have been there in person. Can you imagine how much fun they had practicing this during the Rehersal?! It’s so cool that the entire wedding party gave it their all til the very end! Now, those are great friends! I wish them a long and exciting life together!
{P.S. Gotta love the Chris Brown Song!}
Aug, 09Helpful Tips For You
Next time you’re at the grocery store, take a list and grab a basket instead of a cart. You’ll buy less, avoid impulse buys, spend less, and burn more calories!
- Don’t toss the sterile cotton from the tops of vitamin or pill bottles – save it for cosmetics or first aid, and that’s one less purchase to make.
- Save all of the paper packaging that comes your way that can be used one more time before recycling. Put it all in a central location so you can find what you need later. Bubble wrap, corrugated cardboard, gift bags, cardboard from shirts and tights, tissue paper, etc. can all be used again for gift wrapping or arts and crafts time with the kids!
- Save paper by shrinking your margins to fit more words per page.
All of these tips are from Page-A-Day Calendar: www.pageaday.com and the image is from http://gopalshenoy.files.wordpress.com
Jul, 09“Pop” Top Purse | Evnvironmental A-Wear-Ness
Every year I go to Taos, New Mexico with my family on vacation. I just love the sweet little shops they have in the Taos Plaza. This past weekend was the Fiesta and the Plaza was full of life! While shopping, we came across this store called At Home In Taos. As soon as you walk in you feel so cozy and comfortable. The store has a hodgepodge of everything from handmade ceramic buttons to home decor. While there, I came across this purse made from soda can tabs! Talk about upcycling! At $26.95, I thought it was a little steep, but finally gave in and it’s the “greenest” purse that I own! I just love it and I’m so happy that I bought it. I’m not sure if Two’s Company actually made this or not, but the tag on the purse said Two’s Company. On the back of the tag it says this:
“Keep tabs on the environment while making a statement with this eye-catching conversation piece. Artfully hand crocheted using nylon thread and soda pull-tabs, this stylish ‘eco-chic’ product takes recycling to the next level by raising the awareness of environmental preservation. With the purchase of each bag, we will make a donation to an eco-friendly organization. Spot clean only. Wipe with a cloth.”
Jul, 09Anti-Theft Lunch Bags | Perpetual Kid
These are friggin’ clever as anything! I just stumbled over them and love them! These are a fun way to protect your lunch from nasty co-workers or roommates that always steal your lunch. Well, never again with these awesome little food safe, reusable, and recyclable lunch bags that makes your food look like it has mold on it! That’s right, these bags make your food look spoiled so no one eats it! So clever! You get 25 lunch bags per box for $9.99 at Perpetual Kid. Enjoy Lunch!
Jul, 09Did You Know? | Earth Day
“Earth Day is the first completely international and universal holiday that the world has ever known. Every other holiday was tied to one place, or some political or special event. This day is tied to Earth itself, and to the place of Earth in the whole solar system.”
– Anthropologist Margaret Mead, 1977
Jul, 09Go Barefoot | Soles4Souls.org
I just heard of this cause called Soles4Souls and it’s absolutely awesome! Instead of throwing away your gently used shoes and taking up unnecessary landfill space, donate them to Soles4Souls and make a difference in someone else’s life! What a great thing! You get rid of unwanted shoes… perhaps to make room for new ones, and people who really need shoes get them! Let’s help eachother out. Celebs like Scarlett Johansson are jumping on board too! It’s always nice to see people giving when they can.
Jul, 09Chickiedee’s Latest Model | Elena
Isn’t she just the sweetest lil girl! Elena looks oh so pretty in the garden with Chickiedee!
Jul, 09a quote for today
I found this quote by Biologist E. O. Wilson in my Green Daily Calendar and thought I would share it with all of you! Let me know what you think!
“Destroying rain forest for economic gain is like burning a Renaissance painting to cook a meal.”
Put that in your back pocket!!
Jul, 09Keep Your Lawn Happy
Keep your lawn and pocket-book happy by watering it early in the morning, around 5am. Why, you ask? Because the lower temperatures at that time gaurantee less evaporation, lower winds mean your grass is less likely to be blown dry, and high humidity and morning dew contribute to whatever’s coming out of your sprinkler or hose. Early-morning watering also helps prevent lawn diseases, because your lawn will be dry by nighttime. So your lawn gets more water, therefore it is happier and so are you because you have a rockin’ green lawn and spend less money achiving it!